@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ |
export default { |
'': 'Author', |
'panel.maintainedBy': 'Maintained By', |
'panel.documentation': 'Documentation', |
'panel.description': 'Description', |
'settings.displayName': 'Settings', |
'settings.reset': 'Reset to Default settings', |
'settings.general': 'General settings', |
'settings.generateContractMetadataText': 'Generate contract metadata. Generate a JSON file in the contract folder. Allows to specify library addresses the contract depends on. If nothing is specified, Remix deploys libraries automatically.', |
'settings.ethereunVMText': 'Always use Javascript VM at load', |
'settings.wordWrapText': 'Word wrap in editor', |
'settings.useAutoCompleteText': 'Enable code completion in editor.', |
'settings.useShowGasInEditorText': 'Display gas estimates in editor.', |
'settings.displayErrorsText': 'Display errors in editor while typing.', |
'settings.matomoAnalytics': 'Enable Matomo Analytics. We do not collect personally identifiable information (PII). The info is used to improve the site’s UX & UI. See more about ', |
'settings.enablePersonalModeText': ' Enable Personal Mode for web3 provider. Transaction sent over Web3 will use the web3.personal API.\n', |
'settings.warnText': 'Be sure the endpoint is opened before enabling it. \nThis mode allows a user to provide a passphrase in the Remix interface without having to unlock the account. Although this is very convenient, you should completely trust the backend you are connected to (Geth, Parity, ...). Remix never persists any passphrase'.split('\n').map(s => s.trim()).join(' '), |
'settings.gitAccessTokenTitle': 'GitHub Access Token', |
'settings.gitAccessTokenText': 'Manage the access token used to publish to Gist and retrieve GitHub contents.', |
'settings.gitAccessTokenText2': 'Go to github token page (link below) to create a new token and save it in Remix. Make sure this token has only \'create gist\' permission.', |
'settings.etherscanTokenTitle': 'EtherScan Access Token', |
'settings.etherscanAccessTokenText': 'Manage the api key used to interact with Etherscan.', |
'settings.etherscanAccessTokenText2': 'Go to Etherscan api key page (link below) to create a new api key and save it in Remix.', |
'': 'Save', |
'settings.remove': 'Remove', |
'settings.themes': 'Themes', |
'settings.locales': 'Lanaguage', |
'settings.swarm': 'Swarm Settings', |
'settings.ipfs': 'IPFS Settings', |
'filePanel.displayName': 'File explorer', |
'filePanel.workspace': 'WORKSPACES', |
'filePanel.create': 'Create', |
'filePanel.clone': 'Clone', |
'': 'Download', |
'filePanel.restore': 'Restore', |
'filePanel.workspace.create': 'Create Workspace', |
'filePanel.workspace.rename': 'Rename Workspace', |
'filePanel.workspace.delete': 'Delete Workspace', |
'filePanel.workspace.deleteConfirm': 'Are you sure to delete the current workspace?', |
'': 'Workspace name', |
'filePanel.workspace.chooseTemplate': 'Choose a template', |
'': 'Download Workspace', |
'filePanel.workspace.restore': 'Restore Workspace Backup', |
'filePanel.workspace.clone': 'Clone Git Repository', |
'filePanel.workspace.enterGitUrl': 'Enter git repository url', |
'filePanel.workspace.solghaction': 'Add the solidity GitHub action file. Push to a repository to start running it in the GitHub CI.', |
'filePanel.newFile': 'New File', |
'filePanel.newFolder': 'New Folder', |
'filePanel.rename': 'Rename', |
'filePanel.delete': 'Delete', |
'filePanel.deleteAll': 'Delete All', |
'': 'Run', |
'filePanel.pushChangesToGist': 'Push changes to gist', |
'filePanel.publishFolderToGist': 'Publish folder to gist', |
'filePanel.publishFileToGist': 'Publish file to gist', |
'filePanel.copy': 'Copy', |
'filePanel.paste': 'Paste', |
'filePanel.compile': 'Compile', |
'filePanel.compileForNahmii': 'Compile for Nahmii', |
'filePanel.createNewFile': 'Create New File', |
'filePanel.createNewFolder': 'Create New Folder', |
'filePanel.publishToGist': 'Publish all the current workspace files to a github gist', |
'filePanel.uploadFile': 'Load a local file into current workspace', |
'filePanel.updateGist': 'Update the current [gist] explorer', |
'home.scamAlert': 'Scam Alert', |
'home.scamAlertText': 'The only URL Remix uses is', |
'home.scamAlertText2': 'Beware of online videos promoting "liquidity front runner bots"', |
'home.scamAlertText3': 'Additional safety tips', |
'home.learnMore': 'Learn more', |
'': 'here', |
'home.featuredPlugins': 'Featured Plugins', |
'home.files': 'Files', |
'home.newFile': 'New File', |
'home.openFile': 'Open File', |
'home.connectToLocalhost': 'Connect to Localhost', |
'home.loadFrom': 'LOAD FROM', |
'home.resources': 'Resources', |
'terminal.listen': 'listen on all transactions', |
'': 'Search with transaction hash or address', |
'terminal.used': 'used', |
'terminal.welcomeText1': 'Welcome to', |
'terminal.welcomeText2': 'Your files are stored in', |
'terminal.welcomeText3': 'You can use this terminal to', |
'terminal.welcomeText4': 'Check transactions details and start debugging', |
'terminal.welcomeText5': 'Execute JavaScript scripts', |
'terminal.welcomeText6': 'Input a script directly in the command line interface', |
'terminal.welcomeText7': 'Select a Javascript file in the file explorer and then run `remix.execute()` or `remix.exeCurrent()` in the command line interface', |
'terminal.welcomeText8': 'Right click on a JavaScript file in the file explorer and then click `Run`', |
'terminal.welcomeText9': 'The following libraries are accessible', |
'terminal.welcomeText10': 'Type the library name to see available commands', |
'debugger.displayName': 'Debugger', |
'debugger.debuggerConfiguration': 'Debugger Configuration', |
'debugger.stopDebugging': 'Stop debugging', |
'debugger.startDebugging': 'Start debugging', |
'debugger.placeholder': 'Transaction hash, should start with 0x', |
'debugger.introduction': `When Debugging with a transaction hash,
if the contract is verified, Remix will try to fetch the source code from Sourcify or Etherscan. Put in your Etherscan API key in the Remix settings. |
For supported networks, please see`,
'udapp.displayName': 'Deploy & run transactions', |
'udapp.gasLimit': 'Gas limit', |
'udapp.account': 'Account', |
'udapp.value': 'Value', |
'udapp.contract': 'Contract', |
'udapp.signAMessage': 'Sign a message', |
'udapp.enterAMessageToSign': 'Enter a message to sign', |
'udapp.hash': 'hash', |
'udapp.signature': 'signature', |
'udapp.signedMessage': 'Signed Message', |
'udapp.environment': 'Environment', |
'udapp.environmentDocs': 'Click for docs about Environment', |
'udapp.deploy': 'Deploy', |
