[Jitsi] is a set of Open Source projects that allows you to easily build and deploy secure
videoconferencing solutions.
[Jitsi](https://jitsi.org/) is a set of Open Source projects that allows you to easily build and deploy secure videoconferencing solutions.
[Jitsi Meet] is a fully encrypted, 100% Open Source video conferencing solution that you can use
all day, every day, for free — with no account needed.
[Jitsi Meet](https://jitsi.org/jitsi-meet/) is a fully encrypted, 100% Open Source video conferencing solution that you can use all day, every day, for free — with no account needed.
This repository contains the necessary tools to run a Jitsi Meet stack on [Docker] using
[Docker Compose].
This repository contains the necessary tools to run a Jitsi Meet stack on [Docker](https://www.docker.com) using [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/).
* Access the web UI at [``https://localhost:8443``](https://localhost:8443) (or a different port, in case you edited the compose file).
Note that HTTP (not HTTPS) is also available (on port 8000, by default), but that's e.g. for a reverse proxy setup;
direct access via HTTP instead HTTPS leads to WebRTC errors such as _Failed to access your microphone/camera: Cannot use microphone/camera for an unknown reason. Cannot read property 'getUserMedia' of undefined_ or _navigator.mediaDevices is undefined_.
If you want to use jigasi too, first configure your env file with SIP credentials
and then run Docker Compose as follows: ``docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jigasi.yml up``
If you want to enable document sharing via [Etherpad], configure it and run Docker Compose as
`JWT_APP_SECRET` | Application secret known only to your token | my_jitsi_app_secret
`JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS` | (Optional) Set asap_accepted_issuers as a comma separated list | my_web_client,my_app_client
`JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES` | (Optional) Set asap_accepted_audiences as a comma separated list | my_server1,my_server2
`JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER` | (Optional) Set asap_keyserver to a url where public keys can be found | https://example.com/asap
`JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY` | (Optional) Allow anonymous users with no JWT while validating JWTs when provided | 0
`JWT_AUTH_TYPE` | (Optional) Controls which module is used for processing incoming JWTs | token
`JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE` | (Optional) Controls which module is used for validating JWTs | token_verification
This can be tested using the [jwt.io] debugger. Use the following sample payload:
"context": {
"user": {
"avatar": "https://robohash.org/john-doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "jdoe@example.com"
"aud": "my_jitsi_app_id",
"iss": "my_jitsi_app_id",
"sub": "meet.jitsi",
"room": "*"
### Shared document editing using Etherpad
You can collaboratively edit a document via [Etherpad]. In order to enable it, set the config options below and run
Docker Compose with the additional config file `etherpad.yml`.
Here are the required options:
Variable | Description | Example
--- | --- | ---
`ETHERPAD_URL_BASE` | Set etherpad-lite URL | http://etherpad.meet.jitsi:9001
### Transcription configuration
If you want to enable the Transcribing function, these options are required:
Variable | Description | Example
--- | --- | ---
`ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS` | Enable Jigasi transcription in a conference | 1
`GC_PROJECT_ID` | `project_id` from Google Cloud Credentials
`GC_PRIVATE_KEY_ID` | `private_key_id` from Google Cloud Credentials
`GC_PRIVATE_KEY` | `private_key` from Google Cloud Credentials
`GC_CLIENT_EMAIL` | `client_email` from Google Cloud Credentials
`GC_CLIENT_ID` | `client_id` from Google Cloud Credentials
`GC_CLIENT_CERT_URL` | `client_x509_cert_url` from Google Cloud Credentials
For setting the Google Cloud Credentials please read https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/quickstart-protocol section "Before you begin" paragraph 1 to 5.
### Advanced configuration
These configuration options are already set and generally don't need to be changed.
Variable | Description | Default value
--- | --- | ---
`XMPP_DOMAIN` | Internal XMPP domain | meet.jitsi
`XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN` | Internal XMPP domain for authenticated services | auth.meet.jitsi
`XMPP_SERVER` | Internal XMPP server name xmpp.meet.jitsi | xmpp.meet.jitsi
`XMPP_BOSH_URL_BASE` | Internal XMPP server URL for BOSH module | http://xmpp.meet.jitsi:5280
`XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN` | XMPP domain for the MUC | muc.meet.jitsi
`XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN` | XMPP domain for the internal MUC | internal-muc.meet.jitsi
`XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN` | XMPP domain for unauthenticated users | guest.meet.jitsi
`XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN` | Domain for the jibri recorder | recorder.meet.jitsi
`JVB_STUN_SERVERS` | STUN servers used to discover the server's public IP | stun.l.google.com:19302, stun1.l.google.com:19302, stun2.l.google.com:19302
`JVB_PORT` | UDP port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge | 10000
`JVB_TCP_HARVESTER_DISABLED` | Disable the additional harvester which allows video over TCP (rather than just UDP) | true
`JVB_TCP_PORT` | TCP port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge when the TCP Harvester is enabled | 4443
`JVB_TCP_MAPPED_PORT` | TCP port advertised by Jitsi Videobridge | 4443
`JVB_BREWERY_MUC` | MUC name for the JVB pool | jvbbrewery
`JVB_ENABLE_APIS` | Comma separated list of JVB APIs to enable | none
`JIGASI_XMPP_USER` | XMPP user for Jigasi MUC client connections | jigasi
`JIGASI_HEALTH_CHECK_SIP_URI` | Health-check extension. Jigasi will call it for health check | keepalive
`JIGASI_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL` | Interval of health check in milliseconds | 300000
`JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_RECORD_AUDIO` | Jigasi will record audio when transcriber is on | true
`JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_SEND_TXT` | Jigasi will send a transcribed text to the chat when transcriber is on | true
`JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_ADVERTISE_URL` | Jigasi will post an URL to the chat with transcription file | true
`DISABLE_HTTPS` | Handle TLS connections outside of this setup | 1
`ENABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT` | Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS (necessary for Let's Encrypt) | 1
`LOG_LEVEL` | Controls which logs are output from prosody and associated modules | info
### Running behind NAT or on a LAN environment
If running in a LAN environment (as well as on the public Internet, via NAT) is a requirement,
the ``DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS`` should be set. This way, the Videobridge will advertise the IP address
of the host running Docker instead of the internal IP address that Docker assigned it, thus making [ICE]
succeed. If your users are coming in over the Internet (and not over LAN), this will likely be your public IP address. If this is not set up correctly, calls will crash when more than two users join a meeting.
The public IP address is discovered via [STUN]. STUN servers can be specified with the ``JVB_STUN_SERVERS``
## Build Instructions
Building your images allows you to edit the configuration files of each image individually, providing more customization for your deployment.
The docker images can be built by running the `make` command in the main repository folder. If you need to overwrite existing images from the remote source, use `FORCE_REBUILD=1 make`.
If you are on the unstable branch, build the images with `FORCE_REBUILD=1 JITSI_RELEASE=unstable make`.
You are now able to run `docker-compose up` as usual.
The installation manual is available [here](https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/devops-guide/devops-guide-docker).