You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
186 lines
8.5 KiB
186 lines
8.5 KiB
'use strict'
var contractHelper = require('../helpers/contracts')
var init = require('../helpers/init')
var sauce = require('./sauce')
var async = require('async')
module.exports = {
before: function (browser, done) {
init(browser, done)
'@sources': function () {
return sources
'Compiling': function (browser) {
tearDown: sauce
function runTests (browser) {
browser.testFunction = contractHelper.testFunction
.waitForElementVisible('.newFile', 10000)
.perform(() => {
// the first fn is used to pass browser to the other ones.
async.waterfall([function (callback) { callback(null, browser) }, testSimpleContract, testReturnValues, testInputValues], function () {
function testSimpleContract (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.testContracts(browser, 'Untitled.sol', sources[0]['browser/Untitled.sol'], ['browser/Untitled.sol:TestContract'], function () {
.click('#runTabView div[class^="create"]')
.testFunction('f - transact (not payable)',
'[vm] from:0xca3...a733c, to:browser/Untitled.sol:TestContract.f() 0x692...77b3a, value:0 wei, data:0x261...21ff0, 0 logs, hash:0xa17...523bc', null,
"0": "uint256: 8"
.testFunction('g - transact (not payable)',
'[vm] from:0xca3...a733c, to:browser/Untitled.sol:TestContract.g() 0x692...77b3a, value:0 wei, data:0xe21...79b8e, 0 logs, hash:0xb15...92781', null, `{
"0": "uint256: 345",
"1": "string: comment_comment_",
"2": "bool: true",
"3": "uint256: 4"
}`).perform(() => { callback(null, browser) })
function testReturnValues (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.testContracts(browser, 'returnValues.sol', sources[1]['browser/returnValues.sol'], ['browser/returnValues.sol:testReturnValues'], function () {
.click('#runTabView div[class^="create"]')
.testFunction('retunValues1 - transact (not payable)',
'[vm] from:0xca3...a733c, to:browser/returnValues.sol:testReturnValues.retunValues1() 0x5e7...26e9f, value:0 wei, data:0x9ed...59eb7, 0 logs, hash:0x79d...d1f7f',
"0": "bool: _b true",
"1": "uint256: _u 345",
"2": "int256: _i -345",
"3": "address: _a 0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c"
.testFunction('retunValues2 - transact (not payable)',
'[vm] from:0xca3...a733c, to:browser/returnValues.sol:testReturnValues.retunValues2() 0x5e7...26e9f, value:0 wei, data:0xf57...4036c, 0 logs, hash:0x091...ccb8c', null, `{
"0": "bytes1: _b 0x12",
"1": "bytes2: _b2 0x1223",
"2": "bytes3: _b3 0x000000",
"3": "bytes: _blit 0x123498",
"4": "bytes5: _b5 0x0000043245",
"5": "bytes6: _b6 0x002345532532",
"6": "string: _str this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string",
"7": "bytes7: _b7 0x03252353253253",
"8": "bytes22: _b22 0x00000000000000000000325235235325325325235325",
"9": "bytes32: _b32 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000032523532532523532523532523532"
}`).pause(500).testFunction('retunValues3 - transact (not payable)',
'[vm] from:0xca3...a733c, to:browser/returnValues.sol:testReturnValues.retunValues3() 0x5e7...26e9f, value:0 wei, data:0x033...e0a7d, 0 logs, hash:0x7fa...14aff', null, `{
"0": "uint8: _en 2",
"1": "int256[5][]: _a1 1,-45,-78,56,60, -1,42,334,-45455,-446, 1,10,-5435,45,-7"
}`).perform(() => { callback(null, browser) })
function testInputValues (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.testContracts(browser, 'inputValues.sol', sources[2]['browser/inputValues.sol'], ['browser/inputValues.sol:test'], function () {
.click('#runTabView div[class^="create"]')
.testFunction('inputValue1 - transact (not payable)',
'[vm] from:0xca3...a733c, to:browser/inputValues.sol:test.inputValue1(uint256,int256,string) 0x8c1...401f5, value:0 wei, data:0xd69...00000, 0 logs, hash:0x917...832ae',
{types: 'uint256 _u, int256 _i, string _str', values: '"2343242", "-4324324", "string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _"'},
"0": "uint256: _uret 2343242",
"1": "int256: _iret -4324324",
"2": "string: _strret string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _"
}`).pause(500).testFunction('inputValue2 - transact (not payable)',
'[vm] from:0xca3...a733c, to:browser/inputValues.sol:test.inputValue2(uint256[3],bytes8[4]) 0x8c1...401f5, value:0 wei, data:0x1b7...00000, 1 logs, hash:0x487...6ef7f',
{types: 'uint256[3] _n, bytes8[4] _b8', values: '[1,2,3], ["0x1234", "0x1234","0x1234","0x1234"]'},
"0": "uint256[3]: _nret 1, 2, 3",
"1": "bytes8[4]: _b8ret 0x1234000000000000, 0x1234000000000000, 0x1234000000000000, 0x1234000000000000"
}`, `[
"event": "event1",
"args": [
"test _ test _ test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test "
.perform(() => { callback(null, browser) })
// @TODO test: bytes8[3][] type as input
var sources = [
{'browser/Untitled.sol': `pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract TestContract { function f() returns (uint) { return 8; }
function g() returns (uint, string, bool, uint) {
uint payment = 345;
bool payed = true;
string memory comment = "comment_comment_";
uint month = 4;
return (payment, comment, payed, month); } }`},
{'browser/returnValues.sol': `pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract testReturnValues {
enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, SitStill }
function retunValues1 () returns (bool _b, uint _u, int _i, address _a) {
_b = true;
_u = 345;
_i = -345;
_a = msg.sender;
function retunValues2 () returns (byte _b, bytes2 _b2, bytes3 _b3, bytes _blit, bytes5 _b5, bytes6 _b6, string _str, bytes7 _b7, bytes22 _b22, bytes32 _b32) {
_b = 0x12;
_b2 = 0x1223;
_b5 = 0x43245;
_b6 = 0x2345532532;
_b7 = 0x3252353253253;
_b22 = 0x325235235325325325235325;
_b32 = 0x32523532532523532523532523532;
_blit = hex"123498";
_str = "this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string";
function retunValues3 () returns (ActionChoices _en, int[5][] _a1) {
_en = ActionChoices.GoStraight;
int[5][] memory a = new int[5][](3);
a[0] = [int(1),-45,-78,56,60];
a[1] = [int(-1),42,334,-45455,-446];
a[2] = [int(1),10,-5435,45,-7];
_a1 = a;
{'browser/inputValues.sol': `pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract test {
event event1(int _i, uint indexed _u, string indexed _str, bytes4 _b, string _notIndexed);
function inputValue1 (uint _u, int _i, string _str) returns (uint _uret, int _iret, string _strret) {
_uret = _u;
_iret = _i;
_strret = _str;
function inputValue2 (uint[3] _n, bytes8[4] _b8) returns (uint[3] _nret, bytes8[4] _b8ret){
_nret = _n;
_b8ret = _b8;
event1(-123, 123, "test", 0x1234, "test _ test _ test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test ");