@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError');
const { expect } = require ( 'chai' ) ;
const { web3 } = require ( 'hardhat' ) ;
const { computeCreateAddress } = require ( '../../helpers/create' ) ;
const { impersonate } = require ( '../../helpers/account' ) ;
const Implementation1 = artifacts . require ( 'Implementation1' ) ;
const Implementation2 = artifacts . require ( 'Implementation2' ) ;
@ -17,8 +19,21 @@ const InitializableMock = artifacts.require('InitializableMock');
const DummyImplementation = artifacts . require ( 'DummyImplementation' ) ;
const ClashingImplementation = artifacts . require ( 'ClashingImplementation' ) ;
module . exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy ( createProxy , accounts ) {
const [ proxyAdminAddress , proxyAdminOwner , anotherAccount ] = accounts ;
module . exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy ( createProxy , initialOwner , accounts ) {
const [ proxyCreator , anotherAccount ] = accounts ;
async function createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin ( logic , initData , opts ) {
const proxy = await createProxy ( logic , initData , { from : proxyCreator , ... opts } ) ;
// Expect proxy admin to be the first and only contract created by the proxy
const proxyAdminAddress = computeCreateAddress ( proxy . address , 1 ) ;
await impersonate ( proxyAdminAddress ) ;
return {
proxy ,
proxyAdminAddress ,
} ;
before ( async function ( ) {
this . implementationV0 = ( await DummyImplementation . new ( ) ) . address ;
@ -27,10 +42,12 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
const initializeData = Buffer . from ( '' ) ;
this . proxy = await createProxy ( this . implementationV0 , proxyAdminAddress , initializeData , {
from : proxyAdminOwner ,
} ) ;
this . proxyAddress = this . proxy . address ;
const { proxy , proxyAdminAddress } = await createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin (
this . implementationV0 ,
initializeData ,
) ;
this . proxy = proxy ;
this . proxyAdminAddress = proxyAdminAddress ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'implementation' , function ( ) {
@ -40,7 +57,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
} ) ;
it ( 'delegates to the implementation' , async function ( ) {
const dummy = new DummyImplementation ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const dummy = new DummyImplementation ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
const value = await dummy . get ( ) ;
expect ( value ) . to . equal ( true ) ;
@ -49,64 +66,31 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
describe ( 'proxy admin' , function ( ) {
it ( 'emits AdminChanged event during construction' , async function ( ) {
expectEvent . inConstruction ( this . proxy , 'AdminChanged' , {
await expectEvent . inConstruction ( this . proxy , 'AdminChanged' , {
previousAdmin : ZERO _ADDRESS ,
newAdmin : proxyAdminAddress ,
newAdmin : this . proxyAdminAddress ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'sets the admin in the storage' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await getAddressInSlot ( this . proxy , AdminSlot ) ) . to . be . equal ( proxyAdminAddress ) ;
it ( 'sets the proxy admin in storage' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await getAddressInSlot ( this . proxy , AdminSlot ) ) . to . be . equal ( this . proxyAdminAddress ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'can overwrite the admin by the implementation' , async function ( ) {
const dummy = new DummyImplementation ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const dummy = new DummyImplementation ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
await dummy . unsafeOverrideAdmin ( anotherAccount ) ;
const ERC1967AdminSlotValue = await getAddressInSlot ( this . proxy , AdminSlot ) ;
expect ( ERC1967AdminSlotValue ) . to . be . equal ( anotherAccount ) ;
// Still allows previous admin to execute admin operations
expect ( ERC1967AdminSlotValue ) . to . not . equal ( proxyAdminAddress ) ;
expectEvent ( await this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . implementationV1 , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) , 'Upgraded' , {
expect ( ERC1967AdminSlotValue ) . to . not . equal ( this . proxyAdminAddress ) ;
expectEvent (
await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . implementationV1 , '0x' , { from : this . proxyAdminAddress } ) ,
'Upgraded' ,
implementation : this . implementationV1 ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'upgradeTo' , function ( ) {
describe ( 'when the sender is the admin' , function ( ) {
const from = proxyAdminAddress ;
describe ( 'when the given implementation is different from the current one' , function ( ) {
it ( 'upgrades to the requested implementation' , async function ( ) {
await this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . implementationV1 , { from } ) ;
const implementationAddress = await getAddressInSlot ( this . proxy , ImplementationSlot ) ;
expect ( implementationAddress ) . to . be . equal ( this . implementationV1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'emits an event' , async function ( ) {
