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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.2;
import "../patched/governance/Governor.sol";
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorCountingSimple.sol";
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorTimelockControl.sol";
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorVotes.sol";
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorVotesQuorumFraction.sol";
import "../patched/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Votes.sol";
contract GovernorHarness is
constructor(IVotes _token, TimelockController _timelock, uint256 _quorumNumeratorValue)
// Harness from Votes
function token_getPastTotalSupply(uint256 blockNumber) public view returns(uint256) {
return token.getPastTotalSupply(blockNumber);
function token_getPastVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) public view returns(uint256) {
return token.getPastVotes(account, blockNumber);
function token_clock() public view returns (uint48) {
return token.clock();
function token_CLOCK_MODE() public view returns (string memory) {
return token.CLOCK_MODE();
// Harness from Governor
function getExecutor() public view returns (address) {
return _executor();
function proposalProposer(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (address) {
return _proposalProposer(proposalId);
function quorumReached(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
return _quorumReached(proposalId);
function voteSucceeded(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
return _voteSucceeded(proposalId);
function isExecuted(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
return _isExecuted(proposalId);
function isCanceled(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
return _isCanceled(proposalId);
function isQueued(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
return _proposalQueueId(proposalId) != bytes32(0);
2 years ago
function governanceCallLength() public view returns (uint256) {
return _governanceCallLength();
// Harness from GovernorCountingSimple
function getAgainstVotes(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (uint256) {
(uint256 againstVotes,,) = proposalVotes(proposalId);
return againstVotes;
function getForVotes(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (uint256) {
(,uint256 forVotes,) = proposalVotes(proposalId);
return forVotes;
function getAbstainVotes(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (uint256) {
(,,uint256 abstainVotes) = proposalVotes(proposalId);
return abstainVotes;
// The following functions are overrides required by Solidity added by OZ Wizard.
function votingDelay() public pure override returns (uint256) {
return 1; // 1 block
function votingPeriod() public pure override returns (uint256) {
return 45818; // 1 week
function quorum(uint256 blockNumber)
override(IGovernor, GovernorVotesQuorumFraction)
returns (uint256)
return super.quorum(blockNumber);
function state(uint256 proposalId) public view override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) returns (ProposalState) {
return super.state(proposalId);
function propose(
address[] memory targets,
uint256[] memory values,
bytes[] memory calldatas,
string memory description
) public override(Governor, IGovernor) returns (uint256) {
return super.propose(targets, values, calldatas, description);
function _execute(
uint256 proposalId,
address[] memory targets,
uint256[] memory values,
bytes[] memory calldatas,
bytes32 descriptionHash
) internal override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) {
super._execute(proposalId, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
function _cancel(
address[] memory targets,
uint256[] memory values,
bytes[] memory calldatas,
bytes32 descriptionHash
) internal override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) returns (uint256) {
return super._cancel(targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
function _executor() internal view override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) returns (address) {
return super._executor();
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl)
returns (bool)
return super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);