@ -0,0 +1,492 @@ |
'use strict' |
import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch' |
import init from '../helpers/init' |
import examples from '../examples/example-contracts' |
const sources = [ |
{ 'Untitled.sol': { content: examples.ballot.content } } |
] |
module.exports = { |
'@disabled': true, |
before: function (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: VoidFunction) { |
init(browser, done, '', false) |
}, |
'confirm Matomo #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser |
.execute(function () { |
localStorage.removeItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config') |
localStorage.setItem('showMatomo', 'true') |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.execute(function () { |
return (window as any)._paq |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('_paq', res) |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.pause(1000) |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-footer-ok-react"]') // submitted
.execute(function () { |
return (window as any)._paq |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('_paq', res) |
}) |
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="beginnerbtn"]', 10000) |
.pause(1000) |
.click('[data-id="beginnerbtn"]') |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="beginnerbtn"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: `//*[contains(text(), 'Welcome to Remix IDE')]`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.refreshPage() |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.clickLaunchIcon('settings') |
.verify.elementPresent('[id="settingsMatomoAnalytics"]:checked') |
.execute(function () { |
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config'))['settings/matomo-analytics'] == true |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics is enabled') |
}) |
}, |
'decline Matomo #group1': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
localStorage.removeItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config') |
localStorage.setItem('showMatomo', 'true') |
localStorage.removeItem('matomo-analytics-consent') |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.execute(function () { |
return (window as any)._paq |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('_paq', res) |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-footer-cancel-react"]') // cancel
.execute(function () { |
return (window as any)._paq |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('_paq', res) |
}) |
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="beginnerbtn"]', 10000) |
.clickLaunchIcon('settings') |
.waitForElementNotPresent('[id="settingsMatomoAnalytics"]:checked') |
.execute(function () { |
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config'))['settings/matomo-analytics'] == false |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics is disabled') |
}) |
}, |
'blur matomo #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
localStorage.removeItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config') |
localStorage.setItem('showMatomo', 'true') |
localStorage.removeItem('matomo-analytics-consent') |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]', |
abortOnFailure: true |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModal-modal-close"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-close"]') |
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="beginnerbtn"]', 10000) |
.clickLaunchIcon('settings') |
.waitForElementNotPresent('[id="settingsMatomoAnalytics"]:checked') |
.execute(function () { |
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config'))['settings/matomo-analytics'] == undefined |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics is undefined') |
}) |
}, |
'matomo should reappear #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.refreshPage() |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: '*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]', |
abortOnFailure: true |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModal-modal-close"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-close"]') |
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'change settings #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.clickLaunchIcon('settings') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="label-matomo-settings"]') |
.pause(1000) |
.click('*[data-id="label-matomo-settings"]') |
.refreshPage() |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'should get enter dialog again #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="beginnerbtn"]', 10000) |
.pause(1000) |
.click('[data-id="beginnerbtn"]') |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="beginnerbtn"]') |
.waitForElementVisible({ |
selector: `//*[contains(text(), 'Welcome to Remix IDE')]`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath' |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[id="remixTourSkipbtn"]') |
.click('*[id="remixTourSkipbtn"]') |
.clickLaunchIcon('settings') |
.waitForElementPresent('[id="settingsMatomoAnalytics"]:checked') |
.execute(function () { |
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config'))['settings/matomo-analytics'] == true |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics is enabled') |
}) |
}, |
'decline Matomo and check timestamp #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
localStorage.removeItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config') |
localStorage.setItem('showMatomo', 'true') |
localStorage.removeItem('matomo-analytics-consent') |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
// output the contents of the storage
.execute(function () { |
return { |
consent: window.localStorage.getItem('matomo-analytics-consent'), |
config: window.localStorage.getItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config'), |
showMatomo: window.localStorage.getItem('showMatomo') |
} |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-footer-cancel-react"]') // cancel
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.execute(function () { |
const timestamp = window.localStorage.getItem('matomo-analytics-consent'); |
if (timestamp) { |
const consentDate = new Date(Number(timestamp)); |
// validate it is actually a date
if (isNaN(consentDate.getTime())) { |
return false; |
} |
const now = new Date(); |
console.log('timestamp', timestamp, consentDate, now.getTime()) |
const diffInMinutes = (now.getTime() - consentDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60); |
console.log('diffInMinutes', diffInMinutes) |
return diffInMinutes < 2; |
} |
return false; |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics consent timestamp is set') |
}) |
}, |
'check old timestamp and reappear Matomo #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
const oldTimestamp = new Date() |
oldTimestamp.setMonth(oldTimestamp.getMonth() - 7) |
localStorage.setItem('matomo-analytics-consent', oldTimestamp.getTime().toString()) |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.execute(function () { |
