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324 lines
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324 lines
11 KiB
'use strict'
var contractHelper = require('../helpers/contracts')
var init = require('../helpers/init')
var sauce = require('./sauce')
var async = require('async')
module.exports = {
before: function (browser, done) {
init(browser, done)
'@sources': function () {
return sources
'Simple Contract': function (browser) {
tearDown: sauce
function runTests (browser) {
browser.setEditorValue = contractHelper.setEditorValue
browser.getEditorValue = contractHelper.getEditorValue
browser.clickLaunchIcon = contractHelper.clickLaunchIcon
.waitForElementVisible('#icon-panel', 10000)
.perform(() => {
// the first fn is used to pass browser to the other ones.
async.waterfall([function (callback) { callback(null, browser) },
testFailedImport, /* testGitHubImport */
function () {
function testSimpleContract (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.testContracts(browser, 'Untitled.sol', sources[0]['browser/Untitled.sol'], ['test1', 'test2'], function () {
callback(null, browser)
function testSuccessImport (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.addFile(browser, 'Untitled1.sol', sources[1]['browser/Untitled1.sol'], () => {
contractHelper.addFile(browser, 'Untitled2.sol', sources[1]['browser/Untitled2.sol'], () => {
contractHelper.switchFile(browser, 'browser/Untitled1.sol', function () {
contractHelper.verifyContract(browser, ['test6', 'test4', 'test5'], function () {
callback(null, browser)
function testFailedImport (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.addFile(browser, 'Untitled3.sol', sources[2]['browser/Untitled3.sol'], () => {
browser.clickLaunchIcon('solidity').assert.containsText('#compileTabView .error pre', 'Unable to import "browser/Untitled11.sol": File not found')
.perform(function () {
callback(null, browser)
function addDeployLibTestFile (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.addFile(browser, 'Untitled5.sol', sources[5]['browser/Untitled5.sol'], () => {
callback(null, browser)
function testAutoDeployLib (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.verifyContract(browser, ['test'], () => {
contractHelper.selectContract(browser, 'test', () => {
contractHelper.createContract(browser, '', () => {
contractHelper.getAddressAtPosition(browser, 0, (address) => {
browser.waitForElementPresent('.instance:nth-of-type(2)').click('.instance:nth-of-type(2)').perform(() => {
contractHelper.testConstantFunction(browser, address, 'get - call', '', '0: uint256: 45', () => { callback(null, browser) })
function testManualDeployLib (browser, callback) {
|'i[class^="clearinstance"]').pause(5000).clickLaunchIcon('settings').click('#generatecontractmetadata').perform(() => {
browser.clickLaunchIcon('solidity').click('#compileTabView button[title="Compile"]').perform(() => { // that should generate the JSON artefact
contractHelper.verifyContract(browser, ['test'], () => {
contractHelper.selectContract(browser, 'lib', () => { // deploy lib
contractHelper.createContract(browser, '', () => {
contractHelper.getAddressAtPosition(browser, 0, (address) => {
console.log('address:', address)
checkDeployShouldFail(browser, () => {
checkDeployShouldSucceed(browser, address, () => {
callback(null, browser)
function checkDeployShouldFail (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.switchFile(browser, 'browser/test.json', () => {
browser.getEditorValue((content) => {
var config = JSON.parse(content)
config.deploy['VM:-'].autoDeployLib = false
browser.setEditorValue(JSON.stringify(config), () => {
contractHelper.switchFile(browser, 'browser/Untitled5.sol', () => {
contractHelper.selectContract(browser, 'test', () => { // deploy lib
contractHelper.createContract(browser, '', () => {
browser.assert.containsText('div[class^="terminal"]', '<address> is not a valid address').perform(() => { callback() })
function checkDeployShouldSucceed (browser, address, callback) {
contractHelper.switchFile(browser, 'browser/test.json', () => {
browser.getEditorValue((content) => {
var config = JSON.parse(content)
config.deploy['VM:-'].autoDeployLib = false
config.deploy['VM:-']['linkReferences']['browser/Untitled5.sol'].lib = address
browser.setEditorValue(JSON.stringify(config), () => {
contractHelper.switchFile(browser, 'browser/Untitled5.sol', () => {
contractHelper.selectContract(browser, 'test', () => { // deploy lib
contractHelper.createContract(browser, '', () => {
contractHelper.getAddressAtPosition(browser, 1, (address) => {
.click('.instance:nth-of-type(3)').perform(() => {
contractHelper.testConstantFunction(browser, address, 'get - call', '', '0: uint256: 45', () => { callback(null, browser) })
function testGitHubImport (browser, callback) {
contractHelper.addFile(browser, 'Untitled4.sol', sources[3]['browser/Untitled4.sol'], () => {
.perform(function () {
contractHelper.verifyContract(browser, ['browser/Untitled4.sol:test7', '', ''], function () {
callback(null, browser)
var abstractENS = `
contract AbstractENS {
function owner(bytes32 node) public view returns(address);
function resolver(bytes32 node) public view returns(address);
function ttl(bytes32 node) public view returns(uint64);
function setOwner(bytes32 node, address owner) public;
function setSubnodeOwner(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner) public;
function setResolver(bytes32 node, address resolver) public;
function setTTL(bytes32 node, uint64 ttl) public;
// Logged when the owner of a node assigns a new owner to a subnode.
event NewOwner(bytes32 indexed node, bytes32 indexed label, address owner);
// Logged when the owner of a node transfers ownership to a new account.
event Transfer(bytes32 indexed node, address owner);
// Logged when the resolver for a node changes.
event NewResolver(bytes32 indexed node, address resolver);
// Logged when the TTL of a node changes
event NewTTL(bytes32 indexed node, uint64 ttl);
var ENS = `pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
import './AbstractENS.sol';
* The ENS registry contract.
contract ENS is AbstractENS {
struct Record {
address owner;
address resolver;
uint64 ttl;
mapping(bytes32=>Record) records;
// Permits modifications only by the owner of the specified node.
modifier only_owner(bytes32 node) {
if (records[node].owner != msg.sender) revert();
* Constructs a new ENS registrar.
constructor() public {
records[0].owner = msg.sender;
* Returns the address that owns the specified node.
function owner(bytes32 node) public view returns (address) {
return records[node].owner;
* Returns the address of the resolver for the specified node.
function resolver(bytes32 node) public view returns (address) {
return records[node].resolver;
* Returns the TTL of a node, and any records associated with it.
function ttl(bytes32 node) public view returns (uint64) {
return records[node].ttl;
* Transfers ownership of a node to a new address. May only be called by the current
* owner of the node.
* @param node The node to transfer ownership of.
* @param owner The address of the new owner.
function setOwner(bytes32 node, address owner) public only_owner(node) {
emit Transfer(node, owner);
records[node].owner = owner;
* Transfers ownership of a subnode sha3(node, label) to a new address. May only be
* called by the owner of the parent node.
* @param node The parent node.
* @param label The hash of the label specifying the subnode.
* @param owner The address of the new owner.
function setSubnodeOwner(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner) public only_owner(node) {
bytes32 subnode = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(node, label));
emit NewOwner(node, label, owner);
records[subnode].owner = owner;
* Sets the resolver address for the specified node.
* @param node The node to update.
* @param resolver The address of the resolver.
function setResolver(bytes32 node, address resolver) public only_owner(node) {
emit NewResolver(node, resolver);
records[node].resolver = resolver;
* Sets the TTL for the specified node.
* @param node The node to update.
* @param ttl The TTL in seconds.
function setTTL(bytes32 node, uint64 ttl) public only_owner(node) {
emit NewTTL(node, ttl);
records[node].ttl = ttl;
var sources = [
'browser/Untitled.sol': {content: 'contract test1 {} contract test2 {}'}
'browser/Untitled1.sol': {content: 'import "./Untitled2.sol"; contract test6 {}'},
'browser/Untitled2.sol': {content: 'contract test4 {} contract test5 {}'}
'browser/Untitled3.sol': {content: 'import "./Untitled11.sol"; contract test6 {}'}
'browser/Untitled4.sol': {content: 'import ""; contract test7 {}'},
'': {content: ENS}
'browser/Untitled4.sol': {content: 'import ""; contract test7 {}'},
'': {content: ENS},
'': {content: abstractENS}
'browser/Untitled5.sol': {content: `library lib {
function getInt () public view returns (uint) {
return 45;
contract test {
function get () public view returns (uint) {
return lib.getInt();