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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
* @title Ballot
* @dev Implements voting process along with vote delegation
contract Ballot {
4 months ago
// This declares a new complex type which will
// be used for variables later.
// It will represent a single voter.
struct Voter {
uint weight; // weight is accumulated by delegation
bool voted; // if true, that person already voted
address delegate; // person delegated to
uint vote; // index of the voted proposal
4 months ago
// This is a type for a single proposal.
struct Proposal {
// If you can limit the length to a certain number of bytes,
// always use one of bytes1 to bytes32 because they are much cheaper
bytes32 name; // short name (up to 32 bytes)
uint voteCount; // number of accumulated votes
address public chairperson;
4 months ago
// This declares a state variable that
// stores a 'Voter' struct for each possible address.
mapping(address => Voter) public voters;
4 months ago
// A dynamically-sized array of 'Proposal' structs.
Proposal[] public proposals;
* @dev Create a new ballot to choose one of 'proposalNames'.
* @param proposalNames names of proposals
constructor(bytes32[] memory proposalNames) {
chairperson = msg.sender;
voters[chairperson].weight = 1;
4 months ago
// For each of the provided proposal names,
// create a new proposal object and add it
// to the end of the array.
for (uint i = 0; i < proposalNames.length; i++) {
// 'Proposal({...})' creates a temporary
// Proposal object and 'proposals.push(...)'
// appends it to the end of 'proposals'.
name: proposalNames[i],
voteCount: 0
4 months ago
* @dev Give 'voter' the right to vote on this ballot. May only be called by 'chairperson'.
* @param voter address of voter
4 months ago
function giveRightToVote(address voter) external {
// If the first argument of `require` evaluates
// to 'false', execution terminates and all
// changes to the state and to Ether balances
// are reverted.
// This used to consume all gas in old EVM versions, but
// not anymore.
// It is often a good idea to use 'require' to check if
// functions are called correctly.
// As a second argument, you can also provide an
// explanation about what went wrong.
msg.sender == chairperson,
"Only chairperson can give right to vote."
"The voter already voted."
require(voters[voter].weight == 0, "Voter already has the right to vote.");
voters[voter].weight = 1;
* @dev Delegate your vote to the voter 'to'.
* @param to address to which vote is delegated
4 months ago
function delegate(address to) external {
// assigns reference
Voter storage sender = voters[msg.sender];
4 months ago
require(sender.weight != 0, "You have no right to vote");
require(!sender.voted, "You already voted.");
4 months ago
require(to != msg.sender, "Self-delegation is disallowed.");
4 months ago
// Forward the delegation as long as
// 'to' also delegated.
// In general, such loops are very dangerous,
// because if they run too long, they might
// need more gas than is available in a block.
// In this case, the delegation will not be executed,
// but in other situations, such loops might
// cause a contract to get "stuck" completely.
while (voters[to].delegate != address(0)) {
to = voters[to].delegate;
// We found a loop in the delegation, not allowed.
require(to != msg.sender, "Found loop in delegation.");
4 months ago
Voter storage delegate_ = voters[to];
// Voters cannot delegate to accounts that cannot vote.
require(delegate_.weight >= 1);
// Since 'sender' is a reference, this
// modifies 'voters[msg.sender]'.
sender.voted = true;
sender.delegate = to;
4 months ago
if (delegate_.voted) {
// If the delegate already voted,
// directly add to the number of votes
proposals[].voteCount += sender.weight;
} else {
// If the delegate did not vote yet,
// add to her weight.
delegate_.weight += sender.weight;
* @dev Give your vote (including votes delegated to you) to proposal 'proposals[proposal].name'.
* @param proposal index of proposal in the proposals array
4 months ago
function vote(uint proposal) external {
Voter storage sender = voters[msg.sender];
require(sender.weight != 0, "Has no right to vote");
require(!sender.voted, "Already voted.");
sender.voted = true; = proposal;
// If 'proposal' is out of the range of the array,
// this will throw automatically and revert all
// changes.
proposals[proposal].voteCount += sender.weight;
* @dev Computes the winning proposal taking all previous votes into account.
* @return winningProposal_ index of winning proposal in the proposals array
function winningProposal() public view
returns (uint winningProposal_)
uint winningVoteCount = 0;
for (uint p = 0; p < proposals.length; p++) {
if (proposals[p].voteCount > winningVoteCount) {
winningVoteCount = proposals[p].voteCount;
winningProposal_ = p;
* @dev Calls winningProposal() function to get the index of the winner contained in the proposals array and then
* @return winnerName_ the name of the winner
4 months ago
function winnerName() external view
returns (bytes32 winnerName_)
winnerName_ = proposals[winningProposal()].name;
4 months ago