@ -156,19 +156,21 @@ rule someOtherRuleToRemoveLater(uint256 num){
* Checks that only one user is updated in the system when calling cast vote functions (assuming hasVoted is changing correctly, false->true, with every vote cast)
rule oneUserVotesInCast(uint256 pId, uint8 sup, method f) filtered {f -> f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector || f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8, uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector} {
env e; calldataarg args; // ^ ^
uint256 ghost_Before = hasVoteGhost(pId); // propose castVoteWithReason
rule oneUserVotesInCast(uint256 pId, uint8 sup, method f) filtered {f -> f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector ||
f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8, uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector} {
env e; calldataarg args;
uint256 ghost_Before = hasVoteGhost(pId);
if (f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector)
castVote(e, pId, sup);
} /*else if (f.selector == 0x7b3c71d3) {
castVote(e, pId, sup);
} /*else if (f.selector == 0x7b3c71d3) {
require(_pId_Harness() == proposalId);
}*/ else if (f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8, uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector) {
}*/ else if (f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8, uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector) {
uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s;
castVoteBySig(e, pId, sup, v, r, s);
} else{
@ -178,18 +180,33 @@ rule oneUserVotesInCast(uint256 pId, uint8 sup, method f) filtered {f -> f.selec
assert(ghost_After == ghost_Before + 1, "Raised by more than 1");
* Checks that in any call to cast vote functions only the sender's value is updated
rule noVoteForSomeoneElse(uint256 pId, uint8 support) {
env e;
rule noVoteForSomeoneElse(uint256 pId, uint8 sup, method f) filtered {f -> f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector ||
f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8, uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector} {
env e; calldataarg args;
address voter = e.msg.sender;
bool hasVotedBefore = hasVoted(e, pId, voter);
castVote(e, pId, support);
bool hasVotedAfter = hasVoted(e, pId, voter);
assert(hasVotedBefore != hasVotedAfter => (forall address user. user != voter => !hasVoted(e, pId, user)));
address user;
bool hasVotedBefore_Voter = hasVoted(e, pId, voter);
bool hasVotedBefore_User = hasVoted(e, pId, user);
if (f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector)
castVote(e, pId, sup);
} /*else if (f.selector == 0x7b3c71d3) {
require(_pId_Harness() == proposalId);
}*/ else if (f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8, uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector) {
uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s;
castVoteBySig(e, pId, sup, v, r, s);
} else{
f(e, args);
bool hasVotedAfter_Voter = hasVoted(e, pId, voter);
bool hasVotedAfter_User = hasVoted(e, pId, user);
assert hasVotedBefore_Voter != hasVotedAfter_Voter => (user != voter => hasVotedBefore_User == hasVotedAfter_User);