/* * Copyright © 2019 A Bunch Tell LLC. * * This file is part of WriteFreely. * * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included * in the LICENSE file in this source code package. */ package migrations import ( "fmt" ) // TODO: use now() from writefreely pkg func (db *datastore) now() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now')" } return "NOW()" } func (db *datastore) typeInt() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "INTEGER" } return "INT" } func (db *datastore) typeSmallInt() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "INTEGER" } return "SMALLINT" } func (db *datastore) typeTinyInt() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "INTEGER" } return "TINYINT" } func (db *datastore) typeText() string { return "TEXT" } func (db *datastore) typeChar(l int) string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "TEXT" } return fmt.Sprintf("CHAR(%d)", l) } func (db *datastore) typeVarChar(l int) string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "TEXT" } return fmt.Sprintf("VARCHAR(%d)", l) } func (db *datastore) typeBool() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "INTEGER" } return "TINYINT(1)" } func (db *datastore) typeDateTime() string { return "DATETIME" } func (db *datastore) collateMultiByte() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "" } return " COLLATE utf8_bin" } func (db *datastore) engine() string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "" } return " ENGINE = InnoDB" } func (db *datastore) after(colName string) string { if db.driverName == driverSQLite { return "" } return " AFTER " + colName }