allFunctionsRevertIfExecuted, allFunctionsRevertIfCanceled, executedOnlyAfterExecuteFunc passing as intended

Michael M 3 years ago
parent 5833f52879
commit 1da0a4ae7d
  1. 80

@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
methods {
proposalSnapshot(uint256) returns uint256 envfree // matches proposalVoteStart
proposalDeadline(uint256) returns uint256 envfree
proposalDeadline(uint256) returns uint256 envfree // matches proposalVoteEnd
hashProposal(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32) returns uint256 envfree
isExecuted(uint256) returns bool envfree
isCanceled(uint256) returns bool envfree
execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32) returns uint256
// initialized(uint256) returns bool envfree
hasVoted(uint256, address) returns bool
castVote(uint256, uint8) returns uint256
// castVoteBySig(uint256,uint8,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) returns uint256
// internal functions made public in harness:
_quorumReached(uint256) returns bool envfree
_voteSucceeded(uint256) returns bool envfree
// hashProposal(address[] targets, uint256[] values, bytes[] calldatas, bytes32 descriptionHash) => uniqueHashGhost(descriptionHash)
_pId_Harness() returns uint256 envfree;
// function summarization
hashProposal(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32) => CONSTANT
@ -32,25 +32,30 @@ methods {
///////////////////////////// Helper Functions ///////////////////////////////
function callFunctionWithParams(address[] targets, uint256[] values, bytes[] calldatas, bytes32 descriptionHash, uint256 proposalId, uint8 support, string reason, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, method f) {
function callFunctionWithProposal(uint256 proposalId, method f) {
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; bytes32 descriptionHash;
uint8 support; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s;
env e;
if (f.selector == callPropose(address[], uint256[], bytes[]).selector) {
callPropose(e, targets, values, calldatas);
uint256 result = callPropose@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas);
require(proposalId == result);
} else if (f.selector == execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector) {
execute(e, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
uint256 result = execute@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
require(result == proposalId);
} else if (f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector) {
castVote(e, proposalId, support);
} else if (f.selector == castVoteWithReason(uint256, uint8, string).selector) {
castVoteWithReason(e, proposalId, support, reason);
castVote@withrevert(e, proposalId, support);
} else if (f.selector == 0x7b3c71d3) {
calldataarg args;
require(_pId_Harness() == proposalId);
f@withrevert(e, args);
} else if (f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8,uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector) {
castVoteBySig(e, proposalId, support, v, r, s);
castVoteBySig@withrevert(e, proposalId, support, v, r, s);
} else {
calldataarg args;
f@withrevert(e, args);
@ -246,46 +251,43 @@ rule checkHashProposal {
* all non-view functions should revert if proposal is executed
rule allFunctionsRevertIfExecuted(method f) filtered { f -> !f.isView } {
env e; calldataarg args;
uint256 pId; uint8 sup; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s ;
// summarization - hashProposal => Const - for any set of arguments passed to the function the same value will be returned.
// that means that for different arguments passed, the same value will be returned, for example: func(a,b,c,d) == func(o,p,g,r)
// the summarization is not an under estimation in this case, because we want to check that for a specific proposal ID (pId), any
// (non view) function call is reverting. We dont care what happen with other pIds, and dont care how the hash function generates the ID.
rule allFunctionsRevertIfExecuted(method f) filtered { f -> !f.isView && f.selector != 0x7d5e81e2 && !f.isFallback} {
env e; calldataarg args; // ^
uint256 pId; // propose
requireInvariant proposalInitiated(pId);
requireInvariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(pId);
// f@withrevert(e,args);
// castVote@withrevert(e, pId, sup);
castVoteBySig@withrevert(e, pId, sup, v, r, s);
assert(lastReverted == true, "Function was not reverted");
callFunctionWithProposal(pId, f);
assert(lastReverted, "Function was not reverted");
* all non-view functions should revert if proposal is canceled
rule allFunctionsRevertIfCanceled(method f) filtered { f -> !f.isView } {
env e; calldataarg args;
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; bytes32 descriptionHash;
uint256 pId = uniqueHashGhost(descriptionHash);
uint8 sup; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s;
rule allFunctionsRevertIfCanceled(method f) filtered { f -> !f.isView && f.selector != 0x7d5e81e2 && !f.isFallback} {
env e; calldataarg args; // ^
uint256 pId; // propose
requireInvariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(pId);
// castVote@withrevert(e, pId, sup);
// castVoteWithReason(e, pId, sup, "");
// castVoteBySig@withrevert(e, pId, sup, v, r, s);
require(isCanceled(pId) => proposalSnapshot(pId) != 0);
execute@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
assert(lastReverted == true, "Function was not reverted");
requireInvariant proposalInitiated(pId);
callFunctionWithProposal(pId, f);
assert(lastReverted, "Function was not reverted");
* Shows that executed can only change due to execute()
rule executedOnlyAfterExecuteFunc(address[] targets, uint256[] values, bytes[] calldatas, bytes32 descriptionHash, method f) filtered {f -> f.selector != (execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector)} {
rule executedOnlyAfterExecuteFunc(address[] targets, uint256[] values, bytes[] calldatas, bytes32 descriptionHash, method f) {
env e; calldataarg args;
uint256 pId = hashProposal(targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
uint256 pId;
bool executedBefore = isExecuted(pId);
f(e, args);
callFunctionWithProposal(pId, f);
// execute(e, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
bool executedAfter = isExecuted(pId);
assert(executedAfter != executedBefore, "executed property did not change");