'udapp.publishTo': 'Publish to', |
'udapp.or': 'or', |
'udapp.atAddress': 'At Address', |
'udapp.noCompiledContracts': 'No compiled contracts', |
'udapp.loadContractFromAddress': 'Load contract from Address', |
'udapp.deployedContracts': 'Deployed Contracts', |
'udapp.deployAndRunClearInstances': 'Clear instances list and reset recorder', |
'udapp.deployAndRunNoInstanceText': 'Currently you have no contract instances to interact with.', |
'udapp.transactionsRecorded': 'Transactions recorded', |
'search.displayName': 'Search in files', |
'search.replace': 'Replace', |
'search.replaceAll': 'Replace All', |
'search.placeholder1': 'Search ( Enter to search )', |
'search.placeholder2': 'Include ie *.sol ( Enter to include )', |
'search.placeholder3': 'Exclude ie .git/**/* ( Enter to exclude )', |
'search.matchCase': 'Match Case', |
'search.matchWholeWord': 'Match Whole Word', |
'search.useRegularExpression': 'Use Regular Expression', |
'search.replaceWithoutConfirmation': 'replace without confirmation', |
'search.filesToInclude': 'Files to include', |
'search.filesToExclude': 'Files to exclude', |
'solidity.displayName': 'Solidity compiler', |
'solidity.compiler': 'Compiler', |
'solidity.addACustomCompiler': 'Add a custom compiler', |
'solidity.addACustomCompilerWithURL': 'Add a custom compiler with URL', |
'solidity.includeNightlyBuilds': 'Include nightly builds', |
'solidity.autoCompile': 'Auto compile', |
'solidity.hideWarnings': 'Hide warnings', |
'solidity.enableHardhat': 'Enable Hardhat Compilation', |
'solidity.learnHardhat': 'Learn how to use Hardhat Compilation', |
'solidity.enableTruffle': 'Enable Truffle Compilation', |
'solidity.learnTruffle': 'Learn how to use Truffle Compilation', |
'solidity.advancedConfigurations': 'Advanced Configurations', |
'solidity.compilerConfiguration': 'Compiler configuration', |
'solidity.compilationDetails': 'Compilation Details', |
'solidity.language': 'Language', |
'solidity.evmVersion': 'EVM Version', |
'solidity.enableOptimization': 'Enable optimization', |
'solidity.useConfigurationFile': 'Use configuration file', |
'solidity.change': 'Change', |
'solidity.compile': 'Compile', |
'solidity.noFileSelected': 'no file selected', |
'solidity.compileAndRunScript': 'Compile and Run script', |
'solidity.publishOn': 'Publish on', |
'solidity.Assembly': 'Assembly opcodes describing the contract including corresponding solidity source code', |
'solidity.Opcodes': 'Assembly opcodes describing the contract', |
'': 'Name of the compiled contract', |
'solidity.metadata': 'Contains all informations related to the compilation', |
'solidity.bytecode': 'Bytecode being executed during contract creation', |
'solidity.abi': 'ABI: describing all the functions (input/output params, scope, ...)', |
'solidity.web3Deploy': 'Copy/paste this code to any JavaScript/Web3 console to deploy this contract', |
'solidity.metadataHash': 'Hash representing all metadata information', |
'solidity.functionHashes': 'List of declared function and their corresponding hash', |
'solidity.gasEstimates': 'Gas estimation for each function call', |
'solidity.Runtime Bytecode': 'Bytecode storing the state and being executed during normal contract call', |
'solidity.swarmLocation': 'Swarm url where all metadata information can be found (contract needs to be published first)', |
'pluginManager.displayName': 'Plugin manager', |
'pluginManager.activate': 'Activate', |
'pluginManager.deactivate': 'Deactivate', |
'pluginManager.activeModules': 'Active Modules', |
'pluginManager.inactiveModules': 'Inactive Modules', |
'pluginManager.connectLocal': 'Connect to a Local Plugin', |
'pluginManager.localForm.title': 'Local Plugin', |
'pluginManager.localForm.pluginName': 'Plugin Name', |
'pluginManager.localForm.shouldBeCamelCase': 'Should be camelCase', |
'pluginManager.localForm.displayName': 'Display Name', |
'pluginManager.localForm.nameInTheHeader': 'Name in the header', |
'pluginManager.localForm.required': 'required', |
'pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedMethod': 'comma separated list of method names', |
'pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedPlugin': 'comma separated list of plugin names', |
'pluginManager.localForm.pluginsItCanActivate': 'Plugins it can activate', |
'pluginManager.localForm.typeOfConnection': 'Type of connection', |
'pluginManager.localForm.locationInRemix': 'Location in remix', |
'pluginManager.localForm.sidePanel': 'Side Panel', |
'pluginManager.localForm.mainPanel': 'Main Panel', |
'pluginManager.localForm.none': 'None', |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
{ |
"debugger.displayName": "Debugger", |
"debugger.debuggerConfiguration": "Debugger Configuration", |
"debugger.stopDebugging": "Stop debugging", |
"debugger.startDebugging": "Start debugging", |
"debugger.placeholder": "Transaction hash, should start with 0x", |
"debugger.introduction": "When Debugging with a transaction hash, if the contract is verified, Remix will try to fetch the source code from Sourcify or Etherscan. Put in your Etherscan API key in the Remix settings. For supported networks, please see" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
{ |
"filePanel.displayName": "File explorer", |
"filePanel.workspace": "WORKSPACES", |
"filePanel.create": "Create", |
"filePanel.clone": "Clone", |
"": "Download", |
"filePanel.restore": "Restore", |
"filePanel.workspace.create": "Create Workspace", |
"filePanel.workspace.rename": "Rename Workspace", |
"filePanel.workspace.delete": "Delete Workspace", |
"filePanel.workspace.deleteConfirm": "Are you sure to delete the current workspace?", |
"": "Workspace name", |
"filePanel.workspace.chooseTemplate": "Choose a template", |
"": "Download Workspace", |
"filePanel.workspace.restore": "Restore Workspace Backup", |
"filePanel.workspace.clone": "Clone Git Repository", |
"filePanel.workspace.enterGitUrl": "Enter git repository url", |
"filePanel.workspace.solghaction": "Add the Solidity GitHub Action file. Push to a repository to start running it in the GitHub CI.", |
"filePanel.solghaction": "Add Solidity GitHub Action", |
"filePanel.newFile": "New File", |
"filePanel.newFolder": "New Folder", |
"filePanel.rename": "Rename", |
"filePanel.delete": "Delete", |
"filePanel.deleteAll": "Delete All", |
"": "Run", |
"filePanel.pushChangesToGist": "Push changes to gist", |
"filePanel.publishFolderToGist": "Publish folder to gist", |
"filePanel.publishFileToGist": "Publish file to gist", |
"filePanel.copy": "Copy", |
"filePanel.paste": "Paste", |
"filePanel.compile": "Compile", |
