@ -454,60 +454,62 @@ defmodule ExW3 do |
# Client |
@spec start_link(atom(), list()) :: {:ok, pid()} |
@doc "Begins a Contract GenServer with specified name and state" |
def start_link(name, state) do |
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, state, name: name) |
@spec start_link() :: {:ok, pid()} |
@doc "Begins the Contract process to manage all interactions with smart contracts" |
def start_link() do |
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{}, name: ContractManager) |
end |
@spec deploy(pid(), []) :: {:ok, []} |
@spec deploy(keyword(), []) :: {:ok, binary(), []} |
@doc "Deploys contracts with given arguments" |
def deploy(pid, args) do |
GenServer.call(pid, {:deploy, args}) |
def deploy(name, args) do |
GenServer.call(ContractManager, {:deploy, {name, args}}) |
end |
@spec at(pid(), binary()) :: :ok |
@doc "Sets the current Contract GenServer's address to given address" |
def at(pid, address) do |
GenServer.cast(pid, {:at, address}) |
@spec register(keyword(), []) :: :ok |
@doc "Registers the contract with the ContractManager process. Only :abi is required field." |
def register(name, contract_info) do |
GenServer.cast(ContractManager, {:register, {name, contract_info}}) |
end |
@spec address(pid()) :: {:ok, binary()} |
@spec at(keyword(), binary()) :: :ok |
@doc "Sets the address for the contract specified by the name argument" |
def at(name, address) do |
GenServer.cast(ContractManager, {:at, {name, address}}) |
end |
@spec address(keyword()) :: {:ok, binary()} |
@doc "Returns the current Contract GenServer's address" |
def address(pid) do |
GenServer.call(pid, :address) |
def address(name) do |
GenServer.call(ContractManager, {:address, name}) |
end |
@spec call(pid(), keyword(), []) :: {:ok, any()} |
@spec call(keyword(), keyword(), []) :: {:ok, any()} |
@doc "Use a Contract's method with an eth_call" |
def call(pid, method_name, args \\ []) do |
GenServer.call(pid, {:call, {method_name, args}}) |
def call(contract_name, method_name, args \\ []) do |
GenServer.call(ContractManager, {:call, {contract_name, method_name, args}}) |
end |
@spec send(pid(), keyword(), [], %{}) :: {:ok, binary()} |
@spec send(keyword(), keyword(), [], %{}) :: {:ok, binary()} |
@doc "Use a Contract's method with an eth_sendTransaction" |
def send(pid, method_name, args, options) do |
GenServer.call(pid, {:send, {method_name, args, options}}) |
def send(contract_name, method_name, args, options) do |
GenServer.call(ContractManager, {:send, {contract_name, method_name, args, options}}) |
end |
@spec tx_receipt(pid(), binary()) :: %{} |
@spec tx_receipt(keyword(), binary()) :: %{} |
@doc "Returns a formatted transaction receipt for the given transaction hash(id)" |
def tx_receipt(pid, tx_hash) do |
GenServer.call(pid, {:tx_receipt, tx_hash}) |
def tx_receipt(contract_name, tx_hash) do |
GenServer.call(ContractManager, {:tx_receipt, {contract_name, tx_hash}}) |
end |
def filter(pid, event_name, other_pid, event_data \\ %{}) do |
GenServer.call(pid, {:filter, {event_name, other_pid, event_data}}) |
def filter(contract_name, event_name, other_pid, event_data \\ %{}) do |
GenServer.call(ContractManager, {:filter, {contract_name, event_name, other_pid, event_data}}) |
end |
# Server |
def init(state) do |
if state[:abi] do |
{:ok, state ++ init_events(state[:abi])} |
else |
raise "ABI not provided upon initialization" |
end |
{:ok, state} |
end |
defp init_events(abi) do |
@ -611,6 +613,13 @@ defmodule ExW3 do |
) |
end |
defp add_helper(contract_info) do |
if contract_info[:abi] do |
contract_info ++ init_events(contract_info[:abi]) |
else |
raise "ABI not provided upon initialization" |
end |
end |
# Options' checkers |
@ -622,66 +631,83 @@ defmodule ExW3 do |
# Casts |
def handle_cast({:at, address}, state) do |
{:noreply, [{:address, address} | state]} |
def handle_cast({:at, {name, address}}, state) do |
contract_info = state[name] |
