remix-project mirror
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927 B

import { CompilationResult } from '@remix-project/remix-solidity'
import * as fs from 'fs/promises'
import * as path from 'path'
export async function getArtifactsByContractName (contractIdentifier: string) {
const contractArtifacts = await fs.readdir(global.remixContractArtifactsPath)
let contract
for (const artifactFile of contractArtifacts) {
const artifact = await fs.readFile(path.join(global.remixContractArtifactsPath, artifactFile), 'utf-8')
const artifactJSON: CompilationResult = JSON.parse(artifact)
const contractFullPath = (Object.keys(artifactJSON.contracts!)).find((contractName) => artifactJSON.contracts![contractName] && artifactJSON.contracts![contractName][contractIdentifier])
contract = contractFullPath ? artifactJSON.contracts![contractFullPath!][contractIdentifier] : undefined
if (contract) break
return contract