@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import React , { useEffect , useState , useRef , useReducer } from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import { FormattedMessage , useIntl } from 'react-intl'
import semver from 'semver'
import { CompilerContainerProps } from './types'
import { ConfigurationSettings } from '@remix-project/remix-lib-ts'
@ -66,6 +67,8 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
const [ truffleCompilation , setTruffleCompilation ] = useState ( false )
const [ compilerContainer , dispatch ] = useReducer ( compilerReducer , compilerInitialState )
const intl = useIntl ( )
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
if ( workspaceName ) {
api . setAppParameter ( 'configFilePath' , defaultPath )
@ -525,7 +528,17 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
const promptCompiler = ( ) = > {
// custom url https://solidity-blog.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/data/08preview/soljson.js
modal ( 'Add a custom compiler' , promptMessage ( 'URL' ) , 'OK' , addCustomCompiler , 'Cancel' , ( ) = > { } )
modal (
intl . formatMessage ( {
id : 'solidity.addACustomCompiler' ,
defaultMessage : 'Add a custom compiler' ,
} ) ,
promptMessage ( 'URL' ) ,
'OK' ,
addCustomCompiler ,
'Cancel' ,
( ) = > { }
const promptMessage = ( message ) = > {
@ -676,8 +689,15 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< div className = 'pt-0 remixui_compilerSection' >
< div className = "mb-1" >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "versionSelector" >
< button className = "far fa-plus btn-light border-0 p-0 mx-2 btn-sm" onClick = { promptCompiler } title = "Add a custom compiler with URL" > < / button >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.compiler' defaultMessage = 'Compiler' / >
< button
className = "far fa-plus btn-light border-0 p-0 mx-2 btn-sm"
onClick = { promptCompiler }
title = { intl . formatMessage ( {
id : 'solidity.addACustomCompilerWithURL' ,
defaultMessage : "Add a custom compiler with URL" ,
} ) } >
< / button >
< / label >
< select value = { state . selectedVersion || state . defaultVersion } onChange = { ( e ) = > handleLoadVersion ( e . target . value ) } className = "custom-select" id = "versionSelector" disabled = { state . allversions . length <= 0 } >
{ state . allversions . length <= 0 && < option disabled data - id = { state . selectedVersion === state . defaultVersion ? 'selected' : '' } > { state . defaultVersion } < / option > }
@ -693,25 +713,35 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< / div >
< div className = "mb-2 flex-row-reverse remixui_nightlyBuilds custom-control custom-checkbox" >
< input className = "mr-2 custom-control-input" id = "nightlies" type = "checkbox" onChange = { handleNightliesChange } checked = { state . includeNightlies } / >
< label htmlFor = "nightlies" data - id = "compilerNightliesBuild" className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" > Include nightly builds < / label >
< label htmlFor = "nightlies" data - id = "compilerNightliesBuild" className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.includeNightlyBuilds' defaultMessage = 'Include nightly builds' / >
< / label >
< / div >
< div className = "mt-2 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox" >
< input className = "remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" type = "checkbox" onChange = { handleAutoCompile } data - id = "compilerContainerAutoCompile" id = "autoCompile" title = "Auto compile" checked = { state . autoCompile } / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "autoCompile" > Auto compile < / label >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "autoCompile" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.autoCompile' defaultMessage = 'Auto compile' / >
< / label >
< / div >
< div className = "mt-1 mb-2 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox" >
< input className = "remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" onChange = { handleHideWarningsChange } id = "hideWarningsBox" type = "checkbox" title = "Hide warnings" checked = { state . hideWarnings } / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "hideWarningsBox" > Hide warnings < / label >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "hideWarningsBox" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.hideWarnings' defaultMessage = 'Hide warnings' / >
< / label >
< / div >
isHardhatProject &&
< div className = "mt-3 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox" >
