@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ import expectThrow from './helpers/expectThrow'; |
const NULL_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' |
const Inheritable = artifacts.require('../contracts/ownership/Inheritable.sol') |
const Heritable = artifacts.require('../contracts/ownership/Heritable.sol') |
contract('Inheritable', function(accounts) { |
let inheritable |
contract('Heritable', function(accounts) { |
let heritable |
let owner |
beforeEach(async function() { |
inheritable = await Inheritable.new(4141) |
owner = await inheritable.owner() |
heritable = await Heritable.new(4141) |
owner = await heritable.owner() |
}) |
it('should start off with an owner, but without heir', async function() { |
const heir = await inheritable.heir() |
const heir = await heritable.heir() |
assert.equal(typeof(owner), 'string') |
assert.equal(typeof(heir), 'string') |
@ -35,72 +35,72 @@ contract('Inheritable', function(accounts) { |
const someRandomAddress = accounts[2] |
assert.isTrue(owner !== someRandomAddress) |
await inheritable.setHeir(newHeir, {from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(inheritable.setHeir(newHeir, {from: someRandomAddress})) |
await heritable.setHeir(newHeir, {from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(heritable.setHeir(newHeir, {from: someRandomAddress})) |
}) |
it('owner can remove heir', async function() { |
const newHeir = accounts[1] |
await inheritable.setHeir(newHeir, {from: owner}) |
let heir = await inheritable.heir() |
await heritable.setHeir(newHeir, {from: owner}) |
let heir = await heritable.heir() |
assert.notStrictEqual(heir, NULL_ADDRESS) |
await inheritable.removeHeir() |
heir = await inheritable.heir() |
await heritable.removeHeir() |
heir = await heritable.heir() |
assert.isTrue(heir === NULL_ADDRESS) |
}) |
it('heir can inherit only if owner is dead and timeout was reached', async function() { |
it('heir can claim ownership only if owner is dead and timeout was reached', async function() { |
const heir = accounts[1] |
await inheritable.setHeir(heir, {from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(inheritable.inherit({from: heir})) |
await heritable.setHeir(heir, {from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({from: heir})) |
await inheritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir}) |
await heritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir}) |
await increaseTime(1) |
await expectThrow(inheritable.inherit({from: heir})) |
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({from: heir})) |
await increaseTime(4141) |
await inheritable.inherit({from: heir}) |
assert.isTrue(await inheritable.heir() === heir) |
await heritable.claimHeirOwnership({from: heir}) |
assert.isTrue(await heritable.heir() === heir) |
}) |
it('heir can\'t inherit if owner heartbeats', async function() { |
it('heir can\'t claim ownership if owner heartbeats', async function() { |
const heir = accounts[1] |
await inheritable.setHeir(heir, {from: owner}) |
await heritable.setHeir(heir, {from: owner}) |
await inheritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir}) |
await inheritable.heartbeat({from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(inheritable.inherit({from: heir})) |
await heritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir}) |
await heritable.heartbeat({from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({from: heir})) |
await inheritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir}) |
await heritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir}) |
await increaseTime(4141) |
await inheritable.heartbeat({from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(inheritable.inherit({from: heir})) |
await heritable.heartbeat({from: owner}) |
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({from: heir})) |
}) |
it('should log events appropriately', async function() { |
const heir = accounts[1] |
const setHeirLogs = (await inheritable.setHeir(heir, {from: owner})).logs |
const setHeirLogs = (await heritable.setHeir(heir, {from: owner})).logs |
const setHeirEvent = setHeirLogs.find(e => e.event === 'HeirChanged') |
assert.isTrue(setHeirEvent.args.owner === owner) |
assert.isTrue(setHeirEvent.args.newHeir === heir) |
const heartbeatLogs = (await inheritable.heartbeat({from: owner})).logs |
const heartbeatLogs = (await heritable.heartbeat({from: owner})).logs |
const heartbeatEvent = heartbeatLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnerHeartbeated') |
assert.isTrue(heartbeatEvent.args.owner === owner) |
const proclaimDeathLogs = (await inheritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir})).logs |
const proclaimDeathLogs = (await heritable.proclaimDeath({from: heir})).logs |
const ownerDeadEvent = proclaimDeathLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnerProclaimedDead') |
assert.isTrue(ownerDeadEvent.args.owner === owner) |
assert.isTrue(ownerDeadEvent.args.heir === heir) |
await increaseTime(4141) |
const inheritLogs = (await inheritable.inherit({from: heir})).logs |
const ownershipTransferredEvent = inheritLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnershipTransferred') |
const claimHeirOwnershipLogs = (await heritable.claimHeirOwnership({from: heir})).logs |
const ownershipTransferredEvent = claimHeirOwnershipLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnershipTransferred') |
assert.isTrue(ownershipTransferredEvent.args.previousOwner === owner) |
assert.isTrue(ownershipTransferredEvent.args.newOwner === heir) |