@ -2,88 +2,86 @@
import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch'
import init from '../helpers/init'
const checkEditorHoverContent = ( browser : NightwatchBrowser , path : string , expectedContent : string , offsetLeft : number = 0 ) = > {
browser . useXpath ( )
. useXpath ( )
. moveToElement ( '//body' , 0 , 0 ) // always move away from the hover before the next test in case we hover in the same line on a different element
. waitForElementVisible ( path )
. moveToElement ( path , offsetLeft , 0 )
. useCss ( )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '.monaco-hover-content' , expectedContent ) . pause ( 1000 )
module .exports = {
'@disabled' : true ,
before : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser , done : VoidFunction ) {
init ( browser , done , '' , false )
} ,
'Should show hover over contract in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
'Should load the test file' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . openFile ( 'contracts' )
. openFile ( 'contracts/3_Ballot.sol' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '#editorView' )
. setEditorValue ( BallotWithARefToOwner )
. useXpath ( )
. waitForElementVisible ( "//*[contains(text(),'BallotHoverTest')]" )
. click ( "//*[contains(text(),'BallotHoverTest')]" )
//.moveToElement("//*[contains(text(),'BallotHoverTest')]", 0, 0)
. useCss ( )
. findElements ( '.view-line' , function ( res ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( res . value ) ) {
let found = false
for ( const jsonWebElement of res . value ) {
const jsonWebElementId = jsonWebElement . ELEMENT || jsonWebElement [ Object . keys ( jsonWebElement ) [ 0 ] ]
if ( ! found ) {
browser . elementIdText ( jsonWebElementId , ( jsonElement ) = > {
const text = jsonElement . value
if ( typeof text == 'string' ) {
if ( text . indexOf ( 'contract BallotHoverTest' ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( text )
console . log ( jsonWebElementId )
browser . moveTo ( jsonWebElementId , 0 , 0 ) . pause ( 20000 )
found = true
/ *
res . value . forEach ( function ( jsonWebElement ) {
browser . elementIdText ( jsonWebElementId , ( jsonElement ) = > {
const text = jsonElement . value
if ( typeof text == 'string' ) {
if ( text . indexOf ( 'contract BallotHoverTest' ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( text )
console . log ( jsonWebElementId )
browser . moveTo ( jsonWebElementId , 0 , 0 ) . pause ( 20000 )
} )
} ) * /
} )
/ *
. useCss ( )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '.monaco-hover-content' , 'contract BallotHoverTest is BallotHoverTest' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '.monaco-hover-content' , 'contracts/3_Ballot.sol 10:0' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '.monaco-hover-content' , '@title Ballot' )
. findElements ( '.view-line' , function ( res ) {
Array . isArray ( res . value ) && res . value . forEach ( function ( jsonWebElement ) {
const jsonWebElementId = jsonWebElement . ELEMENT || jsonWebElement [ Object . keys ( jsonWebElement ) [ 0 ] ]
browser . elementIdText ( jsonWebElementId , ( jsonElement ) = > {
const text = jsonElement . value
if ( typeof text == 'string' ) {
if ( text . indexOf ( 'address public chairperson;' ) !== - 1 ) {
console . log ( jsonWebElementId )
browser . moveTo ( jsonWebElementId , 20 , 0 ) . pause ( 20000 )
} )
} )
} )
* /
. pause ( 4000 ) // wait for the compiler to finish
} ,
'Should show hover over contract in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
const path = "//*[contains(text(),'BallotHoverTest')]"
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , 'contract BallotHoverTest is BallotHoverTest' )
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , 'contracts/3_Ballot.sol 10:0' )
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , '@title Ballot' )
} ,
'Should show hover over var definition in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'chairperson') and contains(.,'address') and contains(.,'public')]//span//span[contains(.,'chairperson')]"
const expectedContent = 'address public chairperson'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent )
} ,
'Should show hover over constructor in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
const path : string = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'constructor') and contains(.,'bytes32') and contains(.,'memory')]//span//span[contains(.,'constructor')]"
const expectedContent = 'Estimated creation cost: infinite gas Estimated code deposit cost:'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent )
} ,
'Should show hover over function in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
const path : string = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'giveRightToVote(address') and contains(.,'function') and contains(.,'public')]//span//span[contains(.,'giveRightToVote')]"
let expectedContent = 'Estimated execution cost'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent )
expectedContent = 'function giveRightToVote (address internal voter) public nonpayable returns ()'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent )
expectedContent = "@dev Give 'voter' the right to vote on this ballot. May only be called by 'chairperson'"
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent )
} ,
'Should show hover over var components in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
let path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'voters') and contains(.,'weight')]//span//span[contains(.,'voters')]"
let expectedContent = 'mapping(address => struct BallotHoverTest.Voter) public voters'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent , 15 )
path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'voters') and contains(.,'weight')]//span//span[contains(.,'chairperson')]"
expectedContent = 'address public chairperson'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent , 3 )
path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'voters') and contains(.,'weight')]//span//span[contains(.,'weight')]"
expectedContent = 'uint256 internal weight'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent )
} ,
'Should show hover over new contract creation in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
let path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'Owner') and contains(.,'new')]//span//span[contains(.,'cowner')]"
let expectedContent = 'contract Owner internal cowner'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent , 10 )
path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'Owner') and contains(.,'new')]//span//span[contains(.,'Owner')]"
expectedContent = 'contract Owner is Owner'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent , 10 )
} ,
'Should show hover over external class member in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'getOwner') and contains(.,'cowner')]//span//span[contains(.,'getOwner')]"
let expectedContent = 'function getOwner () external view returns (address internal )'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent , 0 )
expectedContent = 'contracts/2_Owner.sol'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent , 0 )
expectedContent = '@dev Return owner address'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent , 0 )
} ,
'Should show hover over struct definition in editor #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'Voter') and contains(.,'struct')]//span//span[contains(.,'Voter')]"
const expectedContent = 'StructDefinition'
checkEditorHoverContent ( browser , path , expectedContent )
@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ import "./2_Owner.sol";
* @dev Implements voting process along with vote delegation
* /
contract BallotHoverTest {
Owner c ;
Owner cowner ;
struct Voter {
uint weight ; // weight is accumulated by delegation
bool voted ; // if true, that person already voted
@ -126,7 +124,8 @@ contract BallotHoverTest {
* @param proposalNames names of proposals
* /
constructor ( bytes32 [ ] memory proposalNames ) {
c = new Owner ( ) ;
cowner = new Owner ( ) ;
cowner . getOwner ( ) ;
chairperson = msg . sender ;
voters [ chairperson ] . weight = 1 ;