< input className = "remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" onChange = { updatehhCompilation } id = "enableHardhat" type = "checkbox" title = "Enable Hardhat Compilation" checked = { hhCompilation } / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "enableHardhat" > Enable Hardhat Compilation < / label >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "enableHardhat" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.enableHardhat' defaultMessage = 'Enable Hardhat Compilation' / >
< / label >
< a className = "mt-1 text-nowrap" href = 'https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hardhat.html#enable-hardhat-compilation' target = { '_blank' } >
< OverlayTrigger placement = { 'right' } overlay = {
< Tooltip className = "text-nowrap" id = "overlay-tooltip-hardhat" >
< span className = "p-1 pr-3" style = { { backgroundColor : 'black' , minWidth : '230px' } } > Learn how to use Hardhat Compilation < / span >
< span className = "p-1 pr-3" style = { { backgroundColor : 'black' , minWidth : '230px' } } >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.learnHardhat' defaultMessage = 'Learn how to use Hardhat Compilation' / >
< / span >
< / Tooltip >
} >
< i style = { { fontSize : 'medium' } } className = { 'ml-2 fal fa-info-circle' } aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >
@ -723,11 +753,15 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
isTruffleProject &&
< div className = "mt-3 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox" >
< input className = "remixui_autocompile custom-control-input" onChange = { updateTruffleCompilation } id = "enableTruffle" type = "checkbox" title = "Enable Truffle Compilation" checked = { truffleCompilation } / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "enableTruffle" > Enable Truffle Compilation < / label >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "enableTruffle" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.enableTruffle' defaultMessage = 'Enable Truffle Compilation' / >
< / label >
< a className = "mt-1 text-nowrap" href = 'https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/truffle.html#enable-truffle-compilation' target = { '_blank' } >
< OverlayTrigger placement = { 'right' } overlay = {
< Tooltip className = "text-nowrap" id = "overlay-tooltip-truffle" >
< span className = "p-1 pr-3" style = { { backgroundColor : 'black' , minWidth : '230px' } } > Learn how to use Truffle Compilation < / span >
< span className = "p-1 pr-3" style = { { backgroundColor : 'black' , minWidth : '230px' } } >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.learnTruffle' defaultMessage = 'Learn how to use Truffle Compilation' / >
< / span >
< / Tooltip >
} >
< i style = { { fontSize : 'medium' } } className = { 'ml-2 fal fa-info-circle' } aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >
@ -738,7 +772,9 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< / div >
< div className = "d-flex px-4 remixui_compilerConfigSection justify-content-between" onClick = { toggleConfigurations } >
< div className = "d-flex" >
< label className = "mt-1 remixui_compilerConfigSection" > Advanced Configurations < / label >
< label className = "mt-1 remixui_compilerConfigSection" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.advancedConfigurations' defaultMessage = 'Advanced Configurations' / >
< / label >
< / div >
< div >
< span data - id = 'scConfigExpander' onClick = { toggleConfigurations } >
@ -749,18 +785,24 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< div className = { ` px-4 pb-4 border-bottom flex-column ${ toggleExpander ? "d-flex" : "d-none" } ` } >
< div className = "d-flex pb-1 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-radio" >
< input className = "custom-control-input" type = "radio" name = "configradio" value = "manual" onChange = { toggleConfigType } checked = { ! state . useFileConfiguration } id = "scManualConfig" / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "scManualConfig" > Compiler configuration < / label >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "scManualConfig" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.compilerConfiguration' defaultMessage = 'Compiler configuration' / >
< / label >
< / div >
< div className = { ` flex-column 'd-flex'} ` } >
< div className = "mb-2 ml-4" >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "compilierLanguageSelector" > Language < / label >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "compilierLanguageSelector" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.language' defaultMessage = 'Language' / >
< / label >
