remix-project mirror
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var test = require('tape')
var utils = require('../babelify-src/app/utils')
test('util.groupBy on valid input', function (t) {
var result = utils.groupBy([
{category: 'GAS', name: 'a'},
{category: 'SEC', name: 'b'},
{category: 'GAS', name: 'c'}
], 'category')
var expectedResult = {
'GAS': [
{category: 'GAS', name: 'a'},
{category: 'GAS', name: 'c'}
'SEC': [
{category: 'SEC', name: 'b'}
t.deepEqual(result, expectedResult)
test('util.concatWithSeperator valid output', function (t) {
t.notEqual(utils.concatWithSeperator(['a', 'b', 'c'], ','), 'a, b, c', 'Concat with comma should not produce spaces')
t.equal(utils.concatWithSeperator(['a', 'b', 'c'], ','), 'a,b,c', 'Concat with comma should not produce spaces')
t.equal(utils.concatWithSeperator(['a', 'b', 'c'], ', '), 'a, b, c', 'Concat with comma space should not produce trailing comma')
t.equal(utils.concatWithSeperator(['a', 'b', 'c'], '+'), 'a+b+c', 'Concat with plus')
test('util.escapeRegExp', function (t) {
var original = 'function (uint256) returns (bool)'
t.equal(utils.escapeRegExp('abcd'), 'abcd', 'String with no regex')
t.equal(utils.escapeRegExp(original), 'function \\(uint256\\) returns \\(bool\\)', 'function string with regex')
t.ok(new RegExp(utils.escapeRegExp(original)).test(original), 'should still test for original string')