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335 lines
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335 lines
13 KiB
function UniversalDApp (contracts, options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.$el = $('<div class="udapp" />');
this.contracts = contracts;
if (web3.currentProvider) {
} else if (options.vm) {
this.stateTrie = new EthVm.Trie();
this.vm = new EthVm.VM(this.stateTrie);
//@todo this does not calculate the gas costs correctly but gets the job done.
this.identityCode = 'return { gasUsed: 1, return:, exception: 1 };';
this.identityAddr = ethUtil.pad(new Buffer('04', 'hex'), 20)
this.vm.loadPrecompiled(this.identityAddr, this.identityCode);
this.secretKey = '3cd7232cd6f3fc66a57a6bedc1a8ed6c228fff0a327e169c2bcc5e869ed49511'
this.publicKey = '0406cc661590d48ee972944b35ad13ff03c7876eae3fd191e8a2f77311b0a3c6613407b5005e63d7d8d76b89d5f900cde691497688bb281e07a5052ff61edebdc0'
this.address = ethUtil.pubToAddress(new Buffer(this.publicKey, 'hex'));
this.account = new EthVm.Account();
this.account.balance = 'f00000000000000001';
this.nonce = 0;
this.stateTrie.put(this.address, this.account.serialize());
} else {
var host = || "localhost";
var port = options.port || "8545";
var rpc_url = 'http://' + host + ':' + port;
web3.setProvider( new web3.providers.HttpProvider( rpc_url ) );
UniversalDApp.prototype.render = function () {
if (this.contracts.length == 0) {
this.$el.append( this.getABIInputForm() );
} else {
for (var c in this.contracts) {
var $contractEl = $('<div class="contract"/>');
if (this.contracts[c].address) {
this.getInstanceInterface(this.contracts[c], this.contracts[c].address, $contractEl );
} else {
var $title = $('<span class="title"/>').text( this.contracts[c].name );
$contractEl.append( $title ).append( this.getCreateInterface( $contractEl, this.contracts[c]) );
this.$el.append( $contractEl );
$legend = $('<div class="legend" />')
.append( $('<div class="attach"/>').text('Attach') )
.append( $('<div class="transact"/>').text('Transact') )
.append( $('<div class="call"/>').text('Call') )
this.$el.append( $('<div class="poweredBy" />')
.html("<a href=''>Universal ÐApp</a> powered by The Blockchain") )
this.$el.append( $legend )
return this.$el;
UniversalDApp.prototype.getABIInputForm = function (cb){
var self = this;
var $el = $('<div class="udapp-setup" />');
var $jsonInput = $('<textarea class="json" placeholder=\'[ { "name": name, "bytecode": bytyecode, "interface": abi }, { ... } ]\'/>')
var $createButton = $('<button class="udapp-create"/>').text('Create a Universal ÐApp')
var contracts = $.parseJSON( $jsonInput.val() );
if (cb) {
var err = null;
var dapp = null;
try {
dapp = new UniversalDApp( contracts, self.options );
} catch(e) {
err = e;
cb( err, dapp )
} else {
self.contracts = contracts;
self.$el.empty().append( self.render() )
$el.append( $jsonInput ).append( $createButton )
return $el;
UniversalDApp.prototype.getCreateInterface = function ($container, contract) {
var self = this;
var $createInterface = $('<div class="create"/>');
if (this.options.removable) {
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$ function(){ self.$el.remove(); } )
$createInterface.append( $close );
var $newButton = this.getInstanceInterface( contract )
var $atButton = $('<button class="atAddress"/>').text('At Address').click( function(){ self.clickContractAt( self, $container, contract ) } );
$createInterface.append( $atButton ).append( $newButton );
return $createInterface;
UniversalDApp.prototype.getInstanceInterface = function (contract, address, $target) {
var self = this;
var abi = JSON.parse(contract.interface).sort(function(a,b){
if ( > return -1;
else return 1;
if (a.constant == true) return -1;
else return 1;
var funABI = this.getConstructorInterface(abi);
var $createInterface = $('<div class="createContract"/>');
var appendFunctions = function (address, $el){
var $instance = $('<div class="instance"/>');
if (self.options.removable_instances) {
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$ function(){ $instance.remove(); } )
$instance.append( $close );
var $title = $('<span class="title"/>').text( + " at " + (self.options.vm ? '0x' : '') + address.toString('hex') );
$events = $('<div class="events"/>');
if (!self.options.vm){
var jsInterface = web3.eth.contract(abi).at(address)
var eventFilter = jsInterface.allEvents();
$event = $('<div class="event" />')
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$ function(){ $event.remove(); } )
$event.append( $('<span class="name"/>').text(response.event) )
.append( $('<span class="args" />').text( JSON.stringify(response.args, null, 2) ) )
.append( $close );
$events.append( $event )
$instance.append( $title )
$.each(abi, function(i, funABI) {
if (funABI.type != 'function') return;
abi: funABI,
address: address
($el || $createInterface ).append( $instance.append( $events ) )
if (!address || !$target) {
$createInterface.append( this.getCallButton({
abi: funABI,
bytecode: contract.bytecode,
appendFunctions: appendFunctions
} else {
appendFunctions( address, $target );
