Clef listens to HTTP requests on `rpcaddr`:`rpcport` (or to IPC on `ipcpath`), with the same JSON-RPC standard as Geth. The messages are expected to be [JSON-RPC 2.0 standard](
Clef listens to HTTP requests on `http.addr`:`http.port` (or to IPC on `ipcpath`), with the same JSON-RPC standard as Geth. The messages are expected to be [JSON-RPC 2.0 standard](
Some of these calls can require user interaction. Clients must be aware that responses may be delayed significantly or may never be received if a user decides to ignore the confirmation request.
--shh.pow value Minimum POW accepted (default: 0.2)
--shh.restrict-light Restrict connection between two whisper light clients
ALIASED (deprecated) OPTIONS:
--rpc Enable the HTTP-RPC server (deprecated, use --http)
--rpcaddr value HTTP-RPC server listening interface (deprecated, use --http.addr) (default: "localhost")
--rpcport value HTTP-RPC server listening port (deprecated, use --http.port) (default: 8545)
--rpccorsdomain value Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced) (deprecated, use --http.corsdomain)
--rpcvhosts value Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts '*' wildcard. (deprecated, use --http.vhosts) (default: "localhost")
--rpcapi value API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (deprecated, use --http.api)
--wsaddr value WS-RPC server listening interface (deprecated, use --ws.addr) (default: "localhost")
--wsport value WS-RPC server listening port (deprecated, use --ws.port) (default: 8546)
--wsorigins value Origins from which to accept websockets requests (deprecated, use
--wsapi value API's offered over the WS-RPC interface (deprecated, use --ws.api)
--gpoblocks value Number of recent blocks to check for gas prices (deprecated, use --gpo.blocks) (default: 20)
--gpopercentile value Suggested gas price is the given percentile of a set of recent transaction gas prices (deprecated, use --gpo.percentile) (default: 60)
--graphql.addr value GraphQL server listening interface (deprecated, graphql can only be enabled on the HTTP-RPC server endpoint, use --graphql)
--graphql.port value GraphQL server listening port (deprecated, graphql can only be enabled on the HTTP-RPC server endpoint, use --graphql) (default: 8545)
--pprofport value pprof HTTP server listening port (deprecated, use --pprof.port) (default: 6060)
--pprofaddr value pprof HTTP server listening interface (deprecated, use --pprof.addr) (default: "")
--memprofilerate value Turn on memory profiling with the given rate (deprecated, use --pprof.memprofilerate) (default: 524288)
--blockprofilerate value Turn on block profiling with the given rate (deprecated, use --pprof.blockprofilerate) (default: 0)
--cpuprofile value Write CPU profile to the given file (deprecated, use --pprof.cpuprofile)
--snapshot Enables snapshot-database mode -- experimental work in progress feature