remix-project mirror
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3.2 KiB

import { ELEMENT_KEY, NightwatchBrowser, NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput } from 'nightwatch'
import EventEmitter from 'events'
const deepequal = require('deep-equal')
class TestFunction extends EventEmitter {
command (this: NightwatchBrowser, txHash: string, expectedValue: NightwatchTestFunctionExpectedInput): NightwatchBrowser {
const browser = this.api
const logs = {}
const setLog = (index: number, value: string) => {
logs[Object.keys(logs)[index]] = typeof value === 'string' ? value.indexOf('Copy value to clipboard') ? value.split('\n').shift().trim() : value.trim() : value
.perform((done) => {
browser.getLastTransactionHash((hash) => {
if (txHash === 'last') {
txHash = hash
.perform((done) => {
.waitForElementVisible(`[data-id="block_tx${txHash}"]`, 60000)
.moveToElement(`[data-id="block_tx${txHash}"]`, 0, 0)
.waitForElementVisible(`*[data-id="txLoggerTable${txHash}"]`, 60000)
// fetch and format transaction logs as key => pair object
.elements('css selector', `*[data-shared="key_${txHash}"]`, (res) => {
Array.isArray(res.value) && res.value.forEach(function (jsonWebElement) {
const jsonWebElementId: string = jsonWebElement[ELEMENT_KEY] || jsonWebElement[Object.keys(jsonWebElement)[0]]
browser.elementIdText(jsonWebElementId, (jsonElement) => {
const key = typeof jsonElement.value === 'string' ? jsonElement.value.trim() : null
logs[key] = null
.elements('css selector', `*[data-shared="pair_${txHash}"]`, (res) => {
Array.isArray(res.value) && res.value.forEach(function (jsonWebElement, index) {
const jsonWebElementId = jsonWebElement[ELEMENT_KEY] || jsonWebElement[Object.keys(jsonWebElement)[0]]
browser.elementIdText(jsonWebElementId, (jsonElement) => {
let value = jsonElement.value
try {
value = JSON.parse(<string>jsonElement.value)
setLog(index, <string>value)
} catch (e) {
setLog(index, <string>value)
}).perform(() => done())
.perform(() => {
Object.keys(expectedValue).forEach(key => {
let equal = false
try {
const receivedValue = JSON.parse(logs[key])
equal = deepequal(receivedValue, expectedValue[key])
} catch (err) {
equal = deepequal(logs[key], expectedValue[key])
if (!equal) {`Expected ${JSON.stringify(expectedValue[key])} but got ${JSON.stringify(logs[key])}`)
} else {
browser.assert.ok(true, `Expected value matched returned value ${JSON.stringify(expectedValue[key])}`)
return this
module.exports = TestFunction