{:noreply, Map.put(state, name, contract_info ++ [address: address])} |
end |
def handle_cast({:register, {name, contract_info}}, state) do |
{:noreply, Map.put(state, name, add_helper(contract_info))} |
end |
def handle_call({:filter, {event_name, other_pid, event_data}}, _from, state) do |
# Calls |
def handle_call({:filter, {contract_name, event_name, other_pid, event_data}}, _from, state) do |
contract_info = state[contract_name] |
unless Process.whereis(Listener) do |
raise "EventListener process not alive. Call ExW3.EventListener.start_link before using ExW3.Contract.subscribe" |
end |
payload = Map.merge(%{address: state[:address], topics: [state[:event_names][event_name]]}, event_data) |
payload = Map.merge(%{address: contract_info[:address], topics: [contract_info[:event_names][event_name]]}, event_data) |
filter_id = ExW3.new_filter(payload) |
event_signature = state[:events][state[:event_names][event_name]][:signature] |
event_fields = state[:events][state[:event_names][event_name]][:names] |
event_signature = contract_info[:events][contract_info[:event_names][event_name]][:signature] |
event_fields = contract_info[:events][contract_info[:event_names][event_name]][:names] |
EventListener.filter(filter_id, event_signature, event_fields, other_pid) |
{:reply, filter_id, state ++ [event_name, filter_id]} |
{:reply, filter_id, Map.put(state, contract_name, contract_info ++ [event_name, filter_id])} |
end |
# Calls |
def handle_call({:deploy, {name, args}}, _from, state) do |
contract_info = state[name] |
def handle_call({:deploy, args}, _from, state) do |
with {:ok, _} <- check_option(args[:options][:from], :missing_sender), |
{:ok,_} <- check_option(args[:options][:gas], :missing_gas), |
{:ok, bin} <- check_option([state[:bin], args[:bin]], :missing_binary) |
do |
{contract_addr, tx_hash} = deploy_helper(bin, state[:abi], args) |
do |
{contract_addr, tx_hash} = deploy_helper(bin, contract_info[:abi], args) |
result = {:ok, contract_addr, tx_hash} |
{:reply, result , state} |
else |
err -> {:reply, err, state} |
end |
else |
err -> {:reply, err, state} |
end |
end |
def handle_call(:address, _from, state) do |
{:reply, state[:address], state} |
def handle_call({:address, name}, _from, state) do |
{:reply, state[name][:address], state} |
end |
def handle_call({:call, {method_name, args}}, _from, state) do |
with {:ok, address} <- check_option(state[:address], :missing_address) |
def handle_call({:call, {contract_name, method_name, args}}, _from, state) do |
contract_info = state[contract_name] |
with {:ok, address} <- check_option(contract_info[:address], :missing_address) |
do |
result = eth_call_helper(address, state[:abi], Atom.to_string(method_name), args) |
result = eth_call_helper(address, contract_info[:abi], Atom.to_string(method_name), args) |
{:reply, result, state} |
else |
err -> {:reply, err, state} |
end |
end |
def handle_call({:send, {method_name, args, options}}, _from, state) do |
with {:ok, address} <- check_option(state[:address], :missing_address), |
def handle_call({:send, {contract_name, method_name, args, options}}, _from, state) do |
contract_info = state[contract_name] |
with {:ok, address} <- check_option(contract_info[:address], :missing_address), |
{:ok, _} <- check_option(options[:from], :missing_sender), |
{:ok, _} <- check_option(options[:gas], :missing_gas) |
do |
result = eth_send_helper(address, state[:abi], Atom.to_string(method_name), args, options) |
result = eth_send_helper(address, contract_info[:abi], Atom.to_string(method_name), args, options) |
{:reply, result, state} |
else |
err -> {:reply, err, state} |
end |
end |
def handle_call({:tx_receipt, tx_hash}, _from, state) do |
def handle_call({:tx_receipt, {contract_name, tx_hash}}, _from, state) do |
contract_info = state[contract_name] |
receipt = ExW3.tx_receipt(tx_hash) |
events = state[:events] |
events = contract_info[:events] |
logs = receipt["logs"] |
formatted_logs = |