Release managers are responsible for the release management lifecycle, focusing on coordinating various aspects of production and projects into one integrated solution. They are responsible for ensuring that resources, timelines, and the overall quality of the process are all considered and accounted for.
More generally and a non-negligible part of the planning is to properly ensure that bugs, issues that weren't totally identified in the roadmap, and the roadmap issues are still being processed as they should.
Release managers will oversee the various aspects of a project before it is due to be deployed, ensuring everyone is on track and meeting the agreed timeline.
During the feature freeze time, only the release manager has permission to merge pull requests. As staging should at this point be already deployed, this is to ensure that the release manager has enough visibility on the changes being applied.
- 10 minutes or more are reserved at the end of the daily standup meeting where the release manager update the team on the opened PRs (PRs which aim to be delivered in the planned release).
- Release manager should feel free to implement new techniques and put their own fingerprint to their release, this could potentially benefit upcoming releases.
- [ ] 10 min after each daily standup where the release manager give an update of the current situation and ETA.
- [ ] release manager should make sure to be aware of the current state of each issues and PRs during the coding period in order to have a better overview of who is working on what and best provide support to all the team members that are involved in the release.