"filePanel.compileForNahmii": "Compile for Nahmii", |
"filePanel.createNewFile": "Create New File", |
"filePanel.createNewFolder": "Create New Folder", |
"filePanel.publishToGist": "Publish all the current workspace files to a github gist", |
"filePanel.uploadFile": "Load a local file into current workspace", |
"filePanel.updateGist": "Update the current [gist] explorer" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
{ |
"home.scamAlert": "Scam Alert", |
"home.scamAlertText": "The only URL Remix uses is", |
"home.scamAlertText2": "Beware of online videos promoting \"liquidity front runner bots\"", |
"home.scamAlertText3": "Additional safety tips", |
"home.learnMore": "Learn more", |
"": "here", |
"home.more": "More", |
"home.featured": "Featured", |
"home.jumpIntoWeb3": "JUMP INTO WEB3", |
"home.jumpIntoWeb3Text": "The Remix Project is a rich toolset which can be used for the entire journey of contract development by users of any knowledge level, and as a learning lab for teaching and experimenting with Ethereum.", |
"home.remixRewards": "REMIX REWARDS", |
"home.remixRewardsText1": "NFTs for our users!", |
"home.remixRewardsText2": "Remix Project rewards contributors, beta testers, and UX research participants with NFTs deployed on Optimism. Remix Reward holders are able to mint a second “Remixer” user NFT badge to give to any other user of their choice.", |
"home.betaTesting": "BETA TESTING", |
"home.betaTestingText1": "Our community supports us.", |
"home.betaTestingText2": "You can join Beta Testing before each release of Remix IDE. Help us test now and get a handle on new features!", |
"home.featuredPlugins": "Featured Plugins", |
"home.solidityPluginDesc": "Compile, test and analyse smart contract.", |
"home.starkNetPluginDesc": "Compile and deploy contracts with Cairo, a native language for StarkNet.", |
"home.solhintPluginDesc": "Solhint is an open source project for linting Solidity code.", |
"home.sourcifyPluginDesc": "Solidity contract and metadata verification service.", |
"home.unitTestPluginDesc": "Write and run unit tests for your contracts in Solidity.", |
"home.getStarted": "Get Started", |
"home.projectTemplates": "Project Templates", |
"home.blankTemplateDesc": "Create an empty workspace.", |
"home.remixDefaultTemplateDesc": "Create a workspace with sample files.", |
"home.ozerc20TemplateDesc": "Create an ERC20 token by importing OpenZeppelin library.", |
"home.ozerc721TemplateDesc": "Create an NFT token by importing OpenZeppelin library.", |
"home.zeroxErc20TemplateDesc": "Create an ERC20 token by importing 0xProject contract.", |
"home.learn": "Learn", |
"home.remixBasics": "Remix Basics", |
"home.remixBasicsDesc":"Introduction to Remix's interface and concepts used in Ethereum, as well as the basics of Solidity.", |
"home.remixIntermediate": "Remix Intermediate", |
"home.remixIntermediateDesc": "Using the web3.js to interact with a contract. Using Recorder tool.", |
"home.remixAdvanced": "Remix Advanced", |
"home.remixAdvancedDesc": "Learn the Proxy Pattern and working with Libraries in Remix. Learn to use the Debugger.", |
"home.remixYoutubePlaylist": "Remix Youtube Playlist", |
"home.remixTwitterProfile": "Remix Twitter Profile", |
"home.remixLinkedinProfile": "Remix Linkedin Profile", |
"home.remixMediumPosts": "Remix Medium Posts", |
"home.remixGitterChannel": "Remix Gitter Channel", |
"home.nativeIDE": "The Native IDE for Web3 Development.", |
"": "Website", |
"home.documentation": "Documentation", |
"home.remixPlugin": "Remix Plugin", |
"home.remixDesktop": "Remix Desktop", |
"home.searchDocumentation": "Search Documentation", |
"home.files": "Files", |
"home.newFile": "New File", |
"home.openFile": "Open File", |
"home.connectToLocalhost": "Connect to Localhost", |
"home.loadFrom": "LOAD FROM", |
"home.resources": "Resources" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import debuggerJson from './debugger.json'; |
import filePanelJson from './filePanel.json'; |
import homeJson from './home.json'; |
import panelJson from './panel.json'; |
import pluginManagerJson from './pluginManager.json'; |
import searchJson from './search.json'; |
import settingsJson from './settings.json'; |
import solidityJson from './solidity.json'; |
import terminalJson from './terminal.json'; |
import udappJson from './udapp.json'; |
export default { |
...debuggerJson, |
...filePanelJson, |
...homeJson, |
...panelJson, |
...pluginManagerJson, |
...searchJson, |
...settingsJson, |
...solidityJson, |
...terminalJson, |
...udappJson, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"": "Author", |
"panel.maintainedBy": "Maintained By", |
"panel.documentation": "Documentation", |
"panel.description": "Description" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
{ |
"pluginManager.displayName": "Plugin manager", |
"pluginManager.activate": "Activate", |
"pluginManager.deactivate": "Deactivate", |
"pluginManager.activeModules": "Active Modules", |
"pluginManager.inactiveModules": "Inactive Modules", |
"pluginManager.connectLocal": "Connect to a Local Plugin", |
"pluginManager.localForm.title": "Local Plugin", |
"pluginManager.localForm.pluginName": "Plugin Name", |
"pluginManager.localForm.shouldBeCamelCase": "Should be camelCase", |
"pluginManager.localForm.displayName": "Display Name", |
"pluginManager.localForm.nameInTheHeader": "Name in the header", |
"pluginManager.localForm.required": "required", |
"pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedMethod": "comma separated list of method names", |
"pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedPlugin": "comma separated list of plugin names", |
"pluginManager.localForm.pluginsItCanActivate": "Plugins it can activate", |
"pluginManager.localForm.typeOfConnection": "Type of connection", |
"pluginManager.localForm.locationInRemix": "Location in remix", |
"pluginManager.localForm.sidePanel": "Side Panel", |
"pluginManager.localForm.mainPanel": "Main Panel", |
"pluginManager.localForm.none": "None", |
"pluginManager.Permissions": "Permissions", |
"pluginManager.permissions": "permissions", |
"pluginManager.pluginManagerPermissions": "Plugin Manager Permissions", |
"pluginManager.currentPermissionSettings": "Current Permission Settings", |
"pluginManager.noPermissionRequestedYet": "No Permission requested yet.", |
"pluginManager.allow": "Allow", |
"pluginManager.toCall": "to call", |
"pluginManager.ok": "OK", |
"pluginManager.cancel": "Cancel" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
{ |
"search.displayName": "Search in files", |
"search.replace": "Replace", |
"search.replaceAll": "Replace All", |
