remix-project mirror
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
1.1 KiB

import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch'
import EventEmitter from 'events'
Checks if any child elements of journal (console) contains a matching value.
class JournalChildIncludes extends EventEmitter {
command (this: NightwatchBrowser, val: string): NightwatchBrowser {
let isTextFound = false
const browser = this.api
this.api.elements('css selector', '*[data-id="terminalJournal"]', (res) => {
Array.isArray(res.value) && res.value.forEach(function (jsonWebElement) {
const jsonWebElementId = jsonWebElement.ELEMENT || jsonWebElement[Object.keys(jsonWebElement)[0]]
browser.elementIdText(jsonWebElementId, (jsonElement) => {
const text = jsonElement.value
if (typeof text === 'string' && text.indexOf(val) !== -1) isTextFound = true
browser.perform(() => {
browser.assert.ok(isTextFound, isTextFound ? `<*[data-id="terminalJournal"]> contains ${val}.` : `${val} not found in <*[data-id="terminalJournal"]> div:last-child>`)
return this
module.exports = JournalChildIncludes