expectEvent ( await this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . implementationV1 , { from } ) , 'Upgraded' , {
implementation : this . implementationV1 ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'when the given implementation is the zero address' , function ( ) {
it ( 'reverts' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevertCustomError ( this . proxy . upgradeTo ( ZERO _ADDRESS , { from } ) , 'ERC1967InvalidImplementation' , [
] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'when the sender is not the admin' , function ( ) {
const from = anotherAccount ;
it ( 'reverts' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevert . unspecified ( this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . implementationV1 , { from } ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -120,11 +104,13 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
const initializeData = new InitializableMock ( '' ) . contract . methods [ 'initializeWithX(uint256)' ] ( 42 ) . encodeABI ( ) ;
describe ( 'when the sender is the admin' , function ( ) {
const from = proxyAdminAddress ;
const value = 1e5 ;
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
this . receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behavior . address , initializeData , { from , value } ) ;
this . receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behavior . address , initializeData , {
from : this . proxyAdminAddress ,
value ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'upgrades to the requested implementation' , async function ( ) {
@ -137,13 +123,13 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
} ) ;
it ( 'calls the initializer function' , async function ( ) {
const migratable = new InitializableMock ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const migratable = new InitializableMock ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
const x = await migratable . x ( ) ;
expect ( x ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '42' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'sends given value to the proxy' , async function ( ) {
const balance = await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const balance = await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
expect ( balance . toString ( ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( value . toString ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
@ -151,7 +137,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
// storage layout should look as follows:
// - 0: Initializable storage ++ initializerRan ++ onlyInitializingRan
// - 1: x
const storedValue = await web3 . eth . getStorageAt ( this . proxyA ddress , 1 ) ;
const storedValue = await web3 . eth . getStorageAt ( this . proxy . a ddress, 1 ) ;
expect ( parseInt ( storedValue ) ) . to . eq ( 42 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -170,7 +156,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
it ( 'reverts' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevert . unspecified (
this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behavior . address , initializeData , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ,
this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behavior . address , initializeData , { from : this . proxyAdminAddress } ) ,
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -178,7 +164,6 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
describe ( 'with migrations' , function ( ) {
describe ( 'when the sender is the admin' , function ( ) {
const from = proxyAdminAddress ;
const value = 1e5 ;
describe ( 'when upgrading to V1' , function ( ) {
@ -186,8 +171,11 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
this . behaviorV1 = await MigratableMockV1 . new ( ) ;
this . balancePreviousV1 = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxyAddress ) ) ;
this . receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behaviorV1 . address , v1MigrationData , { from , value } ) ;
this . balancePreviousV1 = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxy . address ) ) ;
this . receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behaviorV1 . address , v1MigrationData , {
from : this . proxyAdminAddress ,
value ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'upgrades to the requested version and emits an event' , async function ( ) {
@ -197,12 +185,12 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
} ) ;
it ( "calls the 'initialize' function and sends given value to the proxy" , async function ( ) {
const migratable = new MigratableMockV1 ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const migratable = new MigratableMockV1 ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
const x = await migratable . x ( ) ;
expect ( x ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '42' ) ;
const balance = await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const balance = await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
expect ( new BN ( balance ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . balancePreviousV1 . addn ( value ) ) ;
} ) ;
@ -211,9 +199,9 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
this . behaviorV2 = await MigratableMockV2 . new ( ) ;
