{{define "view-page"}} {{template "header" .}}
{{template "admin-header" .}}

{{if eq .Content.ID "landing"}}Home page{{else}}{{.Content.ID}} page{{end}}

{{if eq .Content.ID "about"}}

Describe what your instance is about.

{{else if eq .Content.ID "contact"}}

Tell your users and outside visitors how to contact you.

{{else if eq .Content.ID "privacy"}}

Outline your privacy policy.

{{else if eq .Content.ID "reader"}}

Customize your Reader page.

{{else if eq .Content.ID "landing"}}

Customize your home page.

{{end}} {{if .Message}}


{{if .Banner}}

We suggest a header (e.g. # Welcome), optionally followed by a small bit of text. Accepts Markdown and HTML.

{{else}} {{end}}

Accepts Markdown and HTML.

{{template "footer" .}} {{end}}