const timestamp = window.localStorage.getItem('matomo-analytics-consent'); |
if (timestamp) { |
const consentDate = new Date(Number(timestamp)); |
// validate it is actually a date
if (isNaN(consentDate.getTime())) { |
return false; |
} |
// validate it's older than 6 months
const now = new Date(); |
const diffInMonths = (now.getFullYear() - consentDate.getFullYear()) * 12 + now.getMonth() - consentDate.getMonth(); |
console.log('timestamp', timestamp, consentDate, now.getTime()) |
console.log('diffInMonths', diffInMonths) |
return diffInMonths > 6; |
} |
return false; |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics consent timestamp is set') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-footer-cancel-react"]') // cancel
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'check recent timestamp and do not reappear Matomo #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
const recentTimestamp = new Date() |
recentTimestamp.setMonth(recentTimestamp.getMonth() - 1) |
localStorage.setItem('matomo-analytics-consent', recentTimestamp.getTime().toString()) |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
// check if timestamp is younger than 6 months
.execute(function () { |
const timestamp = window.localStorage.getItem('matomo-analytics-consent'); |
if (timestamp) { |
const consentDate = new Date(Number(timestamp)); |
// validate it is actually a date
if (isNaN(consentDate.getTime())) { |
return false; |
} |
// validate it's younger than 2 months
const now = new Date(); |
const diffInMonths = (now.getFullYear() - consentDate.getFullYear()) * 12 + now.getMonth() - consentDate.getMonth(); |
console.log('timestamp', timestamp, consentDate, now.getTime()) |
console.log('diffInMonths', diffInMonths) |
return diffInMonths < 2; |
} |
return false; |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics consent timestamp is set') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'accept Matomo and check timestamp #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
localStorage.removeItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config') |
localStorage.setItem('showMatomo', 'true') |
localStorage.removeItem('matomo-analytics-consent') |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-footer-ok-react"]') // accept
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.pause(2000) |
.execute(function () { |
const timestamp = window.localStorage.getItem('matomo-analytics-consent'); |
if (timestamp) { |
const consentDate = new Date(Number(timestamp)); |
// validate it is actually a date
if (isNaN(consentDate.getTime())) { |
return false; |
} |
const now = new Date(); |
console.log('timestamp', timestamp, consentDate, now.getTime()) |
const diffInMinutes = (now.getTime() - consentDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60); |
console.log('diffInMinutes', diffInMinutes) |
return diffInMinutes < 1; |
} |
return false; |
}, [], (res) => { |
console.log('res', res) |
browser.assert.ok((res as any).value, 'matomo analytics consent timestamp is to a recent date') |
}) |
}, |
'check old timestamp and do not reappear Matomo after accept #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
const oldTimestamp = new Date() |
oldTimestamp.setMonth(oldTimestamp.getMonth() - 7) |
localStorage.setItem('matomo-analytics-consent', oldTimestamp.getTime().toString()) |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'check recent timestamp and do not reappear Matomo after accept #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
const recentTimestamp = new Date() |
recentTimestamp.setMonth(recentTimestamp.getMonth() - 1) |
localStorage.setItem('matomo-analytics-consent', recentTimestamp.getTime().toString()) |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent({ |
selector: `//*[@data-id='compilerloaded']`, |
locateStrategy: 'xpath', |
timeout: 120000 |
}) |
.pause(2000) |
.waitForElementNotPresent('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'when there is a recent timestamp but no config the dialog should reappear #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
localStorage.removeItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config') |
const recentTimestamp = new Date() |
recentTimestamp.setMonth(recentTimestamp.getMonth() - 1) |
localStorage.setItem('matomo-analytics-consent', recentTimestamp.getTime().toString()) |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-footer-cancel-react"]') // cancel
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'when there is a old timestamp but no config the dialog should reappear #group3': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform((done) => { |
browser.execute(function () { |
localStorage.removeItem('config-v0.8:.remix.config') |
const oldTimestamp = new Date() |
oldTimestamp.setMonth(oldTimestamp.getMonth() - 7) |
localStorage.setItem('matomo-analytics-consent', oldTimestamp.getTime().toString()) |
}, []) |
.refreshPage() |
.perform(done()) |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
.click('[data-id="matomoModal-modal-footer-cancel-react"]') // cancel
.waitForElementNotVisible('*[data-id="matomoModalModalDialogModalBody-react"]') |
}, |
'verify Matomo events are tracked on app start #group4 #lfaky': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.execute(function () { |
return (window as any)._paq |
}, [], (res) => { |
const expectedEvents = [ |
["trackEvent", "Preload", "start"], |
["trackEvent", "Storage", "activate", "indexedDB"], |
["trackEvent", "App", "load"], |
]; |
const actualEvents = (res as any).value; |
const areEventsPresent = expectedEvents.every(expectedEvent => |
actualEvents.some(actualEvent => |
JSON.stringify(actualEvent) === JSON.stringify(expectedEvent) |
) |
); |
browser.assert.ok(areEventsPresent, 'Matomo events are tracked correctly'); |
}) |
}, |
'@sources': function () { |
return sources |
}, |
'Add Ballot #group4': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.addFile('Untitled.sol', sources[0]['Untitled.sol']) |
}, |
'Deploy Ballot #group4': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="remixIdeIconPanel"]', 10000) |
.clickLaunchIcon('solidity') |
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="compilerContainerCompileBtn"]') |
.click('*[data-id="compilerContainerCompileBtn"]') |
.testContracts('Untitled.sol', sources[0]['Untitled.sol'], ['Ballot']) |
}, |
'verify Matomo compiler events are tracked #group4': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.execute(function () { |
return (window as any)._paq |
}, [], (res) => { |
const expectedEvent = ["trackEvent", "compiler", "compiled"]; |
const actualEvents = (res as any).value; |
const isEventPresent = actualEvents.some(actualEvent => |
actualEvent[0] === expectedEvent[0] && |
actualEvent[1] === expectedEvent[1] && |
actualEvent[2] === expectedEvent[2] && |
actualEvent[3].startsWith("with_version_") |
); |
browser.assert.ok(isEventPresent, 'Matomo compiler events are tracked correctly'); |
}) |
}, |
} |
Reference in new issue