@ -506,58 +506,80 @@ func TestPendingLogsSubscription(t *testing.T) {
} ,
pendingBlockNumber = big . NewInt ( rpc . PendingBlockNumber . Int64 ( ) )
testCases = [ ] struct {
crit ethereum . FilterQuery
expected [ ] * types . Log
c chan [ ] * types . Log
sub * Subscription
err chan error
} {
// match all
ethereum . FilterQuery { } , flattenLogs ( allLogs ) ,
nil , nil ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { FromBlock : pendingBlockNumber , ToBlock : pendingBlockNumber } ,
flattenLogs ( allLogs ) ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// match none due to no matching addresses
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { { } , notUsedAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { nil } } ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { { } , notUsedAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { nil } , FromBlock : pendingBlockNumber , ToBlock : pendingBlockNumber } ,
nil ,
nil , nil ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// match logs based on addresses, ignore topics
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { firstAddr } } ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { firstAddr } , FromBlock : pendingBlockNumber , ToBlock : pendingBlockNumber } ,
append ( flattenLogs ( allLogs [ : 2 ] ) , allLogs [ 5 ] [ 3 ] ) ,
nil , nil ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// match none due to no matching topics (match with address)
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { secondAddr } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { notUsedTopic } } } ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { secondAddr } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { notUsedTopic } } , FromBlock : pendingBlockNumber , ToBlock : pendingBlockNumber } ,
nil ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// match logs based on addresses and topics
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { thirdAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { firstTopic , secondTopic } } } ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { thirdAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { firstTopic , secondTopic } } , FromBlock : pendingBlockNumber , ToBlock : pendingBlockNumber } ,
append ( flattenLogs ( allLogs [ 3 : 5 ] ) , allLogs [ 5 ] [ 0 ] ) ,
nil , nil ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// match logs based on multiple addresses and "or" topics
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { secondAddr , thirdAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { firstTopic , secondTopic } } } ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { secondAddr , thirdAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { firstTopic , secondTopic } } , FromBlock : pendingBlockNumber , ToBlock : pendingBlockNumber } ,
append ( flattenLogs ( allLogs [ 2 : 5 ] ) , allLogs [ 5 ] [ 0 ] ) ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// multiple pending logs, should match only 2 topics from the logs in block 5
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { thirdAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { firstTopic , fourthTopic } } , FromBlock : pendingBlockNumber , ToBlock : pendingBlockNumber } ,
[ ] * types . Log { allLogs [ 5 ] [ 0 ] , allLogs [ 5 ] [ 2 ] } ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// match none due to only matching new mined logs
ethereum . FilterQuery { } ,
nil ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// match none due to only matching mined logs within a specific block range
ethereum . FilterQuery { FromBlock : big . NewInt ( 1 ) , ToBlock : big . NewInt ( 2 ) } ,
nil ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// block numbers are ignored for filters created with New***Filter, these return all logs that match the given criteria when the state changes
// match all due to matching mined and pending log s
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { firstAddr } , FromBlock : big . NewInt ( 2 ) , ToBlock : big . NewInt ( 3 ) } ,
append ( flattenLogs ( allLogs [ : 2 ] ) , allLogs [ 5 ] [ 3 ] ) ,
nil , nil ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { FromBlock : big . NewInt ( rpc . LatestBlockNumber . Int64 ( ) ) , ToBlock : big . NewInt ( rpc . PendingBlockNumber . Int64 ( ) ) } ,
flattenLogs ( allLogs ) ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
// multiple pending logs, should match only 2 topics from the logs in block 5
// match none due to matching logs from a specific block number to new mined blocks
ethereum . FilterQuery { Addresses : [ ] common . Address { thirdAddress } , Topics : [ ] [ ] common . Hash { { firstTopic , fourthTopic } } } ,
[ ] * types . Log { allLogs [ 5 ] [ 0 ] , allLogs [ 5 ] [ 2 ] } ,
nil , nil ,
ethereum . FilterQuery { FromBlock : big . NewInt ( 1 ) , ToBlock : big . NewInt ( rpc . LatestBlockNumber . Int64 ( ) ) } ,
nil ,
nil , nil , nil ,
} ,
@ -567,43 +589,69 @@ func TestPendingLogsSubscription(t *testing.T) {
// (some) events are posted.
for i := range testCases {
testCases [ i ] . c = make ( chan [ ] * types . Log )
testCases [ i ] . sub , _ = api . events . SubscribeLogs ( testCases [ i ] . crit , testCases [ i ] . c )
testCases [ i ] . err = make ( chan error )
var err error
testCases [ i ] . sub , err = api . events . SubscribeLogs ( testCases [ i ] . crit , testCases [ i ] . c )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "SubscribeLogs %d failed: %v\n" , i , err )
for n , test := range testCases {
i := n
tt := test
go func ( ) {
defer tt . sub . Unsubscribe ( )
var fetched [ ] * types . Log
timeout := time . After ( 1 * time . Second )
fetchLoop :
for {
logs := <- tt . c
select {
case logs := <- tt . c :
// Do not break early if we've fetched greater, or equal,
// to the number of logs expected. This ensures we do not
// deadlock the filter system because it will do a blocking
// send on this channel if another log arrives.
fetched = append ( fetched , logs ... )
if len ( fetched ) >= len ( tt . expected ) {
case <- timeout :
break fetchLoop
if len ( fetched ) != len ( tt . expected ) {
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "invalid number of logs for case %d, want %d log(s), got %d" , i , len ( tt . expected ) , len ( fetched ) ) )
tt . err <- fmt . Errorf ( "invalid number of logs for case %d, want %d log(s), got %d" , i , len ( tt . expected ) , len ( fetched ) )
for l := range fetched {
if fetched [ l ] . Removed {
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "expected log not to be removed for log %d in case %d" , l , i ) )
tt . err <- fmt . Errorf ( "expected log not to be removed for log %d in case %d" , l , i )
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( fetched [ l ] , tt . expected [ l ] ) {
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "invalid log on index %d for case %d" , l , i ) )
tt . err <- fmt . Errorf ( "invalid log on index %d for case %d\n" , l , i )
tt . err <- nil
} ( )
// raise events
time . Sleep ( 1 * time . Second )
for _ , ev := range allLogs {
backend . pendingLogsFeed . Send ( ev )
for i := range testCases {
err := <- testCases [ i ] . err
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "test %d failed: %v" , i , err )
<- testCases [ i ] . sub . Err ( )
// TestPendingTxFilterDeadlock tests if the event loop hangs when pending