{{define "subscribers"}} {{template "header" .}}
{{if .Silenced}} {{template "user-silenced"}} {{end}} {{if .Collection.Collection}}{{template "collection-breadcrumbs" .}}{{end}}


{{if .Collection.Collection}} {{template "collection-nav" .Collection}} {{end}} {{if .Flashes -}} {{- end}} {{ if eq .Filter "fediverse" }} {{if and (gt (len .Followers) 0) (not .FederationEnabled)}}

Federation is disabled on this server, so followers won't receive any new posts.

{{end}} {{ if gt (len .Followers) 0 }} {{range $el := .Followers}} {{end}} {{ else }} {{ end }}
Username Since
@{{.EstimatedHandle}} {{.CreatedFriendly}}
No followers yet.
{{ else }} {{if or .CanEmailSub .EmailSubs}} {{if not .CanEmailSub}}

Email subscriptions are disabled on this server, so no new emails will be sent out.

{{end}} {{if not .EmailSubsEnabled}}

Email subscriptions are disabled. {{if .EmailSubs}}No new emails will be sent out.{{end}} To enable email subscriptions, turn the option on from your blog's Customize page.

{{end}} {{ if .EmailSubs }} {{range $el := .EmailSubs}} {{end}} {{ else }} {{ end }}
Email Address Since
{{.Email.String}} {{.SubscribedFriendly}}
No subscribers yet.
{{end}} {{ end }}
{{template "foot" .}} {{template "body-end" .}} {{end}}