@ -20,13 +20,19 @@ A simple http server interface to Swarm
package http
import (
@ -36,26 +42,6 @@ import (
const (
rawType = "application/octet-stream"
var (
// accepted protocols: bzz (traditional), bzzi (immutable) and bzzr (raw)
bzzPrefix = regexp . MustCompile ( "^/+bzz[ir]?:/+" )
trailingSlashes = regexp . MustCompile ( "/+$" )
rootDocumentUri = regexp . MustCompile ( "^/+bzz[i]?:/+[^/]+$" )
// forever = func() time.Time { return time.Unix(0, 0) }
forever = time . Now
type sequentialReader struct {
reader io . Reader
pos int64
ahead map [ int64 ] ( chan bool )
lock sync . Mutex
// ServerConfig is the basic configuration needed for the HTTP server and also
// includes CORS settings.
type ServerConfig struct {
@ -94,242 +80,569 @@ type Server struct {
api * api . Api
func ( s * Server ) ServeHTTP ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
requestURL := r . URL
// This is wrong
// if requestURL.Host == "" {
// var err error
// requestURL, err = url.Parse(r.Referer() + requestURL.String())
// if err != nil {
// http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
// return
// }
// }
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "HTTP %s request URL: '%s', Host: '%s', Path: '%s', Referer: '%s', Accept: '%s'" , r . Method , r . RequestURI , requestURL . Host , requestURL . Path , r . Referer ( ) , r . Header . Get ( "Accept" ) ) )
uri := requestURL . Path
var raw , nameresolver bool
var proto string
// HTTP-based URL protocol handler
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "BZZ request URI: '%s'" , uri ) )
path := bzzPrefix . ReplaceAllStringFunc ( uri , func ( p string ) string {
proto = p
return ""
} )
// Request wraps http.Request and also includes the parsed bzz URI
type Request struct {
http . Request
uri * api . URI
// protocol identification (ugly)
if proto == "" {
log . Error ( fmt . Sprintf ( "[BZZ] Swarm: Protocol error in request `%s`." , uri ) )
http . Error ( w , "Invalid request URL: need access protocol (bzz:/, bzzr:/, bzzi:/) as first element in path." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// HandlePostRaw handles a POST request to a raw bzzr:/ URI, stores the request
// body in swarm and returns the resulting storage key as a text/plain response
func ( s * Server ) HandlePostRaw ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request ) {
if r . uri . Path != "" {
s . BadRequest ( w , r , "raw POST request cannot contain a path" )
if len ( proto ) > 4 {
raw = proto [ 1 : 5 ] == "bzzr"
nameresolver = proto [ 1 : 5 ] != "bzzi"
if r . Header . Get ( "Content-Length" ) == "" {
s . BadRequest ( w , r , "missing Content-Length header in request" )
log . Debug ( "" , "msg" , log . Lazy { Fn : func ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "[BZZ] Swarm: %s request over protocol %s '%s' received." , r . Method , proto , path )
} } )
key , err := s . api . Store ( r . Body , r . ContentLength , nil )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , err )
s . logDebug ( "content for %s stored" , key . Log ( ) )
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "text/plain" )
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusOK )
fmt . Fprint ( w , key )
switch {
case r . Method == "POST" || r . Method == "PUT" :
if r . Header . Get ( "content-length" ) == "" {
http . Error ( w , "Missing Content-Length header in request." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// HandlePostFiles handles a POST request (or deprecated PUT request) to
// bzz:/<hash>/<path> which contains either a single file or multiple files
// (either a tar archive or multipart form), adds those files either to an
// existing manifest or to a new manifest under <path> and returns the
// resulting manifest hash as a text/plain response
func ( s * Server ) HandlePostFiles ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request ) {
contentType , params , err := mime . ParseMediaType ( r . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) )
if err != nil {
s . BadRequest ( w , r , err . Error ( ) )
var key storage . Key
if r . uri . Addr != "" {
key , err = s . api . Resolve ( r . uri )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error resolving %s: %s" , r . uri . Addr , err ) )
key , err := s . api . Store ( io . LimitReader ( r . Body , r . ContentLength ) , r . ContentLength , nil )
