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date: "2021-07-20T00:00:00+00:00"
title: "Maven Packages Repository"
slug: "packages/maven"
draft: false
toc: false
parent: "packages"
name: "Maven"
weight: 60
identifier: "maven"
# Maven Packages Repository
Publish [Maven ]( ) packages for your user or organization.
**Table of Contents**
{{< toc > }}
## Requirements
To work with the Maven package registry, you can use [Maven ]( ) or [Gradle ]( ).
The following examples use `Maven` .
## Configuring the package registry
To register the package registry you first need to add your access token to the [`settings.xml` ]( ) file:
< settings >
< servers >
< server >
< id > gitea< / id >
< configuration >
< httpHeaders >
< property >
< name > Authorization< / name >
< value > token {access_token}< / value >
< / property >
< / httpHeaders >
< / configuration >
< / server >
< / servers >
< / settings >
Afterwards add the following sections to your project `pom.xml` file:
< repositories >
< repository >
< id > gitea< / id >
< url >{owner}/maven< / url >
< / repository >
< / repositories >
< distributionManagement >
< repository >
< id > gitea< / id >
< url >{owner}/maven< / url >
< / repository >
< snapshotRepository >
< id > gitea< / id >
< url >{owner}/maven< / url >
< / snapshotRepository >
< / distributionManagement >
| Parameter | Description |
| -------------- | ----------- |
| `access_token` | Your [personal access token ]({{< relref "doc/developers/" >}} ). |
| `owner` | The owner of the package. |
## Publish a package
To publish a package simply run:
mvn deploy
If you want to publish a prebuild package to the registry, you can use [`mvn deploy:deploy-file` ]( ):
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl={owner}/maven -DrepositoryId=gitea -Dfile=/path/to/package.jar
| Parameter | Description |
| -------------- | ----------- |
| `owner` | The owner of the package. |
You cannot publish a package if a package of the same name and version already exists. You must delete the existing package first.
## Install a package
To install a Maven package from the package registry, add a new dependency to your project `pom.xml` file:
< dependency >
< groupId > com.test.package< / groupId >
< artifactId > test_project< / artifactId >
< version > 1.0.0< / version >
< / dependency >
Afterwards run:
mvn install
## Supported commands
mvn install
mvn deploy
mvn dependency:get: