@ -1,37 +1,65 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env node
// node certora/run.js [[CONTRACT_NAME:]SPEC_NAME] [OPTIONS...]
// node certora/run.js [[CONTRACT_NAME:]SPEC_NAME]* [--all] [--options OPTIONS...] [--specs PATH]
// node certora/run.js --all
// node certora/run.js AccessControl
// node certora/run.js AccessControlHarness:AccessControl
const MAX_PARALLEL = 4; |
let specs = require(__dirname + '/specs.json'); |
const proc = require('child_process'); |
const { PassThrough } = require('stream'); |
const events = require('events'); |
const limit = require('p-limit')(MAX_PARALLEL); |
let [, , request = '', ...extraOptions] = process.argv; |
if (request.startsWith('-')) { |
extraOptions.unshift(request); |
request = ''; |
const argv = require('yargs') |
.env('') |
.options({ |
all: { |
alias: 'a', |
type: 'boolean', |
}, |
spec: { |
alias: 's', |
type: 'string', |
default: __dirname + '/specs.json', |
}, |
parallel: { |
alias: 'p', |
type: 'number', |
default: 4, |
}, |
options: { |
alias: 'o', |
type: 'array', |
default: [], |
}, |
}).argv; |
function match(entry, request) { |
const [reqSpec, reqContract] = request.split(':').reverse(); |
return entry.spec == reqSpec && (!reqContract || entry.contract == reqContract); |
} |
if (request) { |
const [reqSpec, reqContract] = request.split(':').reverse(); |
specs = Object.values(specs).filter(s => reqSpec === s.spec && (!reqContract || reqContract === s.contract)); |
if (specs.length === 0) { |
console.error(`Error: Requested spec '${request}' not found in specs.json`); |
process.exit(1); |
const specs = require(argv.spec).filter(s => argv.all || argv._.some(r => match(s, r))); |
const limit = require('p-limit')(argv.parallel); |
if (argv._.length == 0 && !argv.all) { |
console.error(`Warning: No specs requested. Did you forgot to toggle '--all'?`); |
} |
for (const r of argv._) { |
if (!specs.some(s => match(s, r))) { |
console.error(`Error: Requested spec '${r}' not found in ${argv.spec}`); |
process.exitCode = 1; |
} |
} |
if (process.exitCode) { |
process.exit(process.exitCode); |
} |
for (const { spec, contract, files, options = [] } of Object.values(specs)) { |
limit(runCertora, spec, contract, files, [...options.flatMap(opt => opt.split(' ')), ...extraOptions]); |
for (const { spec, contract, files, options = [] } of specs) { |
limit(runCertora, spec, contract, files, [...options.flatMap(opt => opt.split(' ')), ...argv.options]); |
} |
// Run certora, aggregate the output and print it at the end