if err == nil {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Content for %v stored" , key . Log ( ) ) )
} else {
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , http . StatusBadRequest )
key , err = s . api . NewManifest ( )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , err )
newKey , err := s . updateManifest ( key , func ( mw * api . ManifestWriter ) error {
switch contentType {
case "application/x-tar" :
return s . handleTarUpload ( r , mw )
case "multipart/form-data" :
return s . handleMultipartUpload ( r , params [ "boundary" ] , mw )
default :
return s . handleDirectUpload ( r , mw )
} )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error creating manifest: %s" , err ) )
if r . Method == "POST" {
if raw {
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "text/plain" )
http . ServeContent ( w , r , "" , time . Now ( ) , bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( common . Bytes2Hex ( key ) ) ) )
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusOK )
fmt . Fprint ( w , newKey )
func ( s * Server ) handleTarUpload ( req * Request , mw * api . ManifestWriter ) error {
tr := tar . NewReader ( req . Body )
for {
hdr , err := tr . Next ( )
if err == io . EOF {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error reading tar stream: %s" , err )
// only store regular files
if ! hdr . FileInfo ( ) . Mode ( ) . IsRegular ( ) {
// add the entry under the path from the request
path := path . Join ( req . uri . Path , hdr . Name )
entry := & api . ManifestEntry {
Path : path ,
ContentType : hdr . Xattrs [ "user.swarm.content-type" ] ,
Mode : hdr . Mode ,
Size : hdr . Size ,
ModTime : hdr . ModTime ,
s . logDebug ( "adding %s (%d bytes) to new manifest" , entry . Path , entry . Size )
contentKey , err := mw . AddEntry ( tr , entry )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error adding manifest entry from tar stream: %s" , err )
s . logDebug ( "content for %s stored" , contentKey . Log ( ) )
func ( s * Server ) handleMultipartUpload ( req * Request , boundary string , mw * api . ManifestWriter ) error {
mr := multipart . NewReader ( req . Body , boundary )
for {
part , err := mr . NextPart ( )
if err == io . EOF {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error reading multipart form: %s" , err )
var size int64
var reader io . Reader = part
if contentLength := part . Header . Get ( "Content-Length" ) ; contentLength != "" {
size , err = strconv . ParseInt ( contentLength , 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error parsing multipart content length: %s" , err )
reader = part
} else {
http . Error ( w , "No POST to " + uri + " allowed." , http . StatusBadRequest )
// copy the part to a tmp file to get its size
tmp , err := ioutil . TempFile ( "" , "swarm-multipart" )
if err != nil {
return err
defer os . Remove ( tmp . Name ( ) )
defer tmp . Close ( )
size , err = io . Copy ( tmp , part )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error copying multipart content: %s" , err )
if _ , err := tmp . Seek ( 0 , os . SEEK_SET ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error copying multipart content: %s" , err )
reader = tmp
// add the entry under the path from the request
name := part . FileName ( )
if name == "" {
name = part . FormName ( )
path := path . Join ( req . uri . Path , name )
entry := & api . ManifestEntry {
Path : path ,
ContentType : part . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) ,
Size : size ,
ModTime : time . Now ( ) ,
s . logDebug ( "adding %s (%d bytes) to new manifest" , entry . Path , entry . Size )
contentKey , err := mw . AddEntry ( reader , entry )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error adding manifest entry from multipart form: %s" , err )
s . logDebug ( "content for %s stored" , contentKey . Log ( ) )
func ( s * Server ) handleDirectUpload ( req * Request , mw * api . ManifestWriter ) error {
key , err := mw . AddEntry ( req . Body , & api . ManifestEntry {
Path : req . uri . Path ,
ContentType : req . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" ) ,
Mode : 0644 ,
Size : req . ContentLength ,
ModTime : time . Now ( ) ,
} )
if err != nil {
return err
s . logDebug ( "content for %s stored" , key . Log ( ) )
return nil
// HandleDelete handles a DELETE request to bzz:/<manifest>/<path>, removes
// <path> from <manifest> and returns the resulting manifest hash as a
// text/plain response
func ( s * Server ) HandleDelete ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request ) {
key , err := s . api . Resolve ( r . uri )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error resolving %s: %s" , r . uri . Addr , err ) )
} else {
// PUT
if raw {
http . Error ( w , "No PUT to /raw allowed." , http . StatusBadRequest )
newKey , err := s . updateManifest ( key , func ( mw * api . ManifestWriter ) error {
s . logDebug ( "removing %s from manifest %s" , r . uri . Path , key . Log ( ) )
return mw . RemoveEntry ( r . uri . Path )
} )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error updating manifest: %s" , err ) )
} else {
path = api . RegularSlashes ( path )
mime := r . Header . Get ( "Content-Type" )
// TODO proper root hash separation
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Modify '%s' to store %v as '%s'." , path , key . Log ( ) , mime ) )
newKey , err := s . api . Modify ( path , common . Bytes2Hex ( key ) , mime , nameresolver )
if err == nil {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Swarm replaced manifest by '%s'" , newKey ) )
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "text/plain" )
http . ServeContent ( w , r , "" , time . Now ( ) , bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( newKey ) ) )
} else {
http . Error ( w , "PUT to " + path + "failed." , http . StatusBadRequest )
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusOK )
fmt . Fprint ( w , newKey )
// HandleGetRaw handles a GET request to bzzr://<key> and responds with
// the raw content stored at the given storage key
func ( s * Server ) HandleGetRaw ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request ) {
key , err := s . api . Resolve ( r . uri )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error resolving %s: %s" , r . uri . Addr , err ) )
// if path is set, interpret <key> as a manifest and return the
// raw entry at the given path
if r . uri . Path != "" {
walker , err := s . api . NewManifestWalker ( key , nil )
if err != nil {
s . BadRequest ( w , r , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s is not a manifest" , key ) )
var entry * api . ManifestEntry
walker . Walk ( func ( e * api . ManifestEntry ) error {
// if the entry matches the path, set entry and stop
// the walk
if e . Path == r . uri . Path {
entry = e
// return an error to cancel the walk
return errors . New ( "found" )
// ignore non-manifest files
if e . ContentType != api . ManifestType {
return nil
// if the manifest's path is a prefix of the
// requested path, recurse into it by returning
// nil and continuing the walk
if strings . HasPrefix ( r . uri . Path , e . Path ) {
return nil
case r . Method == "DELETE" :
if raw {
http . Error ( w , "No DELETE to /raw allowed." , http . StatusBadRequest )
return api . SkipManifest
} )
if entry == nil {
http . NotFound ( w , & r . Request )
} else {
path = api . RegularSlashes ( path )
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Delete '%s'." , path ) )
newKey , err := s . api . Modify ( path , "" , "" , nameresolver )
if err == nil {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Swarm replaced manifest by '%s'" , newKey ) )
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "text/plain" )
http . ServeContent ( w , r , "" , time . Now ( ) , bytes . NewReader ( [ ] byte ( newKey ) ) )
} else {
http . Error ( w , "DELETE to " + path + "failed." , http . StatusBadRequest )
key = storage . Key ( common . Hex2Bytes ( entry . Hash ) )
// check the root chunk exists by retrieving the file's size
reader := s . api . Retrieve ( key )
if _ , err := reader . Size ( nil ) ; err != nil {
s . logDebug ( "key not found %s: %s" , key , err )
http . NotFound ( w , & r . Request )
// allow the request to overwrite the content type using a query
// parameter
contentType := "application/octet-stream"
if typ := r . URL . Query ( ) . Get ( "content_type" ) ; typ != "" {
contentType = typ
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , contentType )
http . ServeContent ( w , & r . Request , "" , time . Now ( ) , reader )
case r . Method == "GET" || r . Method == "HEAD" :
path = trailingSlashes . ReplaceAllString ( path , "" )
if path == "" {
http . Error ( w , "Empty path not allowed" , http . StatusBadRequest )
// HandleGetFiles handles a GET request to bzz:/<manifest> with an Accept
// header of "application/x-tar" and returns a tar stream of all files
// contained in the manifest
func ( s * Server ) HandleGetFiles ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request ) {
if r . uri . Path != "" {
s . BadRequest ( w , r , "files request cannot contain a path" )
if raw {
var reader storage . LazySectionReader
parsedurl , _ := api . Parse ( path )
if parsedurl == path {
key , err := s . api . Resolve ( parsedurl , nameresolver )
key , err := s . api . Resolve ( r . uri )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , err ) )
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , http . StatusBadRequest )
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error resolving %s: %s" , r . uri . Addr , err ) )
reader = s . api . Retrieve ( key )
} else {
var status int
readertmp , _ , status , err := s . api . Get ( path , nameresolver )
walker , err := s . api . NewManifestWalker ( key , nil )
if err != nil {
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , status )
s . Error ( w , r , err )
reader = readertmp
tw := tar . NewWriter ( w )
defer tw . Close ( )
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "application/x-tar" )
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusOK )
err = walker . Walk ( func ( entry * api . ManifestEntry ) error {
// ignore manifests (walk will recurse into them)
if entry . ContentType == api . ManifestType {
return nil
// retrieve the entry's key and size
reader := s . api . Retrieve ( storage . Key ( common . Hex2Bytes ( entry . Hash ) ) )
size , err := reader . Size ( nil )
if err != nil {
return err
// write a tar header for the entry
hdr := & tar . Header {
Name : entry . Path ,
Mode : entry . Mode ,
Size : size ,
ModTime : entry . ModTime ,
Xattrs : map [ string ] string {
"user.swarm.content-type" : entry . ContentType ,
} ,
if err := tw . WriteHeader ( hdr ) ; err != nil {
return err
// copy the file into the tar stream
n , err := io . Copy ( tw , io . LimitReader ( reader , hdr . Size ) )
if err != nil {
return err
} else if n != size {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error writing %s: expected %d bytes but sent %d" , entry . Path , size , n )
return nil
} )
if err != nil {
s . logError ( "error generating tar stream: %s" , err )
// HandleGetList handles a GET request to bzz:/<manifest>/<path> which has
// the "list" query parameter set to "true" and returns a list of all files
// contained in <manifest> under <path> grouped into common prefixes using
// "/" as a delimiter
func ( s * Server ) HandleGetList ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request ) {
// ensure the root path has a trailing slash so that relative URLs work
if r . uri . Path == "" && ! strings . HasSuffix ( r . URL . Path , "/" ) {
http . Redirect ( w , & r . Request , r . URL . Path + "/?list=true" , http . StatusMovedPermanently )
// retrieving content
key , err := s . api . Resolve ( r . uri )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error resolving %s: %s" , r . uri . Addr , err ) )
quitC := make ( chan bool )
size , err := reader . Size ( quitC )
walker , err := s . api . NewManifestWalker ( key , nil )
if err != nil {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Could not determine size: %v" , err . Error ( ) ) )
//An error on call to Size means we don't have the root chunk
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , http . StatusNotFound )
s . Error ( w , r , err )
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Reading %d bytes." , size ) )
// setting mime type
qv := requestURL . Query ( )
mimeType := qv . Get ( "content_type" )
if mimeType == "" {
mimeType = rawType
var list api . ManifestList
prefix := r . uri . Path
err = walker . Walk ( func ( entry * api . ManifestEntry ) error {
// handle non-manifest files
if entry . ContentType != api . ManifestType {
// ignore the file if it doesn't have the specified prefix
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( entry . Path , prefix ) {
return nil
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , mimeType )
http . ServeContent ( w , r , uri , forever ( ) , reader )
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Serve raw content '%s' (%d bytes) as '%s'" , uri , size , mimeType ) )
// if the path after the prefix contains a slash, add a
// common prefix to the list, otherwise add the entry
suffix := strings . TrimPrefix ( entry . Path , prefix )
if index := strings . Index ( suffix , "/" ) ; index > - 1 {
list . CommonPrefixes = append ( list . CommonPrefixes , prefix + suffix [ : index + 1 ] )
return nil
if entry . Path == "" {
entry . Path = "/"
list . Entries = append ( list . Entries , entry )
return nil
// retrieve path via manifest
} else {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Structured GET request '%s' received." , uri ) )
// add trailing slash, if missing
if rootDocumentUri . MatchString ( uri ) {
http . Redirect ( w , r , path + "/" , http . StatusFound )
// if the manifest's path is a prefix of the specified prefix
// then just recurse into the manifest by returning nil and
// continuing the walk
if strings . HasPrefix ( prefix , entry . Path ) {
return nil
// if the manifest's path has the specified prefix, then if the
// path after the prefix contains a slash, add a common prefix
// to the list and skip the manifest, otherwise recurse into
// the manifest by returning nil and continuing the walk
if strings . HasPrefix ( entry . Path , prefix ) {
suffix := strings . TrimPrefix ( entry . Path , prefix )
if index := strings . Index ( suffix , "/" ) ; index > - 1 {
list . CommonPrefixes = append ( list . CommonPrefixes , prefix + suffix [ : index + 1 ] )
return api . SkipManifest
return nil
// the manifest neither has the prefix or needs recursing in to
// so just skip it
return api . SkipManifest
} )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , err )
reader , mimeType , status , err := s . api . Get ( path , nameresolver )
// if the client wants HTML (e.g. a browser) then render the list as a
// HTML index with relative URLs
if strings . Contains ( r . Header . Get ( "Accept" ) , "text/html" ) {
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "text/html" )
err := htmlListTemplate . Execute ( w , & htmlListData {
URI : r . uri ,
List : & list ,
} )
if err != nil {
if _ , ok := err . ( api . ErrResolve ) ; ok {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , err ) )
status = http . StatusBadRequest
} else {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "error retrieving '%s': %v" , uri , err ) )
status = http . StatusNotFound
s . logError ( "error rendering list HTML: %s" , err )
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , status )
// set mime type and status headers
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , mimeType )
if status > 0 {
w . WriteHeader ( status )
} else {
status = 200
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" )
json . NewEncoder ( w ) . Encode ( & list )
quitC := make ( chan bool )
size , err := reader . Size ( quitC )
// HandleGetFile handles a GET request to bzz://<manifest>/<path> and responds
// with the content of the file at <path> from the given <manifest>
func ( s * Server ) HandleGetFile ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request ) {
key , err := s . api . Resolve ( r . uri )
if err != nil {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Could not determine size: %v" , err . Error ( ) ) )
//An error on call to Size means we don't have the root chunk
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , http . StatusNotFound )
s . Error ( w , r , fmt . Errorf ( "error resolving %s: %s" , r . uri . Addr , err ) )
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Served '%s' (%d bytes) as '%s' (status code: %v)" , uri , size , mimeType , status ) )
http . ServeContent ( w , r , path , forever ( ) , reader )
reader , contentType , _ , err := s . api . Get ( key , r . uri . Path )
if err != nil {
s . Error ( w , r , err )
// check the root chunk exists by retrieving the file's size
if _ , err := reader . Size ( nil ) ; err != nil {
s . logDebug ( "file not found %s: %s" , r . uri , err )
http . NotFound ( w , & r . Request )
default :
http . Error ( w , "Method " + r . Method + " is not supported." , http . StatusMethodNotAllowed )
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Content-Type" , contentType )
http . ServeContent ( w , & r . Request , "" , time . Now ( ) , reader )
func ( s * Server ) ServeHTTP ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
s . logDebug ( "HTTP %s request URL: '%s', Host: '%s', Path: '%s', Referer: '%s', Accept: '%s'" , r . Method , r . RequestURI , r . URL . Host , r . URL . Path , r . Referer ( ) , r . Header . Get ( "Accept" ) )
uri , err := api . Parse ( strings . TrimLeft ( r . URL . Path , "/" ) )
if err != nil {
s . logError ( "Invalid URI %q: %s" , r . URL . Path , err )
http . Error ( w , fmt . Sprintf ( "Invalid bzz URI: %s" , err ) , http . StatusBadRequest )
s . logDebug ( "%s request received for %s" , r . Method , uri )
func ( self * sequentialReader ) ReadAt ( target [ ] byte , off int64 ) ( n int , err error ) {
self . lock . Lock ( )
// assert self.pos <= off
if self . pos > off {
log . Error ( fmt . Sprintf ( "non-sequential read attempted from sequentialReader; %d > %d" , self . pos , off ) )
panic ( "Non-sequential read attempt" )
req := & Request { Request : * r , uri : uri }
switch r . Method {
case "POST" :
if uri . Raw ( ) {
s . HandlePostRaw ( w , req )
} else {
s . HandlePostFiles ( w , req )
if self . pos != off {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "deferred read in POST at position %d, offset %d." , self . pos , off ) )
wait := make ( chan bool )
self . ahead [ off ] = wait
self . lock . Unlock ( )
if <- wait {
// failed read behind
n = 0
err = io . ErrUnexpectedEOF
case "PUT" :
// clients should send a POST request (the request creates a
// new manifest leaving the existing one intact, so it isn't
// strictly a traditional PUT request which replaces content
// at a URI, and POST is more ubiquitous)
if uri . Raw ( ) {
http . Error ( w , fmt . Sprintf ( "No PUT to %s allowed." , uri ) , http . StatusBadRequest )
} else {
s . HandlePostFiles ( w , req )
self . lock . Lock ( )
case "DELETE" :
if uri . Raw ( ) {
http . Error ( w , fmt . Sprintf ( "No DELETE to %s allowed." , uri ) , http . StatusBadRequest )
localPos := 0
for localPos < len ( target ) {
n , err = self . reader . Read ( target [ localPos : ] )
localPos += n
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Read %d bytes into buffer size %d from POST, error %v." , n , len ( target ) , err ) )
s . HandleDelete ( w , req )
case "GET" :
if uri . Raw ( ) {
s . HandleGetRaw ( w , req )
if r . Header . Get ( "Accept" ) == "application/x-tar" {
s . HandleGetFiles ( w , req )
if r . URL . Query ( ) . Get ( "list" ) == "true" {
s . HandleGetList ( w , req )
s . HandleGetFile ( w , req )
default :
http . Error ( w , "Method " + r . Method + " is not supported." , http . StatusMethodNotAllowed )
func ( s * Server ) updateManifest ( key storage . Key , update func ( mw * api . ManifestWriter ) error ) ( storage . Key , error ) {
mw , err := s . api . NewManifestWriter ( key , nil )
if err != nil {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "POST stream's reading terminated with %v." , err ) )
for i := range self . ahead {
self . ahead [ i ] <- true
delete ( self . ahead , i )
return nil , err
if err := update ( mw ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
self . lock . Unlock ( )
return localPos , err
key , err = mw . Store ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
self . pos += int64 ( n )
s . logDebug ( "generated manifest %s" , key )
return key , nil
wait := self . ahead [ self . pos ]
if wait != nil {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "deferred read in POST at position %d triggered." , self . pos ) )
delete ( self . ahead , self . pos )
close ( wait )
func ( s * Server ) logDebug ( format string , v ... interface { } ) {
log . Debug ( fmt . Sprintf ( "[BZZ] HTTP: " + format , v ... ) )
self . lock . Unlock ( )
return localPos , err
func ( s * Server ) logError ( format string , v ... interface { } ) {
log . Error ( fmt . Sprintf ( "[BZZ] HTTP: " + format , v ... ) )
func ( s * Server ) BadRequest ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request , reason string ) {
s . logDebug ( "bad request %s %s: %s" , r . Method , r . uri , reason )
http . Error ( w , reason , http . StatusBadRequest )
func ( s * Server ) Error ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * Request , err error ) {
s . logError ( "error serving %s %s: %s" , r . Method , r . uri , err )
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , http . StatusInternalServerError )