* common/compiler: solidity compiler + tests
* rpc: eth_compilers, eth_compileSolidity + tests
* fix natspec test using keystore API, notice exp dynamically changes addr, cleanup
* resolver implements registrars and needs to create reg contract (temp)
* xeth: solidity compiler. expose getter Solc() and paths setter SetSolc(solcPath)
* ethereumApi: implement compiler related RPC calls using XEth - json struct tests
* admin: make use of XEth.SetSolc to allow runtime setting of compiler paths
* cli: command line flags solc to set custom solc bin path
* js admin api with new features debug and contractInfo modules
* wiki is the doc https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Contracts-and-Transactions
The ethereum command line interface is now structured using subcommands.
These separate the different tasks it can perform.
Almost all flag names are backwards compatible.
The key tasks have not been ported to subcommands since they will be
replaced by the new accounts infrastructure very soon.
- new flag nat for nat support UPNP|PMP
- new flag pmp for PMP gateway IP
- add NatType to utils/cmd to get p2p.NAT from nat type string
- obsolete usepnp flag
- get rid of IsUpToDate and sleep in miner start
- ethereum constructor takes nat type, port, maxpeer
- add pubkey arg to client identity
- eth p2p pkgs
- new Ethereum initialiser
- no caps param
- use nat type
- add NatType func to map nat type string to p2p.NAT
- add pubkey to client identity
* Miner has been rewritten
* Added new miner pane
* Added option for local txs
* Added option to read from MergeMining contract and list them for
merged mining