"search.placeholder1": "Search ( Enter to search )", |
"search.placeholder2": "Include ie *.sol ( Enter to include )", |
"search.placeholder3": "Exclude ie .git/**/* ( Enter to exclude )", |
"search.matchCase": "Match Case", |
"search.matchWholeWord": "Match Whole Word", |
"search.useRegularExpression": "Use Regular Expression", |
"search.replaceWithoutConfirmation": "replace without confirmation", |
"search.filesToInclude": "Files to include", |
"search.filesToExclude": "Files to exclude" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
{ |
"settings.displayName": "Settings", |
"settings.reset": "Reset to Default settings", |
"settings.general": "General settings", |
"settings.generateContractMetadataText": "Generate contract metadata. Generate a JSON file in the contract folder. Allows to specify library addresses the contract depends on. If nothing is specified, Remix deploys libraries automatically.", |
"settings.ethereunVMText": "Always use Javascript VM at load", |
"settings.wordWrapText": "Word wrap in editor", |
"settings.useAutoCompleteText": "Enable code completion in editor.", |
"settings.useShowGasInEditorText": "Display gas estimates in editor.", |
"settings.displayErrorsText": "Display errors in editor while typing.", |
"settings.matomoAnalytics": "Enable Matomo Analytics. We do not collect personally identifiable information (PII). The info is used to improve the site’s UX & UI. See more about ", |
"settings.enablePersonalModeText": " Enable Personal Mode for web3 provider. Transaction sent over Web3 will use the web3.personal API.\n", |
"settings.warnText": "Be sure the endpoint is opened before enabling it. This mode allows a user to provide a passphrase in the Remix interface without having to unlock the account. Although this is very convenient, you should completely trust the backend you are connected to (Geth, Parity, ...). Remix never persists any passphrase", |
"settings.gitAccessTokenTitle": "GitHub Access Token", |
"settings.gitAccessTokenText": "Manage the access token used to publish to Gist and retrieve GitHub contents.", |
"settings.gitAccessTokenText2":"Go to github token page (link below) to create a new token and save it in Remix. Make sure this token has only 'create gist' permission", |
"settings.etherscanTokenTitle": "EtherScan Access Token", |
"settings.etherscanAccessTokenText": "Manage the api key used to interact with Etherscan.", |
"settings.etherscanAccessTokenText2": "Go to Etherscan api key page (link below) to create a new api key and save it in Remix.", |
"": "Save", |
"settings.remove": "Remove", |
"settings.themes": "Themes", |
"settings.locales": "Lanaguage", |
"settings.swarm": "Swarm Settings", |
"settings.ipfs": "IPFS Settings" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
{ |
"solidity.displayName": "Solidity compiler", |
"solidity.compiler": "Compiler", |
"solidity.addACustomCompiler": "Add a custom compiler", |
"solidity.addACustomCompilerWithURL": "Add a custom compiler with URL", |
"solidity.includeNightlyBuilds": "Include nightly builds", |
"solidity.autoCompile": "Auto compile", |
"solidity.hideWarnings": "Hide warnings", |
"solidity.enableHardhat": "Enable Hardhat Compilation", |
"solidity.learnHardhat": "Learn how to use Hardhat Compilation", |
"solidity.enableTruffle": "Enable Truffle Compilation", |
"solidity.learnTruffle": "Learn how to use Truffle Compilation", |
"solidity.advancedConfigurations": "Advanced Configurations", |
"solidity.compilerConfiguration": "Compiler configuration", |
"solidity.compilationDetails": "Compilation Details", |
"solidity.language": "Language", |
"solidity.evmVersion": "EVM Version", |
"solidity.enableOptimization": "Enable optimization", |
"solidity.useConfigurationFile": "Use configuration file", |
"solidity.change": "Change", |
"solidity.compile": "Compile", |
"solidity.noFileSelected": "no file selected", |
"solidity.compileAndRunScript": "Compile and Run script", |
"solidity.publishOn": "Publish on", |
"solidity.Assembly": "Assembly opcodes describing the contract including corresponding solidity source code", |
"solidity.Opcodes": "Assembly opcodes describing the contract", |
"": "Name of the compiled contract", |
"solidity.metadata": "Contains all informations related to the compilation", |
"solidity.bytecode": "Bytecode being executed during contract creation", |
"solidity.abi": "ABI: describing all the functions (input/output params, scope, ...)", |
"solidity.web3Deploy": "Copy/paste this code to any JavaScript/Web3 console to deploy this contract", |
"solidity.metadataHash": "Hash representing all metadata information", |
"solidity.functionHashes": "List of declared function and their corresponding hash", |
"solidity.gasEstimates": "Gas estimation for each function call", |
"solidity.Runtime Bytecode": "Bytecode storing the state and being executed during normal contract call", |
"solidity.swarmLocation": "Swarm url where all metadata information can be found (contract needs to be published first)" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{ |
"terminal.listen": "listen on all transactions", |
"": "Search with transaction hash or address", |
"terminal.used": "used", |
"terminal.welcomeText1": "Welcome to", |
"terminal.welcomeText2": "Your files are stored in", |
"terminal.welcomeText3": "You can use this terminal to", |
"terminal.welcomeText4": "Check transactions details and start debugging", |
"terminal.welcomeText5": "Execute JavaScript scripts", |
"terminal.welcomeText6": "Input a script directly in the command line interface", |
"terminal.welcomeText7": "Select a Javascript file in the file explorer and then run `remix.execute()` or `remix.exeCurrent()` in the command line interface", |
"terminal.welcomeText8": "Right click on a JavaScript file in the file explorer and then click `Run`", |
"terminal.welcomeText9": "The following libraries are accessible", |
"terminal.welcomeText10": "Type the library name to see available commands" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
{ |
"udapp.displayName": "Deploy & run transactions", |
"udapp.gasLimit": "Gas limit", |
"udapp.account": "Account", |
"udapp.value": "Value", |
"udapp.contract": "Contract", |
"udapp.signAMessage": "Sign a message", |
"udapp.enterAMessageToSign": "Enter a message to sign", |
"udapp.hash": "hash", |
"udapp.signature": "signature", |
"udapp.signedMessage": "Signed Message", |
"udapp.environment": "Environment", |
"udapp.environmentDocs": "Click for docs about Environment", |
"udapp.deploy": "Deploy", |
"udapp.publishTo": "Publish to", |
"udapp.or": "or", |
