scdoc(1) # NAME scdoc - tool for generating *roff*(7) manual pages # SYNOPSIS *scdoc* < _input_ > _output_ # DESCRIPTION scdoc is a tool designed to make the process of writing man pages more friendly. It reads scdoc syntax from stdin and writes roff to stdout, suitable for reading with *man*(1). # SYNTAX Input files must use the UTF-8 encoding. ## PREAMBLE Each scdoc file must begin with the following preamble: *name*(_section_) ["left\_footer" ["center\_header"]] The *name* is the name of the man page you are writing, and _section_ is the section you're writing for (see *man*(1) for information on manual sections). _left\_footer_ and _center\_header_ are optional arguments which set the text positioned at those locations in the generated man page, and *must* be surrounded with double quotes. ## SECTION HEADERS Each section of your man page should begin with something similar to the following: # HEADER NAME Subsection headers are also understood - use two hashes. Each header must have an empty line on either side. ## PARAGRAPHS Begin a new paragraph with an empty line. ## FORMATTING Text can be made *bold* or _underlined_ with asterisks and underscores: \*bold\* or \_underlined\_. ## INDENTATION You may indent lines with tab characters (*\\t*) to indent them by 4 spaces in the output. Indented lines may not contain headers. The result looks something like this. You may use multiple lines and most _formatting_. Deindent to return to normal, or indent again to increase your indentation depth. ## LISTS You may start bulleted lists with dashes (-), like so: ``` - Item 1 - Item 2 - Subitem 1 - Subitem 2 - Item 3 ``` The result looks like this: - Item 1 - Item 2 - Subitem 1 - Subitem 2 - Item 3 You may also extend long entries onto another line by giving it the same indent level, plus two spaces. They will be rendered as a single list entry. ``` - Item 1 is pretty long so let's break it up onto two lines - Item 2 is shorter - But its children can go on for a while ``` - Item 1 is pretty long so let's break it up onto two lines - Item 2 is shorter - But its children can go on for a while ## NUMBERED LISTS Numbered lists are similar to normal lists, but begin with periods (.) instead of dashes (-), like so: ``` . Item 1 . Item 2 . Item 3, with multiple lines ``` . Item 1 . Item 2 . Item 3, with multiple lines ## TABLES To begin a table, add an empty line followed by any number of rows. Each line of a table should start with | or : to start a new row or column respectively, followed by [ or - or ] to align the contents to the left, center, or right, followed by a space and the contents of that cell. You may use a space instead of an alignment specifier to inherit the alignment of the same column in the previous row. The first character of the first row is not limited to | and has special meaning. [ will produce a table with borders around each cell. | will produce a table with no borders. ] will produce a table with one border around the whole table. To conclude your table, add an empty line after the last row. ``` [[ *Foo* :- _Bar_ :- _Baz_ | *Row 1* : Hello :] world! | *Row 2* : こんにちは : 世界 ``` [[ *Foo* :- _Bar_ :- _Baz_ | *Row 1* : Hello :] world! | *Row 2* : こんにちは : 世界 ## LITERAL TEXT You may turn off scdoc formatting and output literal text with escape codes and literal blocks. Inserting a \\ into your source will cause the subsequent symbol to be treated as a literal and copied directly to the output. You may also make blocks of literal syntax like so: ``` \``` _This formatting_ will *not* be interpreted by scdoc. \``` ``` These blocks will be indented one level. Note that literal text is shown literally in the man viewer - that is, it's not a means for inserting your own roff macros into the output. Note that \\ is still interpreted within literal blocks, which for example can be useful to output \``` inside of a literal block. ## COMMENTS Lines beginning with ; and a space are ignored. ``` ; This is a comment ``` # AUTHORS Maintained by Drew DeVault . Up-to-date sources can be found at and bugs/patches can be submitted by email to