To create a bounty for your contract, inherit from the base `Bounty` contract and provide an implementation for `deployContract()` returning the new contract address.
import "./zeppelin/Bounty.sol";
import {Bounty, Target} from "./zeppelin/Bounty.sol";
import "./YourContract.sol";
contract YourBounty is Bounty {
@ -221,9 +221,10 @@ Next, implement invariant logic into your smart contract
At contracts/YourContract.sol
contract YourContract {
import {Bounty, Target} from "./zeppelin/Bounty.sol";
contract YourContract is Target {
function checkInvariant() returns(bool) {
// Implement your logic to make sure that none of the state is broken.
// Implement your logic to make sure that none of the invariants are broken.