On Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty, it's possible to use GCC 4.9.4+, but it is not recommended, because it requires installing GCC packages from third-party PPAs. Later versions of Ubuntu that come with GCC 4.9.4+ should work with GCC out-of-the-box.
On Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty, it's possible to use GCC 4.9.4+, but it is not recommended, because it requires installing GCC packages from third-party PPAs. Later versions of Ubuntu that come with GCC 4.9.4+ should work with GCC out-of-the-box.
##### OSX (Xcode 8 or later)
##### macOS (Xcode 8 or later)
brew update
brew update
brew install qt5 lmdb
brew install qt5 lmdb cmake llvm
N.B. you will need to pass `-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5`
to cmake to point it at your qt5 install (tweaking the path as needed)