Creating and Deploying a Contract ================================ There are 3 type of environments Remix can be plugged to: `Javascript VM`, `Injected provider`, or `Web3 provider`. (for details see [Running transactions]( Both `Web3 provider` and `Injected provider` require the use of an external tool. The external tool for `Web3 provider` is an Ethereum node and for `Injected provider` Metamask. The `JavaScript VM` mode is convenient because each execution runs in your browser and you don't need any other software or Ethereum node to run it. So, it is the easiest test environment - **no setup required!** But keep in mind that reloading the browser when you are in the Javascript VM will restart Remix in an empty state. For performance purposes ( which is to say - for testing in an environment that is closest to the mainnet), it might also be better to use an external node. Selecting the VM mode --------------------- Make sure the VM mode is selected. All accounts displayed in `Accounts` should have 100 ether. Sample contract --------------- ``` {.sourceCode .none} pragma solidity ^0.5.1; contract testContract { uint value; constructor (uint _p) public { value = _p; } function setP(uint _n) payable public { value = _n; } function setNP(uint _n) public { value = _n; } function get () view public returns (uint) { return value; } } ``` This contract is very basic. The goal is to quickly start to create and to interact with a sample contract. Deploying an instance --------------------- The `Compile tab` displays information related to the current contract (note that there can be more than one) (see ../compile\_tab). Moving on, in the `Run tab` select, `JavaScript VM` to specify that you are going to deploy an instance of the contract in the `JavaScript VM` state. ![](images/a-jvm.png) The constructor of `Ballot.sol` needs a parameter (of type `uint8`). Give any value and click on `Deploy`. The transaction which deploys the instance of `Ballot` is created. In a "normal" blockchain, it can take several seconds to execute. This is the time for the transaction to be mined. However, because we are using the `JavaScript VM`, our execution is immediate. The terminal will inform you about the transaction. You can see details there and start debugging. The newly created instance is displayed in the `run tab`. ![](images/a-jvm-instance.png) Interacting with an instance ---------------------------- This new instance contains 3 actions which corresponds to the 3 functions (`setP`, `setPN`, `get`). Clicking on `SetP` or `SetPN` will create a new transaction. Note that `SetP` is `payable` (red button) : it is possible to send value (Ether) to the contract. `SetPN` is not payable (orange button - depending on the theme) : it is not possible to send value (Ether) to the contract. Clicking on `get` will not execute a transaction (usually its a blue button - depending on the theme). It doesn't execute a transaction because a `get` does not modify the state (variable `value`) of this instance. As `get` is `view` you can see the return value just below the action. ![](images/a-jvm-calling-instance.png)