< select onChange = { ( e ) = > handleLanguageChange ( e . target . value ) } disabled = { state . useFileConfiguration } value = { state . language } className = "custom-select" id = "compilierLanguageSelector" title = "Available since v0.5.7" >
< option data - id = { state . language === 'Solidity' ? 'selected' : '' } value = 'Solidity' > Solidity < / option >
< option data - id = { state . language === 'Yul' ? 'selected' : '' } value = 'Yul' > Yul < / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< div className = "mb-2 ml-4" >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "evmVersionSelector" > EVM Version < / label >
< label className = "remixui_compilerLabel form-check-label" htmlFor = "evmVersionSelector" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.evmVersion' defaultMessage = 'EVM Version' / >
< / label >
< select value = { state . evmVersion } onChange = { ( e ) = > handleEvmVersionChange ( e . target . value ) } disabled = { state . useFileConfiguration } className = "custom-select" id = "evmVersionSelector" >
{ compileTabLogic . evmVersions . map ( ( version , index ) = > ( < option key = { index } data - id = { state . evmVersion === version ? 'selected' : '' } value = { version } > { version } < / option > ) ) }
< / select >
@ -768,7 +810,9 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< div className = "mt-1 mt-3 border-dark pb-3 ml-4 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-checkbox" >
< div className = "justify-content-between align-items-center d-flex" >
< input onChange = { ( e ) = > { handleOptimizeChange ( e . target . checked ) } } disabled = { state . useFileConfiguration } className = "custom-control-input" id = "optimize" type = "checkbox" checked = { state . optimize } / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "optimize" > Enable optimization < / label >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "optimize" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.enableOptimization' defaultMessage = 'Enable optimization' / >
< / label >
< input
min = "1"
className = "custom-select ml-2 remixui_runs"
@ -785,7 +829,9 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< / div >
< div className = "d-flex pb-1 remixui_compilerConfig custom-control custom-radio" >
< input className = "custom-control-input" type = "radio" name = "configradio" value = "file" onChange = { toggleConfigType } checked = { state . useFileConfiguration } id = "scFileConfig" / >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "scFileConfig" data - id = "scFileConfiguration" > Use configuration file < / label >
< label className = "form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor = "scFileConfig" data - id = "scFileConfiguration" >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.useConfigurationFile' defaultMessage = 'Use configuration file' / >
< / label >
< / div >
< div className = { ` pt-2 ml-4 ml-2 align-items-start justify-content-between d-flex ` } >
{ ( ! showFilePathInput && state . useFileConfiguration ) && < span
@ -807,7 +853,9 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
} }
/ >
{ ! showFilePathInput && < button disabled = { ! state . useFileConfiguration } data - id = "scConfigChangeFilePath" className = "btn-secondary" onClick = { ( ) = > { setShowFilePathInput ( true ) } } > Change < / button > }
{ ! showFilePathInput && < button disabled = { ! state . useFileConfiguration } data - id = "scConfigChangeFilePath" className = "btn-secondary" onClick = { ( ) = > { setShowFilePathInput ( true ) } } >
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.change' defaultMessage = 'Change' / >
< / button > }
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "px-4" >
@ -822,7 +870,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
} >
< span >
{ < i ref = { compileIcon } className = "fas fa-sync remixui_iconbtn" aria - hidden = "true" > < / i > }
Compile { typeof state . compiledFileName === 'string' ? extractNameFromKey ( state . compiledFileName ) || '<no file selected>' : '<no file selected>' }
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.compile' defaultMessage = 'Compile' / > { typeof state . compiledFileName === 'string' ? extractNameFromKey ( state . compiledFileName ) || '<no file selected>' : '<no file selected>' }
< / span >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< / button >
@ -837,7 +885,7 @@ export const CompilerContainer = (props: CompilerContainerProps) => {
< / Tooltip >
} >
< span >
Compile and Run script
< FormattedMessage id = 'solidity.compileAndRunScript' defaultMessage = 'Compile and Run script' / >
< / span >
< / OverlayTrigger >
< / button >