// class MarkdownView { // constructor(target, content) { // this.textarea = target.appendChild(document.createElement("textarea")) // this.textarea.value = content // } // get content() { return this.textarea.value } // focus() { this.textarea.focus() } // destroy() { this.textarea.remove() } // } import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view"; import { EditorState, TextSelection } from "prosemirror-state"; import { exampleSetup } from "prosemirror-example-setup"; import { keymap } from "prosemirror-keymap"; import { writeAsMarkdownParser } from "./markdownParser"; import { writeAsMarkdownSerializer } from "./markdownSerializer"; import { writeFreelySchema } from "./schema"; import { getMenu } from "./menu"; let $title = document.querySelector("#title"); let $content = document.querySelector("#content"); // Bugs: // 1. When there's just an empty line and a hard break is inserted with shift-enter then two enters are inserted // which do not show up in the markdown ( maybe bc. they are training enters ) class ProseMirrorView { constructor(target, content) { let typingTimer; let localDraft = localStorage.getItem(window.draftKey); if (localDraft != null) { content = localDraft; } if (content.indexOf("# ") === 0) { let eol = content.indexOf("\n"); let title = content.substring("# ".length, eol); content = content.substring(eol + "\n\n".length); $title.value = title; } const doc = writeAsMarkdownParser.parse( // Replace all "solo" \n's with \\\n for correct markdown parsing // Can't use lookahead or lookbehind because it's not supported on Safari content.replaceAll(/([^]{0,1})(\n)([^]{0,1})/g, (match, p1, p2, p3) => { return p1 !== "\n" && p3 !== "\n" ? p1 + "\\\n" + p3 : match; }) ); this.view = new EditorView(target, { state: EditorState.create({ doc, plugins: [ keymap({ "Mod-Enter": () => { document.getElementById("publish").click(); return true; }, "Mod-k": () => { const linkButton = document.querySelector( ".ProseMirror-icon[title='Add or remove link']" ); linkButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("mousedown")); return true; }, }), ...exampleSetup({ schema: writeFreelySchema, menuContent: getMenu(), }), ], }), dispatchTransaction(transaction) { let newState = this.state.apply(transaction); const newContent = writeAsMarkdownSerializer .serialize(newState.doc) // Replace all \\\ns ( not followed by a \n ) with \n .replaceAll(/(\\\n)(\n{0,1})/g, (match, p1, p2) => p2 !== "\n" ? "\n" + p2 : match ); $content.value = newContent; let draft = ""; if ($title.value != null && $title.value !== "") { draft = "# " + $title.value + "\n\n"; } draft += newContent; clearTimeout(typingTimer); typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); this.updateState(newState); }, }); // Editor is focused to the last position. This is a workaround for a bug: // 1. 1 type something in an existing entry // 2. reload - works fine, the draft is reloaded // 3. reload again - the draft is somehow removed from localStorage and the original content is loaded // When the editor is focused the content is re-saved to localStorage // This is also useful for editing, so it's not a bad thing even const lastPosition = this.view.state.doc.content.size; const selection = TextSelection.create(this.view.state.doc, lastPosition); this.view.dispatch(this.view.state.tr.setSelection(selection)); this.view.focus(); } get content() { return defaultMarkdownSerializer.serialize(this.view.state.doc); } focus() { this.view.focus(); } destroy() { this.view.destroy(); } } let place = document.querySelector("#editor"); let view = new ProseMirrorView(place, $content.value);