"udapp.atAddress": "At Address", |
"udapp.noCompiledContracts": "No compiled contracts", |
"udapp.loadContractFromAddress": "Load contract from Address", |
"udapp.deployedContracts": "Deployed Contracts", |
"udapp.deployAndRunClearInstances": "Clear instances list and reset recorder", |
"udapp.deployAndRunNoInstanceText": "Currently you have no contract instances to interact with.", |
"udapp.transactionsRecorded": "Transactions recorded" |
} |
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ |
export default { |
'': '作者', |
'panel.maintainedBy': '维护者', |
'panel.documentation': '文档', |
'panel.description': '描述', |
'settings.displayName': '设置', |
'settings.reset': '恢复默认设置', |
'settings.general': '常规设置', |
'settings.generateContractMetadataText': '生成合约元数据. 在contract文件夹中生成JSON文件. 允许指定合约依赖的库地址. 如果未指定任何内容,Remix将自动部署库.', |
'settings.ethereunVMText': '加载时始终使用以太坊虚拟机', |
'settings.wordWrapText': '文本换行', |
'settings.useAutoCompleteText': '在编辑器中启用代码自动补全.', |
'settings.useShowGasInEditorText': '在编辑器中展示 gas 预算.', |
'settings.displayErrorsText': '编辑代码时展示错误提示.', |
'settings.matomoAnalytics': '启用 Matomo 分析. 我们不会收集个人身份信息 (PII). 收集的信息只会用于提升 UX & UI. 查看更多关于 ', |
'settings.enablePersonalModeText': '为web3提供器启用私有模式. 通过Web3发送的交易将使用web3.personal API.\n', |
'settings.warnText': '在启用之前请确认访问端结点已经开放. \n此模式允许在Remix界面中提供密码而无需解锁账号. 虽然这很方便,但你应当完全信任所连接的后端节点 (Geth, Parity, ...). Remix不会持久化保存任何密码.'.split('\n').map(s => s.trim()).join(' '), |
'settings.gitAccessTokenTitle': 'Github 访问令牌', |
'settings.gitAccessTokenText': '管理用于发布到 Gist 以及读取 Github 内容的 GitHub 访问令牌.', |
'settings.gitAccessTokenText2': '前往 github (参见下方链接) 创建一个新的token,然后保存到Remix中. 确保这个token只有 \'create gist\' 权限.', |
'settings.etherscanTokenTitle': 'EtherScan 访问 Token', |
'settings.etherscanAccessTokenText': '管理用于与Etherscan交互的api密钥.', |
'settings.etherscanAccessTokenText2': '前往 Etherscan api 密钥页面 (参见下方链接),创建一个新的api密钥并保存到Remix中.', |
'': '保存', |
'settings.remove': '删除', |
'settings.themes': '主题', |
'settings.locales': '语言', |
'settings.swarm': 'Swarm 设置', |
'settings.ipfs': 'IPFS 设置', |
'filePanel.displayName': '文件浏览器', |
'filePanel.workspace': '工作空间', |
'filePanel.create': '新建', |
'filePanel.clone': '克隆', |
'': '下载', |
'filePanel.restore': '恢复', |
'filePanel.workspace.create': '新建工作空间', |
'filePanel.workspace.rename': '重命名工作空间', |
'filePanel.workspace.delete': '删除工作空间', |
'filePanel.workspace.deleteConfirm': '确定要删除当前工作空间?', |
'': '工作空间名称', |
'filePanel.workspace.chooseTemplate': '选择一个工作空间模板', |
'': '下载工作空间', |
'filePanel.workspace.restore': '恢复工作空间', |
'filePanel.workspace.clone': '克隆 Git 仓库', |
'filePanel.workspace.enterGitUrl': '输入 Git 仓库地址', |
'filePanel.newFile': '新建文件', |
'filePanel.newFolder': '新建文件夹', |
'filePanel.rename': '重命名', |
'filePanel.delete': '删除', |
'filePanel.deleteAll': '删除所有', |
'': '运行', |
'filePanel.pushChangesToGist': '将修改推送到gist', |
'filePanel.publishFolderToGist': '将当前目录发布到gist', |
'filePanel.publishFileToGist': '将当前文件发布到gist', |
'filePanel.copy': '复制', |
'filePanel.paste': '黏贴', |
'filePanel.compile': '编译', |
'filePanel.compileForNahmii': 'Nahmii编译', |
'filePanel.createNewFile': '新建文件', |
'filePanel.createNewFolder': '新建文件夹', |
'filePanel.publishToGist': '将当前工作空间下所有文件发布到github gist', |
'filePanel.uploadFile': '加载本地文件到当前工作空间', |
'filePanel.updateGist': '更新当前 [gist] 浏览', |
'home.scamAlert': '诈骗警报', |
'home.scamAlertText': 'Remix 唯一使用的 URL 是', |
'home.scamAlertText2': '注意那些宣传 "liquidity front runner bots" 的在线视频', |
'home.scamAlertText3': '其他安全提示', |
'home.learnMore': '了解更多', |
'': '这里', |
'home.featuredPlugins': '精选插件', |
'home.files': '文件', |
'home.newFile': '新建文件', |
'home.openFile': '打开本地文件', |
'home.connectToLocalhost': '连接本地主机', |
'home.loadFrom': '从以下来源导入', |
'home.resources': '资源', |
'terminal.listen': '监听所有交易', |
'': '按交易哈希或地址搜索', |
'terminal.used': '已使用', |
'terminal.welcomeText1': '欢迎使用', |
'terminal.welcomeText2': '您的文件储存在', |
'terminal.welcomeText3': '您可使用此终端', |
'terminal.welcomeText4': '查看交易详情并启动调试', |
'terminal.welcomeText5': '执行 JavaScript 脚本', |
'terminal.welcomeText6': '直接在命令行界面输入脚本', |
'terminal.welcomeText7': '在文件浏览器中选择一个 Javascript 文件,然后在命令行界面运行 `remix.execute()` 或 `remix.exeCurrent()` ', |
'terminal.welcomeText8': '在文件浏览器中右键点击一个 JavaScript 文件,然后点击 `Run`', |
'terminal.welcomeText9': '可以访问以下库', |
'terminal.welcomeText10': '输入库名查看可用的指令', |
'debugger.displayName': '调试器', |
'debugger.debuggerConfiguration': '调试器配置', |
'debugger.stopDebugging': '停止调试', |
'debugger.startDebugging': '开始调试', |
'debugger.placeholder': '交易哈希, 应该以 0x 开头', |
'debugger.introduction': `当使用交易哈希调试时,
如果该合约已被验证, Remix 会试图从 Sourcify 或 Etherscan 获取源码. 在 Remix 中设置您的 Etherscan API key. |
'udapp.displayName': '部署 & 发交易', |
'udapp.gasLimit': 'Gas 上限', |
'udapp.account': '账户', |
'udapp.value': '以太币数量', |
'udapp.contract': '合约', |
'udapp.signAMessage': '给一个消息签名', |
'udapp.enterAMessageToSign': '输入一个需要签名的消息', |
'udapp.hash': '哈希', |
'udapp.signature': '签名', |
'udapp.signedMessage': '已签名的消息', |
'udapp.environment': '环境', |
'udapp.environmentDocs': '点击查看环境文档', |
'udapp.deploy': '部署', |
'udapp.publishTo': '发布到', |
'udapp.or': '或', |
'udapp.atAddress': 'At Address', |
'udapp.noCompiledContracts': '没有已编译的合约', |
'udapp.loadContractFromAddress': '加载此地址的合约', |
'udapp.deployedContracts': '已部署的合约', |
'udapp.deployAndRunClearInstances': '清空合约实例并重置交易记录', |
'udapp.deployAndRunNoInstanceText': '当前您没有可交互的合约实例.', |
'udapp.transactionsRecorded': '已记录的交易', |
'search.displayName': '全文搜索', |
'search.replace': '替换', |
'search.replaceAll': '替换所有', |
'search.placeholder1': '搜索 ( 回车搜索 )', |
'search.placeholder2': '包含 ie *.sol ( 回车包含 )', |
'search.placeholder3': '排除 ie .git/**/* ( 回车排除 )', |
'search.matchCase': '大小写匹配', |
'search.matchWholeWord': '全字匹配', |
'search.useRegularExpression': '使用正则表达式', |
'search.replaceWithoutConfirmation': '替换无需确认', |
'search.filesToInclude': '文件包含', |
'search.filesToExclude': '文件排除', |
'solidity.displayName': 'Solidity 编译器', |
'solidity.compiler': '编译器', |
'solidity.addACustomCompiler': '添加一个自定义编译器', |
'solidity.addACustomCompilerWithURL': '通过URL添加一个自定义编译器', |
'solidity.includeNightlyBuilds': '包含每日构造版本', |
'solidity.autoCompile': '自动编译', |
'solidity.hideWarnings': '隐藏警告', |
'solidity.enableHardhat': '启用 Hardhat 编译', |
'solidity.learnHardhat': '学习怎么使用 Hardhat 编译', |
'solidity.enableTruffle': '启用 Truffle 编译', |
'solidity.learnTruffle': '学习怎么使用 Truffle 编译', |
'solidity.advancedConfigurations': '高级配置', |
'solidity.compilerConfiguration': '编译器配置', |
'solidity.compilationDetails': '编译详情', |
'solidity.language': '语言', |
'solidity.evmVersion': 'EVM 版本', |
'solidity.enableOptimization': '启用优化', |
'solidity.useConfigurationFile': '使用配置文件', |
'solidity.change': '修改', |
