11 months ago | |
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README.md | 11 months ago | |
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webpack.config.js | 1 year ago |
Remix LearnEth Plugin
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
npm run serve:plugin --plugin=learneth
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:2024 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
npm run build:plugin --plugin=learneth
Builds the app for production to the dist/apps/learneth
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
Loading the plugin in remix
When testing with localhost you should use the HTTP version of either REMIX or REMIX ALPHA. Click on the plugin manager icon and add the plugin 'Connect to a local plugin'. Your plugin will be at http://localhost:2024/.
Setting up the REMIX IDE for working with the plugin
The plugin only works when a compiler environment is loaded as well, for example on the home screen of the IDE you select 'Solidity' or 'Vyper'. Without this the plugin cannot compile and test files in the workshops.
Setting up your Github workshops repo
You can create your own workshops that can be imported in the plugin. When importing a github repo the plugin will look for a directory structure describing the workshops. For example: https://github.com/ethereum/remix-workshops
Root directories
Root directories are individual workshops, the name used will be the name of the workshop unless you override this with the name property in the config.yml.
The readme in each directry contains an explanation of what the workshop is about. If an additional summary property is provided in the config.yml that will be used in the overview section of the plugin.
This config file contains meta data describing some properties of your workshop, for example
id: someid
name: my workshop name
summary: something about this workshop
level: 4
- solidity
- beginner
Level: a level of difficulty indicator ( 1 - 5 )
Tags: an array of tags
id: this is used by the system to let REMIX call startTutorial(repo,branch,id). See below for more instructions.
Each workshop contains what we call steps. Each step is a directory containing:
- a readme describing the step, what to do.
- sol files:
- these can be sol files and test sol files. The test files should be name yoursolname_test.sol
- ANSWER files: these are named yoursolname_answer.sol and can be used to show the solution or the correct answer. The plugin will load the file in the IDE when a user clicks on 'Show Answer'
- js files
- vyper files
Functions to call the plugin from the IDE
Add a repository:
addRepository(repoName, branch)
Start a tutorial
You don't need to add a separate addRepository before calling startTutorial, this call will also add the repo.
id: this can be two things:
- type of number, it specifies the n-th tutorial in the list
- type of string, this refers to the ID parameter in the config.yml file in the tutorial for example:
id: basics
name: 1 Basics of Solidity
summary: Some basic functions explained
level: 4
- solidity
How to call these functions in the REMIX IDE
(function () {
try {
// You don't need to add a separate addRepository before calling startTutorial, this is just an example
remix.call('LearnEth', 'addRepository', "ethereum/remix-workshops", "master")
remix.call('LearnEth', 'startTutorial', "ethereum/remix-workshops", "master", "basics")
remix.call('LearnEth', 'startTutorial', "ethereum/remix-workshops", "master", 2)
} catch (e) {
Then call this in the REMIX console