mirror of https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko
@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ |
#include <QHBoxLayout> |
#include <QLabel> |
#include <QListWidget> |
#include <QMessageBox> |
#include <QShortcut> |
#include <QVBoxLayout> |
#include "Cache.h" |
#include "ChatPage.h" |
#include "Logging.h" |
#include "MatrixClient.h" |
#include "Utils.h" |
#include "dialogs/UserProfile.h" |
#include "ui/Avatar.h" |
#include "ui/FlatButton.h" |
using namespace dialogs; |
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::vector<DeviceInfo>) |
constexpr int BUTTON_SIZE = 36; |
constexpr int BUTTON_RADIUS = BUTTON_SIZE / 2; |
constexpr int WIDGET_MARGIN = 20; |
constexpr int TOP_WIDGET_MARGIN = 2 * WIDGET_MARGIN; |
constexpr int WIDGET_SPACING = 15; |
constexpr int TEXT_SPACING = 4; |
constexpr int DEVICE_SPACING = 5; |
DeviceItem::DeviceItem(DeviceInfo device, QWidget *parent) |
: QWidget(parent) |
, info_(std::move(device)) |
{ |
QFont font; |
font.setBold(true); |
auto deviceIdLabel = new QLabel(info_.device_id, this); |
deviceIdLabel->setFont(font); |
auto layout = new QVBoxLayout{this}; |
layout->addWidget(deviceIdLabel); |
if (!info_.display_name.isEmpty()) |
layout->addWidget(new QLabel(info_.display_name, this)); |
layout->setMargin(0); |
layout->setSpacing(4); |
} |
UserProfile::UserProfile(QWidget *parent) |
: QWidget(parent) |
{ |
setAutoFillBackground(true); |
setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); |
setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); |
QIcon banIcon, kickIcon, ignoreIcon, startChatIcon; |
banIcon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/do-not-disturb-rounded-sign.png"); |
banBtn_ = new FlatButton(this); |
banBtn_->setFixedSize(BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE); |
banBtn_->setCornerRadius(BUTTON_RADIUS); |
banBtn_->setIcon(banIcon); |
banBtn_->setIconSize(QSize(BUTTON_RADIUS, BUTTON_RADIUS)); |
banBtn_->setToolTip(tr("Ban the user from the room")); |
ignoreIcon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/volume-off-indicator.png"); |
ignoreBtn_ = new FlatButton(this); |
ignoreBtn_->setFixedSize(BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE); |
ignoreBtn_->setCornerRadius(BUTTON_RADIUS); |
ignoreBtn_->setIcon(ignoreIcon); |
ignoreBtn_->setIconSize(QSize(BUTTON_RADIUS, BUTTON_RADIUS)); |
ignoreBtn_->setToolTip(tr("Ignore messages from this user")); |
ignoreBtn_->setDisabled(true); // Not used yet.
kickIcon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/round-remove-button.png"); |
kickBtn_ = new FlatButton(this); |
kickBtn_->setFixedSize(BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE); |
kickBtn_->setCornerRadius(BUTTON_RADIUS); |
kickBtn_->setIcon(kickIcon); |
kickBtn_->setIconSize(QSize(BUTTON_RADIUS, BUTTON_RADIUS)); |
kickBtn_->setToolTip(tr("Kick the user from the room")); |
startChatIcon.addFile(":/icons/icons/ui/black-bubble-speech.png"); |
startChat_ = new FlatButton(this); |
startChat_->setFixedSize(BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE); |
startChat_->setCornerRadius(BUTTON_RADIUS); |
startChat_->setIcon(startChatIcon); |
startChat_->setIconSize(QSize(BUTTON_RADIUS, BUTTON_RADIUS)); |
startChat_->setToolTip(tr("Start a conversation")); |
connect(startChat_, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this]() { |
auto user_id = userIdLabel_->text(); |
mtx::requests::CreateRoom req; |
req.preset = mtx::requests::Preset::PrivateChat; |
req.visibility = mtx::requests::Visibility::Private; |
if (utils::localUser() != user_id) |
req.invite = {user_id.toStdString()}; |
if (QMessageBox::question( |
this, |
tr("Confirm DM"), |
tr("Do you really want to invite %1 (%2) to a direct chat?") |
.arg(cache::displayName(roomId_, user_id)) |
.arg(user_id)) != QMessageBox::Yes) |
return; |
emit ChatPage::instance()->createRoom(req); |
}); |
connect(banBtn_, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this] { |
ChatPage::instance()->banUser(userIdLabel_->text(), ""); |
}); |
connect(kickBtn_, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this] { |
ChatPage::instance()->kickUser(userIdLabel_->text(), ""); |
}); |
// Button line
auto btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout; |
btnLayout->addStretch(1); |
btnLayout->addWidget(startChat_); |
btnLayout->addWidget(ignoreBtn_); |
btnLayout->addWidget(kickBtn_); |
btnLayout->addWidget(banBtn_); |
btnLayout->addStretch(1); |
btnLayout->setSpacing(8); |
btnLayout->setMargin(0); |
avatar_ = new Avatar(this, 128); |
avatar_->setLetter("X"); |
QFont font; |
font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF() * 2); |
userIdLabel_ = new QLabel(this); |
displayNameLabel_ = new QLabel(this); |
displayNameLabel_->setFont(font); |
auto textLayout = new QVBoxLayout; |
textLayout->addWidget(displayNameLabel_); |
textLayout->addWidget(userIdLabel_); |
textLayout->setAlignment(displayNameLabel_, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop); |
textLayout->setAlignment(userIdLabel_, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop); |
textLayout->setSpacing(TEXT_SPACING); |
textLayout->setMargin(0); |
devices_ = new QListWidget{this}; |
devices_->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); |
devices_->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::NoSelection); |
devices_->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0); |
devices_->setSpacing(DEVICE_SPACING); |
QFont descriptionLabelFont; |
descriptionLabelFont.setWeight(65); |
devicesLabel_ = new QLabel(tr("Devices").toUpper(), this); |
devicesLabel_->setFont(descriptionLabelFont); |
devicesLabel_->hide(); |
devicesLabel_->setFixedSize(devicesLabel_->sizeHint()); |
auto okBtn = new QPushButton("OK", this); |
auto closeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); |
closeLayout->setSpacing(15); |
closeLayout->addStretch(1); |
closeLayout->addWidget(okBtn); |
auto vlayout = new QVBoxLayout{this}; |
vlayout->addWidget(avatar_, 0, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop); |
vlayout->addLayout(textLayout); |
vlayout->addLayout(btnLayout); |
vlayout->addWidget(devicesLabel_, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); |
vlayout->addWidget(devices_, 1); |
vlayout->addLayout(closeLayout); |
QFont largeFont; |
largeFont.setPointSizeF(largeFont.pointSizeF() * 1.5); |
setMinimumWidth( |
std::max(devices_->sizeHint().width() + 4 * WIDGET_MARGIN, conf::window::minModalWidth)); |
setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); |
vlayout->setSpacing(WIDGET_SPACING); |
qRegisterMetaType<std::vector<DeviceInfo>>(); |
auto closeShortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Cancel), this); |
connect(closeShortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &UserProfile::close); |
connect(okBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &UserProfile::close); |
} |
void |
UserProfile::resetToDefaults() |
{ |
avatar_->setLetter("X"); |
devices_->clear(); |
ignoreBtn_->show(); |
devices_->hide(); |
devicesLabel_->hide(); |
} |
void |
UserProfile::init(const QString &userId, const QString &roomId) |
{ |
resetToDefaults(); |
this->roomId_ = roomId; |
auto displayName = cache::displayName(roomId, userId); |
userIdLabel_->setText(userId); |
displayNameLabel_->setText(displayName); |
avatar_->setLetter(utils::firstChar(displayName)); |
avatar_->setImage(roomId, userId); |
auto localUser = utils::localUser(); |
try { |
bool hasMemberRights = |
cache::hasEnoughPowerLevel({mtx::events::EventType::RoomMember}, |
roomId.toStdString(), |
localUser.toStdString()); |
if (!hasMemberRights) { |
kickBtn_->hide(); |
banBtn_->hide(); |
} else { |
kickBtn_->show(); |
banBtn_->show(); |
} |
} catch (const lmdb::error &e) { |
nhlog::db()->warn("lmdb error: {}", e.what()); |
} |
if (localUser == userId) { |
// TODO: click on display name & avatar to change.
kickBtn_->hide(); |
banBtn_->hide(); |
ignoreBtn_->hide(); |
} |
mtx::requests::QueryKeys req; |
req.device_keys[userId.toStdString()] = {}; |
// A proxy object is used to emit the signal instead of the original object
// which might be destroyed by the time the http call finishes.
auto proxy = std::make_shared<Proxy>(); |
QObject::connect(proxy.get(), &Proxy::done, this, &UserProfile::updateDeviceList); |
http::client()->query_keys( |
req, |
[user_id = userId.toStdString(), proxy = std::move(proxy)]( |
const mtx::responses::QueryKeys &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { |
if (err) { |
nhlog::net()->warn("failed to query device keys: {} {}", |
err->matrix_error.error, |
static_cast<int>(err->status_code)); |
// TODO: Notify the UI.
return; |
} |
if (res.device_keys.empty() || |
(res.device_keys.find(user_id) == res.device_keys.end())) { |
nhlog::net()->warn("no devices retrieved {}", user_id); |
return; |
} |
auto devices = res.device_keys.at(user_id); |
std::vector<DeviceInfo> deviceInfo; |
for (const auto &d : devices) { |
auto device = d.second; |
// TODO: Verify signatures and ignore those that don't pass.
deviceInfo.emplace_back(DeviceInfo{ |
QString::fromStdString(d.first), |
QString::fromStdString(device.unsigned_info.device_display_name)}); |
} |
std::sort(deviceInfo.begin(), |
deviceInfo.end(), |
[](const DeviceInfo &a, const DeviceInfo &b) { |
return a.device_id > b.device_id; |
}); |
if (!deviceInfo.empty()) |
emit proxy->done(QString::fromStdString(user_id), deviceInfo); |
}); |
} |
void |
UserProfile::updateDeviceList(const QString &user_id, const std::vector<DeviceInfo> &devices) |
{ |
if (user_id != userIdLabel_->text()) |
return; |
for (const auto &dev : devices) { |
auto deviceItem = new DeviceItem(dev, this); |
auto item = new QListWidgetItem; |
item->setSizeHint(deviceItem->minimumSizeHint()); |
item->setFlags(Qt::NoItemFlags); |
item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); |
devices_->insertItem(devices_->count() - 1, item); |
devices_->setItemWidget(item, deviceItem); |
} |
devicesLabel_->show(); |
devices_->show(); |
adjustSize(); |
} |
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include <QString> |
#include <QWidget> |
class Avatar; |
class FlatButton; |
class QLabel; |
class QListWidget; |
class Toggle; |
struct DeviceInfo |
{ |
QString device_id; |
QString display_name; |
}; |
class Proxy : public QObject |
{ |
signals: |
void done(const QString &user_id, const std::vector<DeviceInfo> &devices); |
}; |
namespace dialogs { |
class DeviceItem : public QWidget |
{ |
public: |
explicit DeviceItem(DeviceInfo device, QWidget *parent); |
private: |
DeviceInfo info_; |
// Toggle *verifyToggle_;
}; |
class UserProfile : public QWidget |
{ |
public: |
explicit UserProfile(QWidget *parent = nullptr); |
void init(const QString &userId, const QString &roomId); |
private slots: |
void updateDeviceList(const QString &user_id, const std::vector<DeviceInfo> &devices); |
private: |
void resetToDefaults(); |
Avatar *avatar_; |
QString roomId_; |
QLabel *userIdLabel_; |
QLabel *displayNameLabel_; |
FlatButton *banBtn_; |
FlatButton *kickBtn_; |
FlatButton *ignoreBtn_; |
FlatButton *startChat_; |
QLabel *devicesLabel_; |
QListWidget *devices_; |
}; |
} // dialogs
Reference in new issue