'solidity.compile': '编译', |
'solidity.noFileSelected': '未选中文件', |
'solidity.compileAndRunScript': '编译且执行脚本', |
'solidity.publishOn': '发布到', |
'solidity.Assembly': '合约的汇编操作码,包含对应的solidity源程序', |
'solidity.Opcodes': '合约的汇编操作码', |
'': '已编译合约的名称', |
'solidity.metadata': '包含编译相关的全部信息', |
'solidity.bytecode': '合约创建时执行的字节码', |
'solidity.abi': 'ABI: 全部合约函数的描述 (输入/输出 参数, 作用域, ...)', |
'solidity.web3Deploy': '拷贝/粘贴这部分代码到任何 JavaScript/Web3 控制台都可以部署此合约', |
'solidity.metadataHash': '元数据的哈希值', |
'solidity.functionHashes': '合约定义的函数清单,包含对应的哈希', |
'solidity.gasEstimates': '每个函数调用的Gas估算值', |
'solidity.Runtime Bytecode': '用于保存状态并在合约调用期执行的字节码', |
'solidity.swarmLocation': '可以找到所有元数据信息的Swarm url (首先需要发布合约) ', |
'pluginManager.displayName': '插件管理', |
'pluginManager.activate': '启用', |
'pluginManager.deactivate': '停用', |
'pluginManager.activeModules': '启用的模块', |
'pluginManager.inactiveModules': '停用的模块', |
'pluginManager.connectLocal': '连接本地插件', |
'pluginManager.localForm.title': '本地插件', |
'pluginManager.localForm.pluginName': '插件名称', |
'pluginManager.localForm.shouldBeCamelCase': '应当采用驼峰命名法', |
'pluginManager.localForm.displayName': '展示名称', |
'pluginManager.localForm.nameInTheHeader': '标题中展示的名称', |
'pluginManager.localForm.required': '必填', |
'pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedMethod': '英文逗号分隔方法名称', |
'pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedPlugin': '英文逗号分隔插件名称', |
'pluginManager.localForm.pluginsItCanActivate': '能激活该插件的插件', |
'pluginManager.localForm.typeOfConnection': '连接类型', |
'pluginManager.localForm.locationInRemix': '在Remix中的位置', |
'pluginManager.localForm.sidePanel': '侧面板', |
'pluginManager.localForm.mainPanel': '主面板', |
'pluginManager.localForm.none': '无', |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
{ |
"debugger.displayName": "调试器", |
"debugger.debuggerConfiguration": "调试器配置", |
"debugger.stopDebugging": "停止调试", |
"debugger.startDebugging": "开始调试", |
"debugger.placeholder": "交易哈希, 应该以 0x 开头", |
"debugger.introduction": "当使用交易哈希调试时, 如果该合约已被验证, Remix 会试图从 Sourcify 或 Etherscan 获取源码. 在 Remix 中设置您的 Etherscan API key. 有关受支持的网络,请参阅" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
{ |
"filePanel.displayName": "文件浏览器", |
"filePanel.workspace": "工作空间", |
"filePanel.create": "新建", |
"filePanel.clone": "克隆", |
"": "下载", |
"filePanel.restore": "恢复", |
"filePanel.workspace.create": "新建工作空间", |
"filePanel.workspace.rename": "重命名工作空间", |
"filePanel.workspace.delete": "删除工作空间", |
"filePanel.workspace.deleteConfirm": "确定要删除当前工作空间?", |
"": "工作空间名称", |
"filePanel.workspace.chooseTemplate": "选择一个工作空间模板", |
"": "下载工作空间", |
"filePanel.workspace.restore": "恢复工作空间", |
"filePanel.workspace.clone": "克隆 Git 仓库", |
"filePanel.workspace.enterGitUrl": "输入 Git 仓库地址", |
"filePanel.workspace.solghaction": "添加 Solidity GitHub Action 文件。推送到一个代码仓库,然后在 GitHub CI 中运行它。", |
"filePanel.solghaction": "添加 Solidity GitHub Action", |
"filePanel.newFile": "新建文件", |
"filePanel.newFolder": "新建文件夹", |
"filePanel.rename": "重命名", |
"filePanel.delete": "删除", |
"filePanel.deleteAll": "删除所有", |
"": "运行", |
"filePanel.pushChangesToGist": "将修改推送到gist", |
"filePanel.publishFolderToGist": "将当前目录发布到gist", |
"filePanel.publishFileToGist": "将当前文件发布到gist", |
"filePanel.copy": "复制", |
"filePanel.paste": "黏贴", |
"filePanel.compile": "编译", |
"filePanel.compileForNahmii": "Nahmii编译", |
"filePanel.createNewFile": "新建文件", |
"filePanel.createNewFolder": "新建文件夹", |
"filePanel.publishToGist": "将当前工作空间下所有文件发布到github gist", |
"filePanel.uploadFile": "加载本地文件到当前工作空间", |
"filePanel.updateGist": "更新当前 [gist] 浏览" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
{ |
"home.scamAlert": "诈骗警报", |
"home.scamAlertText": "Remix 唯一使用的 URL 是", |
"home.scamAlertText2": "注意那些宣传 \"liquidity front runner bots\" 的在线视频", |
"home.scamAlertText3": "其他安全提示", |
"home.learnMore": "了解更多", |
"": "这里", |
"home.more": "更多", |
"home.featured": "精选", |
"home.jumpIntoWeb3": "迎接 WEB3", |
"home.jumpIntoWeb3Text": "Remix 项目是一个丰富的工具集,任何知识水平的用户都可以在这上面进行全周期的合约开发,并且可作为以太坊教学和实验的学习实验室。", |
"home.remixRewards": "REMIX 奖励", |
"home.remixRewardsText1": "给我们的用户提供的 NFT!", |
"home.remixRewardsText2": "Remix 会用部署在 Optimism 链上的 NFT 奖励贡献者、beta 测试者和用户体验研究参与者。Remix 奖励的持有者可以铸造第二个“Remixer”用户 NFT 徽章,以赠予他们选择的任何其他用户。", |
"home.betaTesting": "BETA 测试", |
"home.betaTestingText1": "我们的社区支持我们", |
"home.betaTestingText2": "每次 Remix IDE 发布版本之前,你都可以参与 Beta 测试。现在就来帮我们测试并且尝鲜新功能吧!", |
"home.featuredPlugins": "精选插件", |
"home.solidityPluginDesc": "编译、测试和分析智能合约。", |
"home.starkNetPluginDesc": "用 Cairo 来编译且部署合约,这是 StarkNet 的原生语言", |
"home.solhintPluginDesc": "Solhint 是一个用于检查 Solidity 代码的开源项目", |
"home.sourcifyPluginDesc": "Solidity 合约和元数据验证服务。", |
"home.unitTestPluginDesc": "在 Solidity 中为你的合约编写和运行单元测试。", |
"home.getStarted": "开始使用", |
"home.projectTemplates": "项目模板", |
"home.blankTemplateDesc": "创建一个空的工作空间。", |
"home.remixDefaultTemplateDesc": "创建一个带有样本文件的工作空间", |
"home.ozerc20TemplateDesc": "通过引入 OpenZeppelin 库来创建一个 ERC20 代币。", |
"home.ozerc721TemplateDesc": "通过引入 OpenZeppelin 库来创建一个 NFT 代币。", |
"home.zeroxErc20TemplateDesc": "通过引入 0xProject 合约来创建一个 ERC20 代币。", |
"home.learn": "学习", |
"home.remixBasics": "Remix 基础", |
"home.remixBasicsDesc": "介绍 Remix 的界面和在以太坊中使用的概念,以及 Solidity 的基础知识。", |
"home.remixIntermediate": "Remix 中级", |
"home.remixIntermediateDesc": "使用 web3.js 与合约交互。使用记录器工具。", |
"home.remixAdvanced": "Remix 高级", |
"home.remixAdvancedDesc": "学习代理模式并使用 Remix 中的库。学习使用调试器。", |
"home.remixYoutubePlaylist": "Remix Youtube 播放列表", |
"home.remixTwitterProfile": "Remix 推特档案", |
"home.remixLinkedinProfile": "Remix 领英档案", |
"home.remixMediumPosts": "Remix Medium 文章", |
"home.remixGitterChannel": "Remix Gitter 频道", |
"home.nativeIDE": "用于 Web3 开发的原生 IDE。", |
"": "网站", |
"home.documentation": "文档", |
"home.remixPlugin": "Remix 插件", |
"home.remixDesktop": "Remix 桌面版", |
"home.searchDocumentation": "搜索文档", |
"home.files": "文件", |
"home.newFile": "新建文件", |
"home.openFile": "打开本地文件", |
"home.connectToLocalhost": "连接本地主机", |
"home.loadFrom": "从以下来源导入", |
"home.resources": "资源" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
import debuggerJson from './debugger.json'; |
import filePanelJson from './filePanel.json'; |
import homeJson from './home.json'; |
import panelJson from './panel.json'; |
import pluginManagerJson from './pluginManager.json'; |
import searchJson from './search.json'; |
import settingsJson from './settings.json'; |
import solidityJson from './solidity.json'; |
import terminalJson from './terminal.json'; |
import udappJson from './udapp.json'; |
import enJson from '../en'; |
// There may have some un-translated content. Always fill in the gaps with EN JSON.
