@ -79,46 +79,6 @@ func (a Address) Bytes() []byte {
return a [ : ]
/ *
Proximity ( x , y ) returns the proximity order of the MSB distance between x and y
The distance metric MSB ( x , y ) of two equal length byte sequences x an y is the
value of the binary integer cast of the x ^ y , ie . , x and y bitwise xor - ed .
the binary cast is big endian : most significant bit first ( = MSB ) .
Proximity ( x , y ) is a discrete logarithmic scaling of the MSB distance .
It is defined as the reverse rank of the integer part of the base 2
logarithm of the distance .
It is calculated by counting the number of common leading zeros in the ( MSB )
binary representation of the x ^ y .
( 0 farthest , 255 closest , 256 self )
* /
func proximity ( one , other Address ) ( ret int , eq bool ) {
return posProximity ( one , other , 0 )
// posProximity(a, b, pos) returns proximity order of b wrt a (symmetric) pretending
// the first pos bits match, checking only bits index >= pos
func posProximity ( one , other Address , pos int ) ( ret int , eq bool ) {
for i := pos / 8 ; i < len ( one ) ; i ++ {
if one [ i ] == other [ i ] {
oxo := one [ i ] ^ other [ i ]
start := 0
if i == pos / 8 {
start = pos % 8
for j := start ; j < 8 ; j ++ {
if ( oxo >> uint8 ( 7 - j ) ) & 0x01 != 0 {
return i * 8 + j , false
return len ( one ) * 8 , true
// ProxCmp compares the distances a->target and b->target.
// Returns -1 if a is closer to target, 1 if b is closer to target
// and 0 if they are equal.