@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
certoraRun certora/harnesses/GovernorBasicHarness.sol \ |
--verify GovernorBasicHarness:certora/specs/GovernorCountingSimple.spec \ |
--solc solc8.2 \ |
--staging \ |
--optimistic_loop \ |
--settings -copyLoopUnroll=4 \ |
--rule SumOfVotesCastEqualSumOfPowerOfVoted \ |
--msg "$1" |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
///////////////////// Governor.sol base definitions ////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
methods { |
proposalSnapshot(uint256) returns uint256 envfree // matches proposalVoteStart |
proposalDeadline(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
hashProposal(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32) returns uint256 envfree |
isExecuted(uint256) returns bool envfree |
isCanceled(uint256) returns bool envfree |
// initialized(uint256) returns bool envfree |
hasVoted(uint256, address) returns bool |
castVote(uint256, uint8) returns uint256 |
// internal functions made public in harness: |
_quorumReached(uint256) returns bool envfre |
_voteSucceeded(uint256) returns bool envfree |
// getter for checking the sums |
ghost_sum_vote_power_by_id(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
///////////////////////////////// GHOSTS ///////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
ghost sum_all_votes_power() returns uint256 { |
init_state axiom sum_all_votes_power() == 0; |
} |
hook Sstore ghost_sum_vote_power_by_id[KEY uint256 pId] uint256 current_power (uint256 old_power) STORAGE{ |
havoc sum_all_votes_power assuming sum_all_votes_power@new() == sum_all_votes_power@old() - old_power + current_power; |
} |
ghost tracked_weight(uint256) returns uint256 { |
init_state axiom forall uint256 p. tracked_weight(p) == 0; |
} |
ghost sum_tracked_weight() returns uint256 { |
init_state axiom sum_tracked_weight() == 0; |
} |
/* |
function update_tracked_weights(uint256 pId, uint256 votes, uint256 old_votes) { |
havoc tracked_weight assuming forall uint256 p. (p == pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p) - old_votes + votes) && |
(p != pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p)); |
havoc sum_tracked_weight assuming sum_tracked_weight@new() == sum_tracked_weight@old() - old_votes + votes; |
}*/ |
hook Sstore _proposalVotes[KEY uint256 pId].againstVotes uint256 votes (uint256 old_votes) STORAGE { |
//update_tracked_weights(pId, votes, old_votes); |
havoc tracked_weight assuming forall uint256 p. (p == pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p) - old_votes + votes) && |
(p != pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p)); |
havoc sum_tracked_weight assuming sum_tracked_weight@new() == sum_tracked_weight@old() - old_votes + votes; |
} |
hook Sstore _proposalVotes[KEY uint256 pId].forVotes uint256 votes (uint256 old_votes) STORAGE { |
//update_tracked_weights(pId, votes, old_votes); |
havoc tracked_weight assuming forall uint256 p. (p == pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p) - old_votes + votes) && |
(p != pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p)); |
havoc sum_tracked_weight assuming sum_tracked_weight@new() == sum_tracked_weight@old() - old_votes + votes; |
} |
hook Sstore _proposalVotes[KEY uint256 pId].abstainVotes uint256 votes (uint256 old_votes) STORAGE { |
//update_tracked_weights(pId, votes, old_votes); |
havoc tracked_weight assuming forall uint256 p. (p == pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p) - old_votes + votes) && |
(p != pId => tracked_weight@new(p) == tracked_weight@old(p)); |
havoc sum_tracked_weight assuming sum_tracked_weight@new() == sum_tracked_weight@old() - old_votes + votes; |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////// INVARIANTS //////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
/* |
* sum of all votes casted is equal to the sum of voting power of those who voted, per each proposal |
*/ |
invariant SumOfVotesCastEqualSumOfPowerOfVotedPerProposal(uint256 pId) |
tracked_weight(pId) == ghost_sum_vote_power_by_id(pId) |
/* |
* sum of all votes casted is equal to the sum of voting power of those who voted |
*/ |
invariant SumOfVotesCastEqualSumOfPowerOfVoted() |
sum_tracked_weight() == sum_all_votes_power() |
Reference in new issue