// No need for a defaultMessage prop when render a FormattedMessage component.
export default Object.assign({}, enJson, { |
...debuggerJson, |
...filePanelJson, |
...homeJson, |
...panelJson, |
...pluginManagerJson, |
...searchJson, |
...settingsJson, |
...solidityJson, |
...terminalJson, |
...udappJson, |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"": "作者", |
"panel.maintainedBy": "维护者", |
"panel.documentation": "文档", |
"panel.description": "描述" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
{ |
"pluginManager.displayName": "插件管理", |
"pluginManager.activate": "启用", |
"pluginManager.deactivate": "停用", |
"pluginManager.activeModules": "启用的模块", |
"pluginManager.inactiveModules": "停用的模块", |
"pluginManager.connectLocal": "连接本地插件", |
"pluginManager.localForm.title": "本地插件", |
"pluginManager.localForm.pluginName": "插件名称", |
"pluginManager.localForm.shouldBeCamelCase": "应当采用驼峰命名法", |
"pluginManager.localForm.displayName": "展示名称", |
"pluginManager.localForm.nameInTheHeader": "标题中展示的名称", |
"pluginManager.localForm.required": "必填", |
"pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedMethod": "英文逗号分隔方法名称", |
"pluginManager.localForm.commaSeparatedPlugin": "英文逗号分隔插件名称", |
"pluginManager.localForm.pluginsItCanActivate": "它能激活的插件", |
"pluginManager.localForm.typeOfConnection": "连接类型", |
"pluginManager.localForm.locationInRemix": "在Remix中的位置", |
"pluginManager.localForm.sidePanel": "侧面板", |
"pluginManager.localForm.mainPanel": "主面板", |
"pluginManager.localForm.none": "无", |
"pluginManager.Permissions": "权限", |
"pluginManager.permissions": "权限", |
"pluginManager.pluginManagerPermissions": "插件管理权限", |
"pluginManager.currentPermissionSettings": "当前权限设置", |
"pluginManager.noPermissionRequestedYet": "目前还没有权限请求。", |
"pluginManager.allow": "允许", |
"pluginManager.toCall": "调用", |
"pluginManager.ok": "确认", |
"pluginManager.cancel": "取消" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
{ |
"search.displayName": "全文搜索", |
"search.replace": "替换", |
"search.replaceAll": "替换所有", |
"search.placeholder1": "搜索 ( 回车搜索 )", |
"search.placeholder2": "包含 ie *.sol ( 回车包含 )", |
"search.placeholder3": "排除 ie .git/**/* ( 回车排除 )", |
"search.matchCase": "大小写匹配", |
"search.matchWholeWord": "全字匹配", |
"search.useRegularExpression": "使用正则表达式", |
"search.replaceWithoutConfirmation": "替换无需确认", |
"search.filesToInclude": "文件包含", |
"search.filesToExclude": "文件排除" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
{ |
"settings.displayName": "设置", |
"settings.reset": "恢复默认设置", |
"settings.general": "常规设置", |
"settings.generateContractMetadataText": "生成合约元数据. 在contract文件夹中生成JSON文件. 允许指定合约依赖的库地址. 如果未指定任何内容,Remix将自动部署库.", |
"settings.ethereunVMText": "加载时始终使用以太坊虚拟机", |
"settings.wordWrapText": "文本换行", |
"settings.useAutoCompleteText": "在编辑器中启用代码自动补全.", |
"settings.useShowGasInEditorText": "在编辑器中展示 gas 预算.", |
"settings.displayErrorsText": "编辑代码时展示错误提示.", |
"settings.matomoAnalytics": "启用 Matomo 分析. 我们不会收集个人身份信息 (PII). 收集的信息只会用于提升 UX & UI. 查看更多关于 ", |
"settings.enablePersonalModeText": "为web3提供器启用私有模式. 通过Web3发送的交易将使用web3.personal API.\n", |
"settings.warnText": "在启用之前请确认访问端结点已经开放. 此模式允许在Remix界面中提供密码而无需解锁账号. 虽然这很方便,但你应当完全信任所连接的后端节点 (Geth, Parity, ...). Remix不会持久化保存任何密码.", |
"settings.gitAccessTokenTitle": "Github 访问令牌", |
"settings.gitAccessTokenText": "管理用于发布到 Gist 以及读取 Github 内容的 GitHub 访问令牌.", |
"settings.gitAccessTokenText2":"前往 github (参见下方链接) 创建一个新的token,然后保存到Remix中. 确保这个token只有 'create gist' 权限.", |
"settings.etherscanTokenTitle": "EtherScan 访问 Token", |
"settings.etherscanAccessTokenText": "管理用于与Etherscan交互的api密钥.", |
"settings.etherscanAccessTokenText2": "前往 Etherscan api 密钥页面 (参见下方链接),创建一个新的api密钥并保存到Remix中.", |
"": "保存", |
"settings.remove": "删除", |
"settings.themes": "主题", |
"settings.locales": "语言", |
"settings.swarm": "Swarm 设置", |
"settings.ipfs": "IPFS 设置" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
{ |
"solidity.displayName": "Solidity 编译器", |
"solidity.compiler": "编译器", |
"solidity.addACustomCompiler": "添加一个自定义编译器", |
"solidity.addACustomCompilerWithURL": "通过URL添加一个自定义编译器", |
"solidity.includeNightlyBuilds": "包含每日构造版本", |
"solidity.autoCompile": "自动编译", |
"solidity.hideWarnings": "隐藏警告", |
"solidity.enableHardhat": "启用 Hardhat 编译", |
"solidity.learnHardhat": "学习怎么使用 Hardhat 编译", |
"solidity.enableTruffle": "启用 Truffle 编译", |
"solidity.learnTruffle": "学习怎么使用 Truffle 编译", |
"solidity.advancedConfigurations": "高级配置", |
"solidity.compilerConfiguration": "编译器配置", |
"solidity.compilationDetails": "编译详情", |
"solidity.language": "语言", |
"solidity.evmVersion": "EVM 版本", |
"solidity.enableOptimization": "启用优化", |
"solidity.useConfigurationFile": "使用配置文件", |
"solidity.change": "修改", |
"solidity.compile": "编译", |
"solidity.noFileSelected": "未选中文件", |
"solidity.compileAndRunScript": "编译且执行脚本", |
"solidity.publishOn": "发布到", |
"solidity.Assembly": "合约的汇编操作码,包含对应的solidity源程序", |
"solidity.Opcodes": "合约的汇编操作码", |
"": "已编译合约的名称", |
"solidity.metadata": "包含编译相关的全部信息", |
"solidity.bytecode": "合约创建时执行的字节码", |
