--nousb Disables monitoring for and managing USB hardware wallets (deprecated)
--rpc Enable the HTTP-RPC server (deprecated and will be removed June 2021, use --http)
--rpcaddr value HTTP-RPC server listening interface (deprecated and will be removed June 2021, use --http.addr) (default: "localhost")
--rpcport value HTTP-RPC server listening port (deprecated and will be removed June 2021, use --http.port) (default: 8545)
--rpccorsdomain value Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced) (deprecated and will be removed June 2021, use --http.corsdomain)
--rpcvhosts value Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts '*' wildcard. (deprecated and will be removed June 2021, use --http.vhosts) (default: "localhost")
--rpcapi value API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (deprecated and will be removed June 2021, use --http.api)
--miner.gastarget value Target gas floor for mined blocks (deprecated) (default: 0)