modalDialogCustom.alert(`Published "${}'s" Metadata`,yo`<span>Metadata of ${} was published successfully.<br> <pre>${result}</pre> </span>`)
modalDialogCustom.alert(`Published ${}\'s Metadata`,yo`<span>Metadata of ${} was published successfully.<br> <pre>${result}</pre> </span>`)
},(item)=>{// triggered each time there's a new verified publish (means hash correspond)
},(item)=>{// triggered each time there's a new verified publish (means hash correspond)
modalDialogCustom.alert(`Published "${}'s" Metadata`,yo`<span>Metadata of ${} was published successfully.<br> <pre>${result}</pre> </span>`)
modalDialogCustom.alert(`Published ${}\'s Metadata`,yo`<span>Metadata of ${} was published successfully.<br> <pre>${result}</pre> </span>`)
},(item)=>{// triggered each time there's a new verified publish (means hash correspond)
},(item)=>{// triggered each time there's a new verified publish (means hash correspond)