this . balancePreviousV2 = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxyA ddress ) ) ;
this . balancePreviousV2 = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxy . a ddress) ) ;
this . receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behaviorV2 . address , v2MigrationData , {
from ,
from : this . proxyAdminAddress ,
value ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -225,7 +213,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
} ) ;
it ( "calls the 'migrate' function and sends given value to the proxy" , async function ( ) {
const migratable = new MigratableMockV2 ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const migratable = new MigratableMockV2 ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
const x = await migratable . x ( ) ;
expect ( x ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '10' ) ;
@ -233,7 +221,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
const y = await migratable . y ( ) ;
expect ( y ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '42' ) ;
const balance = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxyA ddress ) ) ;
const balance = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxy . a ddress) ) ;
expect ( balance ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . balancePreviousV2 . addn ( value ) ) ;
} ) ;
@ -242,9 +230,9 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
this . behaviorV3 = await MigratableMockV3 . new ( ) ;
this . balancePreviousV3 = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxyA ddress ) ) ;
this . balancePreviousV3 = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxy . a ddress) ) ;
this . receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . behaviorV3 . address , v3MigrationData , {
from ,
from : this . proxyAdminAddress ,
value ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -256,7 +244,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
} ) ;
it ( "calls the 'migrate' function and sends given value to the proxy" , async function ( ) {
const migratable = new MigratableMockV3 ( this . proxyA ddress ) ;
const migratable = new MigratableMockV3 ( this . proxy . a ddress) ;
const x = await migratable . x ( ) ;
expect ( x ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '42' ) ;
@ -264,7 +252,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
const y = await migratable . y ( ) ;
expect ( y ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '10' ) ;
const balance = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxyA ddress ) ) ;
const balance = new BN ( await web3 . eth . getBalance ( this . proxy . a ddress) ) ;
expect ( balance ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . balancePreviousV3 . addn ( value ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -289,15 +277,18 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
const initializeData = Buffer . from ( '' ) ;
this . clashingImplV0 = ( await ClashingImplementation . new ( ) ) . address ;
this . clashingImplV1 = ( await ClashingImplementation . new ( ) ) . address ;
this . proxy = await createProxy ( this . clashingImplV0 , proxyAdminAddress , initializeData , {
from : proxyAdminOwner ,
} ) ;
const { proxy , proxyAdminAddress } = await createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin (
this . clashingImplV0 ,
initializeData ,
) ;
this . proxy = proxy ;
this . proxyAdminAddress = proxyAdminAddress ;
this . clashing = new ClashingImplementation ( this . proxy . address ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'proxy admin cannot call delegated functions' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevertCustomError (
this . clashing . delegatedFunction ( { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ,
this . clashing . delegatedFunction ( { from : this . proxyAdminAddress } ) ,
'ProxyDeniedAdminAccess' ,
[ ] ,
) ;
@ -305,26 +296,16 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
describe ( 'when function names clash' , function ( ) {
it ( 'executes the proxy function if the sender is the admin' , async function ( ) {
const receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . clashingImplV1 , { from : proxyAdminAddress , value : 0 } ) ;
const receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . clashingImplV1 , '0x' , {
from : this . proxyAdminAddress ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Upgraded' , { implementation : this . clashingImplV1 } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'delegates the call to implementation when sender is not the admin' , async function ( ) {
const receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . clashingImplV1 , { from : anotherAccount , value : 0 } ) ;
expectEvent . notEmitted ( receipt , 'Upgraded' ) ;
expectEvent . inTransaction ( receipt . tx , this . clashing , 'ClashingImplementationCall' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'requires 0 value calling upgradeTo by proxy admin' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevertCustomError (
this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . clashingImplV1 , { from : proxyAdminAddress , value : 1 } ) ,
'ProxyNonPayableFunction' ,
[ ] ,
) ;
const receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( this . clashingImplV1 , '0x' , {
from : anotherAccount ,
} ) ;
it ( 'allows calling with value if sender is not the admin' , async function ( ) {
const receipt = await this . proxy . upgradeTo ( this . clashingImplV1 , { from : anotherAccount , value : 1 } ) ;
expectEvent . notEmitted ( receipt , 'Upgraded' ) ;
expectEvent . inTransaction ( receipt . tx , this . clashing , 'ClashingImplementationCall' ) ;
} ) ;
@ -336,13 +317,16 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
it ( 'should add new function' , async ( ) => {
const instance1 = await Implementation1 . new ( ) ;
const proxy = await createProxy ( instance1 . address , proxyAdminAddress , initializeData , { from : proxyAdminOwner } ) ;
const { proxy , proxyAdminAddress } = await createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin (
instance1 . address ,
initializeData ,
) ;
const proxyInstance1 = new Implementation1 ( proxy . address ) ;
await proxyInstance1 . setValue ( 42 ) ;
const instance2 = await Implementation2 . new ( ) ;
await proxy . upgradeTo ( instance2 . address , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
await proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( instance2 . address , '0x' , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
const proxyInstance2 = new Implementation2 ( proxy . address ) ;
const res = await proxyInstance2 . getValue ( ) ;
@ -351,7 +335,10 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
it ( 'should remove function' , async ( ) => {
const instance2 = await Implementation2 . new ( ) ;
const proxy = await createProxy ( instance2 . address , proxyAdminAddress , initializeData , { from : proxyAdminOwner } ) ;
const { proxy , proxyAdminAddress } = await createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin (
instance2 . address ,
initializeData ,
) ;
const proxyInstance2 = new Implementation2 ( proxy . address ) ;
await proxyInstance2 . setValue ( 42 ) ;
@ -359,7 +346,7 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
expect ( res . toString ( ) ) . to . eq ( '42' ) ;
const instance1 = await Implementation1 . new ( ) ;
await proxy . upgradeTo ( instance1 . address , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
await proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( instance1 . address , '0x' , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
const proxyInstance1 = new Implementation2 ( proxy . address ) ;
await expectRevert . unspecified ( proxyInstance1 . getValue ( ) ) ;
@ -367,13 +354,16 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
it ( 'should change function signature' , async ( ) => {
const instance1 = await Implementation1 . new ( ) ;
const proxy = await createProxy ( instance1 . address , proxyAdminAddress , initializeData , { from : proxyAdminOwner } ) ;
const { proxy , proxyAdminAddress } = await createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin (
instance1 . address ,
initializeData ,
) ;
const proxyInstance1 = new Implementation1 ( proxy . address ) ;
await proxyInstance1 . setValue ( 42 ) ;
const instance3 = await Implementation3 . new ( ) ;
await proxy . upgradeTo ( instance3 . address , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
await proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( instance3 . address , '0x' , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
const proxyInstance3 = new Implementation3 ( proxy . address ) ;
const res = await proxyInstance3 . getValue ( 8 ) ;
@ -383,10 +373,13 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
it ( 'should add fallback function' , async ( ) => {
const initializeData = Buffer . from ( '' ) ;
const instance1 = await Implementation1 . new ( ) ;
const proxy = await createProxy ( instance1 . address , proxyAdminAddress , initializeData , { from : proxyAdminOwner } ) ;
const { proxy , proxyAdminAddress } = await createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin (
instance1 . address ,
initializeData ,
) ;
const instance4 = await Implementation4 . new ( ) ;
await proxy . upgradeTo ( instance4 . address , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
await proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( instance4 . address , '0x' , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
const proxyInstance4 = new Implementation4 ( proxy . address ) ;
const data = '0x' ;
@ -398,10 +391,13 @@ module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProx
it ( 'should remove fallback function' , async ( ) => {
const instance4 = await Implementation4 . new ( ) ;
const proxy = await createProxy ( instance4 . address , proxyAdminAddress , initializeData , { from : proxyAdminOwner } ) ;
const { proxy , proxyAdminAddress } = await createProxyWithImpersonatedProxyAdmin (
instance4 . address ,
initializeData ,
) ;
const instance2 = await Implementation2 . new ( ) ;
await proxy . upgradeTo ( instance2 . address , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
await proxy . upgradeToAndCall ( instance2 . address , '0x' , { from : proxyAdminAddress } ) ;
const data = '0x' ;
await expectRevert . unspecified ( web3 . eth . sendTransaction ( { to : proxy . address , from : anotherAccount , data } ) ) ;