@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
setShowFilePathInput ( false )
} else {
modal (
'New configuration file' ,
` The file " ${ configFilePathInput . current . value } " you entered does not exist. Do you want to create a new one? ` ,
'Create' ,
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.newConfigFileTitle' } ) ,
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.newConfigFileMessage' } , { configFilePathInput : configFilePathInput.current.value } ) ,
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.create' } ) ,
async ( ) = > await createNewConfigFile ( ) ,
false ,
'Cancel' ,
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.cancel' } ) ,
( ) = > {
setShowFilePathInput ( false )
@ -337,9 +337,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
allVersionsWasm = wasmRes . data . builds . slice ( ) . reverse ( )
} catch ( e ) {
tooltip (
'Cannot load compiler version list. It might have been blocked by an advertisement blocker. Please try deactivating any of them from this page and reload. Error: ' + e
tooltip ( intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.tooltipText5' } ) + e )
// replace in allVersions those compiler builds which exist in allVersionsWasm with new once
if ( allVersionsWasm && allVersions ) {
@ -399,7 +397,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
const compilerPath = state . allversions . filter ( ( obj ) = > ! obj . prerelease && obj . version === compilerToLoad ) [ 0 ] . path
if ( state . selectedVersion !== compilerPath ) {
// @ts-ignore
api . call ( 'notification' , 'toast' , ` Updating compiler version to match current contract file pragma i.e ${ _retrieveVersion ( compilerPath ) } ` )
api . call ( 'notification' , 'toast' , intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.toastMessage' } , { version : _retrieveVersion ( compilerPath ) } ) )
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return { . . . prevState , selectedVersion : compilerPath }
} )
@ -443,12 +441,12 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
const loadingCompiler = ( ) = > {
if ( ! compileIcon . current ) return
compileIcon . current . setAttribute ( 'title' , 'compiler is loading, please wait a few moments.' )
compileIcon . current . setAttribute ( 'title' , intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.compileIconAttribute' } ) )
compileIcon . current . classList . add ( 'remixui_spinningIcon' )
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return {
. . . prevState ,
compilerLicense : 'Compiler is loading. License will be displayed once compiler is loaded'
compilerLicense : intl.formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.compilerLicenseMsg1' } )
} )
_updateLanguageSelector ( )
@ -462,7 +460,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
setState ( ( prevState ) = > {
return {
. . . prevState ,
compilerLicense : license ? license : 'Could not retreive license for selected compiler version'
compilerLicense : license ? license : intl.formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.compilerLicenseMsg2' } )
} )
if ( state . autoCompile ) compile ( )
@ -592,16 +590,21 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
id : 'solidity.addACustomCompiler'
} ) ,
promptMessage ( 'URL' ) ,
'OK' ,
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.ok' } ) ,
addCustomCompiler ,
false ,
'Cancel' ,
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.cancel' } ) ,
( ) = > { }
const showCompilerLicense = ( ) = > {
modal ( 'Compiler License' , state . compilerLicense ? state . compilerLicense : 'License not available' , 'OK' , ( ) = > { } )
modal (
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.compilerLicense' } ) ,
state . compilerLicense ? state.compilerLicense : intl.formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.compilerLicenseMsg3' } ) ,
intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.ok' } ) ,
( ) = > { }
const promptMessage = ( message ) = > {
@ -766,7 +769,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< span className = "far fa-plus border-0 p-0 ml-3" onClick = { ( ) = > promptCompiler ( ) } > < / span >
< / CustomTooltip >
< CustomTooltip placement = "top" tooltipId = "showCompilerTooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { 'See compiler license' } >
< CustomTooltip placement = "top" tooltipId = "showCompilerTooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "solidity.seeCompilerLicense" / > } >
< span className = "fa fa-file-text-o border-0 p-0 ml-2" onClick = { ( ) = > showCompilerLicense ( ) } > < / span >
< / CustomTooltip >
< select
@ -928,7 +931,11 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
placement = "right"
tooltipId = "compilerLabelTooltip"
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipText = { < span > { 'Language specification available from Compiler >= v0.5.7' } < / span > }
tooltipText = {
< span >
< FormattedMessage id = "solidity.tooltipText6" / >
< / span >
< div id = "compilerLanguageSelectorWrapper" >
< select
@ -991,7 +998,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
placeholder = "200"
value = { state . runs }
type = "number"
title = "Estimated number of times each opcode of the deployed code will be executed across the life-time of the contract."
title = { intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.inputTitle2' } ) }
onChange = { ( e ) = > onChangeRuns ( e . target . value ) }
disabled = { ! state . optimize || state . useFileConfiguration }
/ >
@ -1014,7 +1021,16 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< / div >
< div className = { ` pt-2 ml-4 ml-2 align-items-start justify-content-between d-flex ` } >
{ ! showFilePathInput && state . useFileConfiguration && (
< CustomTooltip placement = "bottom" tooltipId = "configfileTooltip" tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap" tooltipText = { < span > Click to open the config file < / span > } >
< CustomTooltip
placement = "bottom"
tooltipId = "configfileTooltip"
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipText = {
< span >
< FormattedMessage id = "solidity.tooltipText4" / >
< / span >
< span
onClick = {
configFilePath === ''
@ -1025,7 +1041,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
className = "py-2 remixui_compilerConfigPath"
{ configFilePath === '' ? 'No file selected.' : configFilePath }
{ configFilePath === '' ? intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.noFileSelected1' } ) : configFilePath }
< / span >
< / CustomTooltip >
) }
@ -1034,7 +1050,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
ref = { configFilePathInput }
className = { ` py-0 my-0 form-control ${ showFilePathInput ? 'd-flex' : 'd-none' } ` }
placeholder = { '/folder_path/file_name.json' }
title = "If the file you entered does not exist you will be able to create one in the next step."
title = { intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.inputTitle1' } ) }
disabled = { ! state . useFileConfiguration }
data - id = "scConfigFilePathInput"
onKeyPress = { ( event ) = > {
@ -1072,10 +1088,10 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< div className = "text-left" >
{ ! ( configFilePath === '' && state . useFileConfiguration ) && (
< div >
< b > Ctrl + S < / b > to compile { state . compiledFileName . endsWith ( '.sol' ) ? state.compiledFileName : null } { ' ' }
< b > Ctrl + S < / b > < FormattedMessage id = "solidity.toCompile" / > { state . compiledFileName . endsWith ( '.sol' ) ? state.compiledFileName : null } { ' ' }
< / div >
) }
{ configFilePath === '' && state . useFileConfiguration && < div > No config file selected < / div > }
{ configFilePath === '' && state . useFileConfiguration && < div > < FormattedMessage id = "solidity.noConfigFileSelected" / > < / div > }
< / div >
@ -1114,10 +1130,10 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< div className = "text-left" >
{ ! ( configFilePath === '' && state . useFileConfiguration ) && (
< div >
< b > Ctrl + Shift + S < / b > for compiling and script execution
< b > Ctrl + Shift + S < / b > < FormattedMessage id = "solidity.tooltipText3" / >
< / div >
) }
{ configFilePath === '' && state . useFileConfiguration && < div > No config file selected < / div > }
{ configFilePath === '' && state . useFileConfiguration && < div > < FormattedMessage id = "solidity.noConfigFileSelected" / > < / div > }
< / div >
@ -1131,7 +1147,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
tooltipId = "overlay-tooltip-compile-run-doc"
tooltipText = {
< div className = "text-left p-2" >
< div > Choose the script to execute right after compilation by adding the ` dev-run-script ` natspec tag , as in : < / div >
< div > < FormattedMessage id = "solidity.tooltipText1" / > < / div >
< pre >
< code >
/ * *
@ -1148,7 +1164,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< br / >
< / code >
< / pre >
Click the "i" icon to learn more
< FormattedMessage id = "solidity.tooltipText2" / >
< / div >
@ -1156,7 +1172,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< i className = "pl-2 ml-2 fas fa-info text-dark" > < / i >
< / a >
< / CustomTooltip >
< CopyToClipboard tip = "Click to copy the custom NatSpec tag" getContent = { ( ) = > '@custom:dev-run-script file_path' } direction = "top" >
< CopyToClipboard tip = { intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'solidity.copyNatSpecTag' } ) } getContent = { ( ) = > '@custom:dev-run-script file_path' } direction = "top" >
< button className = "btn remixui_copyButton ml-2 my-1 text-dark" >
< i className = "remixui_copyIcon far fa-copy" aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >
< / button >