"solidity.abi": "ABI: 全部合约函数的描述 (输入/输出 参数, 作用域, ...)", |
"solidity.web3Deploy": "拷贝/粘贴这部分代码到任何 JavaScript/Web3 控制台都可以部署此合约", |
"solidity.metadataHash": "元数据的哈希值", |
"solidity.functionHashes": "合约定义的函数清单,包含对应的哈希", |
"solidity.gasEstimates": "每个函数调用的Gas估算值", |
"solidity.Runtime Bytecode": "用于保存状态并在合约调用期执行的字节码", |
"solidity.swarmLocation": "可以找到所有元数据信息的Swarm url (首先需要发布合约) " |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{ |
"terminal.listen": "监听所有交易", |
"": "按交易哈希或地址搜索", |
"terminal.used": "已使用", |
"terminal.welcomeText1": "欢迎使用", |
"terminal.welcomeText2": "您的文件储存在", |
"terminal.welcomeText3": "您可使用此终端", |
"terminal.welcomeText4": "查看交易详情并启动调试", |
"terminal.welcomeText5": "执行 JavaScript 脚本", |
"terminal.welcomeText6": "直接在命令行界面输入脚本", |
"terminal.welcomeText7": "在文件浏览器中选择一个 Javascript 文件,然后在命令行界面运行 `remix.execute()` 或 `remix.exeCurrent()` ", |
"terminal.welcomeText8": "在文件浏览器中右键点击一个 JavaScript 文件,然后点击 `Run`", |
"terminal.welcomeText9": "可以访问以下库", |
"terminal.welcomeText10": "输入库名查看可用的指令" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
{ |
"udapp.displayName": "部署 & 发交易", |
"udapp.gasLimit": "Gas 上限", |
"udapp.account": "账户", |
"udapp.value": "以太币数量", |
"udapp.contract": "合约", |
"udapp.signAMessage": "给一个消息签名", |
"udapp.enterAMessageToSign": "输入一个需要签名的消息", |
"udapp.hash": "哈希", |
"udapp.signature": "签名", |
"udapp.signedMessage": "已签名的消息", |
"udapp.environment": "环境", |
"udapp.environmentDocs": "点击查看环境文档", |
"udapp.deploy": "部署", |
"udapp.publishTo": "发布到", |
"udapp.or": "或", |
"udapp.atAddress": "At Address", |
"udapp.noCompiledContracts": "没有已编译的合约", |
"udapp.loadContractFromAddress": "加载此地址的合约", |
"udapp.deployedContracts": "已部署的合约", |
"udapp.deployAndRunClearInstances": "清空合约实例并重置交易记录", |
"udapp.deployAndRunNoInstanceText": "当前您没有可交互的合约实例.", |
"udapp.transactionsRecorded": "已记录的交易" |
} |
@ -1,39 +1,15 @@ |
export const generateContractMetadataText = 'Generate contract metadata. Generate a JSON file in the contract folder. Allows to specify library addresses the contract depends on. If nothing is specified, Remix deploys libraries automatically.' |
export const textSecondary = 'text-secondary' |
export const textSecondary = 'text-secondary' |
export const textDark = 'text-dark' |
export const textDark = 'text-dark' |
export const warnText = 'Be sure the endpoint is opened before enabling it. \nThis mode allows a user to provide a passphrase in the Remix interface without having to unlock the account. Although this is very convenient, you should completely trust the backend you are connected to (Geth, Parity, ...). Remix never persists any passphrase'.split('\n').map(s => s.trim()).join(' ') |
export const gitAccessTokenTitle = 'GitHub Access Token' |
export const gitAccessTokenText = 'Manage the access token used to publish to Gist and retrieve GitHub contents.' |
export const gitAccessTokenText2 = 'Go to github token page (link below) to create a new token and save it in Remix. To create gists set the scope to "gist". To retrieve GitHub contents set the scope to "repo".' |
export const gitAccessTokenLink = ',repo&description=Remix%20IDE%20Token' |
export const gitAccessTokenLink = ',repo&description=Remix%20IDE%20Token' |
export const etherscanTokenTitle = 'EtherScan Access Token' |
export const etherscanTokenLink = '' |
export const etherscanTokenLink = '' |
export const etherscanAccessTokenText = 'Manage the api key used to interact with Etherscan.' |
export const etherscanAccessTokenText2 = 'Go to Etherscan api key page (link below) to create a new api key and save it in Remix.' |
export const ethereunVMText = 'Always use Remix VM at load' |
export const wordWrapText = 'Word wrap in editor' |
export const enablePersonalModeText = ' Enable Personal Mode for Remix Provider. Transaction sent over Web3 will use the web3.personal API.\n' |
export const useAutoCompleteText = 'Enable code completion in editor.' |
export const useShowGasInEditorText = 'Display gas estimates in editor.' |
export const displayErrorsText = 'Display errors in editor while typing.' |
export const matomoAnalytics = 'Enable Matomo Analytics. We do not collect personally identifiable information (PII). The info is used to improve the site’s UX & UI. See more about ' |
export const swarmSettingsTitle = 'Swarm Settings' |
export const swarmSettingsText = 'Swarm Settings' |
export const ipfsSettingsText = 'IPFS Settings' |
export const labels = { |
export const labels = { |
'gist': { |
'gist': { |
'link': gitAccessTokenLink, |
'link': gitAccessTokenLink, |
'title': gitAccessTokenTitle, |
'message1': gitAccessTokenText, |
'message2': gitAccessTokenText2, |
'key': 'gist-access-token' |
'key': 'gist-access-token' |
}, |
}, |
'etherscan': { |
'etherscan': { |
'link': etherscanTokenLink, |
'link': etherscanTokenLink, |
'title': etherscanTokenTitle, |
'message1':etherscanAccessTokenText, |
'message2':etherscanAccessTokenText2, |
'key': 'etherscan-access-token' |
'key': 'etherscan-access-token' |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue