@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ |
import moment from 'moment' |
import ether from './helpers/ether' |
import advanceToBlock from './helpers/advanceToBlock' |
import increaseTime from './helpers/increaseTime' |
import latestTime from './helpers/latestTime' |
import EVMThrow from './helpers/EVMThrow' |
const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber |
@ -17,39 +20,43 @@ contract('RefundableCrowdsale', function ([_, owner, wallet, investor]) { |
const goal = ether(800) |
const lessThanGoal = ether(750) |
before(async function() { |
//Advance to the next block to correctly read time in the solidity "now" function interpreted by testrpc
await advanceToBlock(web3.eth.getBlock('latest').number + 1) |
}) |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.startTime = latestTime().unix() + moment.duration(1, 'week').asSeconds(); |
this.endTime = latestTime().unix() + moment.duration(2, 'week').asSeconds(); |
this.crowdsale = await RefundableCrowdsale.new(this.startTime, this.endTime, rate, wallet, goal, {from: owner}) |
}) |
describe('creating a valid crowdsale', function () { |
it('should fail with zero goal', async function () { |
await RefundableCrowdsale.new(this.startBlock, this.endBlock, rate, wallet, 0, {from: owner}).should.be.rejectedWith(EVMThrow); |
await RefundableCrowdsale.new(this.startTime, this.endTime, rate, wallet, 0, {from: owner}).should.be.rejectedWith(EVMThrow); |
}) |
}); |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.startBlock = web3.eth.blockNumber + 10 |
this.endBlock = web3.eth.blockNumber + 20 |
this.crowdsale = await RefundableCrowdsale.new(this.startBlock, this.endBlock, rate, wallet, goal, {from: owner}) |
}) |
it('should deny refunds before end', async function () { |
await this.crowdsale.claimRefund({from: investor}).should.be.rejectedWith(EVMThrow) |
await advanceToBlock(this.endBlock - 1) |
await increaseTime(moment.duration(2, 'week')) |
await this.crowdsale.claimRefund({from: investor}).should.be.rejectedWith(EVMThrow) |
}) |
it('should deny refunds after end if goal was reached', async function () { |
await advanceToBlock(this.startBlock - 1) |
await increaseTime(moment.duration(1, 'week')) |
await this.crowdsale.sendTransaction({value: goal, from: investor}) |
await advanceToBlock(this.endBlock) |
await increaseTime(moment.duration(1.1, 'week')) |
await this.crowdsale.claimRefund({from: investor}).should.be.rejectedWith(EVMThrow) |
}) |
it('should allow refunds after end if goal was not reached', async function () { |
await advanceToBlock(this.startBlock - 1) |
await increaseTime(moment.duration(1, 'week')) |
await this.crowdsale.sendTransaction({value: lessThanGoal, from: investor}) |
await advanceToBlock(this.endBlock) |
await increaseTime(moment.duration(1.1, 'week')) |
await this.crowdsale.finalize({from: owner}) |
@ -62,9 +69,9 @@ contract('RefundableCrowdsale', function ([_, owner, wallet, investor]) { |
}) |
it('should forward funds to wallet after end if goal was reached', async function () { |
await advanceToBlock(this.startBlock - 1) |
await increaseTime(moment.duration(1, 'week')) |
await this.crowdsale.sendTransaction({value: goal, from: investor}) |
await advanceToBlock(this.endBlock) |
await increaseTime(moment.duration(1.1, 'week')) |
const pre = web3.eth.getBalance(wallet) |
await this.crowdsale.finalize({from: owner}) |