return $createInterface;
UniversalDApp.prototype.getConstructorInterface = function(abi) {
var funABI = {'name':'','inputs':[],'type':'constructor','outputs':[]};
for (var i = 0; i < abi.length; i++)
if (abi[i].type == 'constructor') {
funABI.inputs = abi[i].inputs || [];
return funABI;
UniversalDApp.prototype.getCallButton = function(args) {
var self = this;
// args.abi, args.bytecode [constr only], args.address [fun only]
// args.appendFunctions [constr only]
var isConstructor = args.bytecode !== undefined;
var lookupOnly = ( args.abi.constant && !isConstructor );
var fun = new web3.eth.function(args.abi);
var inputs = '';
$.each(args.abi.inputs, function(i, inp) {
if (inputs != '') inputs += ', ';
inputs += inp.type + ' ' +;
if (!args.bytecode && !fun.displayName()) return;
var inputField = $('<input/>').attr('placeholder', inputs);
var $outputOverride = $('<div class="value" />');
var outputSpan = $('<div class="output"/>');
var getReturnOutput = function(result) {
var returnName = lookupOnly ? 'Value' : 'Result';
var returnCls = lookupOnly ? 'value' : 'returned';
return $('<div class="' + returnCls + '">').html('<strong>' + returnName + ':</strong> ' + JSON.stringify( result, null, 2 ) )
var getGasUsedOutput = function (result) {
var $gasUsed = $('<div class="gasUsed">')
var caveat = lookupOnly ? '<em>(<a href="#" title="Cost only applies when called by a contract">caveat</a>)</em>' : '';
if (result.gasUsed) {
var gas = result.gasUsed.toString(10)
$gasUsed.html('<strong>Cost:</strong> ' + gas + ' gas. ' + caveat )
return $gasUsed;
var getOutput = function() {
var values =;
var $result = $('<div class="result" />');
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$ function(){ $result.remove(); } )
$result.append( $close );
for( var v in values ) { $result.append( values[v] ); }
return $result;
var handleCallButtonClick = function( ev ) {
var funArgs = $.parseJSON('[' + inputField.val() + ']');
var data = fun.toPayload(funArgs).data;
if (data.slice(0, 2) == '0x') data = data.slice(2);
if (isConstructor) data = args.bytecode + data.slice(8);
var $result = getOutput( $('<a class="waiting" href="#" title="Waiting for transaction to be mined.">Polling for tx receipt...</a>') );
if (lookupOnly && !inputs.length) {
$outputOverride.html( $result )
} else {
outputSpan.append( $result );
self.runTx(data, args, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
$result.replaceWith( getOutput( $('<span/>').text(err).addClass('error') ) );
} else if (self.options.vm && isConstructor) {
$result.replaceWith( getOutput( getGasUsedOutput( result ) ) );
} else if (self.options.vm){
var outputObj = fun.unpackOutput('0x' + result.vm.return.toString('hex'));
$result.replaceWith( getOutput( getReturnOutput( outputObj ), getGasUsedOutput( result.vm ) ) );
} else if (args.abi.constant && !isConstructor) {
$result.replaceWith( getOutput( getReturnOutput( result ) ) );
} else {
function tryTillResponse (txhash, done) {
web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(result, testResult );
function testResult (err, address) {
if (!err && !address) {
console.log( "Polling for tx receipt....")
setTimeout( function(){ tryTillResponse(txhash, done) }, 500)
} else done( err, address )
tryTillResponse( result, function(err, result) {
if (isConstructor) {
} else $result.replaceWith( getOutput( getReturnOutput( result ), getGasUsedOutput( result ) ) );
var button = $('<button />')
.addClass( 'call' )
.text(args.bytecode ? 'Create' : fun.displayName())
.click( handleCallButtonClick );
if (lookupOnly && !inputs.length) {
var $contractProperty = $('<div class="contractProperty"/>');
.toggleClass( 'constant', !isConstructor && args.abi.constant )
.toggleClass( 'hasArgs', args.abi.inputs.length > 0)
.toggleClass( 'constructor', isConstructor)
.append( (lookupOnly && !inputs.length) ? $outputOverride : inputField );
return $contractProperty.append(outputSpan);
UniversalDApp.prototype.clickNewContract = function ( self, $contract, contract ) {
$contract.append( self.getInstanceInterface(contract) );
UniversalDApp.prototype.clickContractAt = function ( self, $contract, contract ) {
var address = prompt( "What Address is this contract at in the Blockchain? ie: '0xdeadbeaf...'" )
self.getInstanceInterface(contract, address, $contract );
UniversalDApp.prototype.runTx = function( data, args, cb) {
var to = args.address;
var constant = args.abi.constant;
var isConstructor = args.bytecode !== undefined;
console.log( "runtx (" + + ") data: ", data )
console.log( "runtx (" + + ") to:", to )
if (!this.vm) {
if (constant && !isConstructor) {
var func = web3.eth.contract( [args.abi] ).at( to );
func[].call( cb );
} else {
from: web3.eth.accounts[0],
to: to,
data: data,
gas: 1000000
}, function(err, resp) {
console.log( 'sendTx callback:', err, resp )
cb( err, resp )
} else {
try {
var tx = new EthVm.Transaction({
nonce: new Buffer([this.nonce++]), //@todo count beyond 255
gasPrice: '01',
gasLimit: '3000000',
to: to,
data: data
tx.sign(new Buffer(this.secretKey, 'hex'));
this.vm.runTx({tx: tx}, cb);
} catch (e) {
cb( e, null );
} |