@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
import type { CircomPluginClient } from "../services/circomPluginClient" |
import { Actions, AppState } from "../types" |
export const compileCircuit = async (plugin: CircomPluginClient, appState: AppState) => { |
try { |
if (appState.status !== "compiling") { |
await plugin.compile(appState.filePath, { version: appState.version, prime: appState.primeValue }) |
} else { |
console.log('Exisiting circuit compilation in progress') |
} |
} catch (e) { |
plugin.internalEvents.emit('circuit_compiling_errored', e) |
console.error(e) |
} |
} |
export const generateR1cs = async (plugin: CircomPluginClient, appState: AppState) => { |
try { |
if (appState.status !== "generating") { |
await plugin.generateR1cs(appState.filePath, { version: appState.version, prime: appState.primeValue }) |
} else { |
console.log('Exisiting r1cs generation in progress') |
} |
} catch (e) { |
plugin.internalEvents.emit('circuit_generating_r1cs_errored', e) |
console.error('Generating R1CS failed: ', e) |
} |
} |
export const computeWitness = async (plugin: CircomPluginClient, status: string, witnessValues: Record<string, string>) => { |
try { |
if (status !== "computing") { |
const input = JSON.stringify(witnessValues) |
await plugin.computeWitness(input) |
} else { |
console.log('Exisiting witness computation in progress') |
} |
} catch (e) { |
plugin.internalEvents.emit('circuit_computing_witness_errored', e) |
console.error('Computing witness failed: ', e) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
import { CompileBtn } from "./compileBtn"; |
import { R1CSBtn } from "./r1csBtn"; |
export function CircuitActions () { |
return ( |
<div className="pb-3"> |
<CompileBtn /> |
<R1CSBtn /> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
import { CustomTooltip, RenderIf, RenderIfNot, extractNameFromKey } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import { useContext } from "react"; |
import { CircuitAppContext } from "../contexts"; |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; |
import { compileCircuit } from "../actions"; |
export function CompileBtn () { |
const { plugin, appState } = useContext(CircuitAppContext) |
return ( |
<button |
className="btn btn-primary btn-block d-block w-100 text-break mb-1 mt-3" |
onClick={() => { compileCircuit(plugin, appState) }} |
disabled={(appState.filePath === "") || (appState.status === "compiling") || (appState.status === "generating")} |
> |
<CustomTooltip |
placement="auto" |
tooltipId="overlay-tooltip-compile" |
tooltipText={ |
<div className="text-left"> |
<div> |
<b>Ctrl+S</b> to compile {appState.filePath} |
</div> |
</div> |
} |
> |
<div className="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center"> |
<RenderIf condition={appState.status === 'compiling'}> |
<i className="fas fa-sync fa-spin mr-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIfNot condition={appState.status === 'compiling'}> |
<i className="fas fa-sync mr-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIfNot> |
<div className="text-truncate overflow-hidden text-nowrap"> |
<span> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.compile" /> |
</span> |
<span className="ml-1 text-nowrap"> |
<RenderIf condition={appState.filePath === ""}> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.noFileSelected" /> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIfNot condition={appState.filePath === ""}> |
<>{extractNameFromKey(appState.filePath)}</> |
</RenderIfNot> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</CustomTooltip> |
</button> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
import { useState } from "react" |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl" |
import { RenderIf, RenderIfNot } from "@remix-ui/helper" |
export function ConfigToggler ({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) { |
const [toggleExpander, setToggleExpander] = useState<boolean>(false) |
const toggleConfigurations = () => { |
setToggleExpander(!toggleExpander) |
} |
return ( |
<div> |
<div className="d-flex circuit_config_section justify-content-between" onClick={toggleConfigurations}> |
<div className="d-flex"> |
<label className="mt-1 circuit_config_section"> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.advancedConfigurations" /> |
</label> |
</div> |
<div> |
<span data-id="scConfigExpander" onClick={toggleConfigurations}> |
<RenderIf condition={toggleExpander}> |
<i className="fas fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIfNot condition={toggleExpander}> |
<i className="fas fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIfNot> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<RenderIf condition={toggleExpander}> |
{ children } |
</RenderIf> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
import { CustomTooltip } from "@remix-ui/helper" |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl" |
import { ConfigurationsProps, PrimeValue } from "../types" |
export function Configurations ({primeValue, setPrimeValue}: ConfigurationsProps) { |
return ( |
<div className="pb-2 border-bottom flex-column"> |
<div className="flex-column d-flex"> |
<div className="mb-2 ml-0"> |
<label className="circuit_inner_label form-check-label" htmlFor="circuitPrimeSelector"> |
<FormattedMessage id="" /> |
</label> |
<CustomTooltip |
placement={"auto"} |
tooltipId="circuitPrimeLabelTooltip" |
tooltipClasses="text-nowrap" |
tooltipText={<span>{'To choose the prime number to use to generate the circuit. Receives the name of the curve (bn128, bls12381, goldilocks) [default: bn128]'}</span>} |
> |
<div> |
<select |
onChange={(e) => setPrimeValue( as PrimeValue)} |
value={primeValue} |
className="custom-select" |
style={{ |
pointerEvents: 'auto' |
}} |
> |
<option value="bn128">bn128</option> |
<option value="bls12381">bls12381</option> |
<option value="goldilocks">goldilocks</option> |
</select> |
</div> |
</CustomTooltip> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
import { useContext } from 'react' |
import { CustomTooltip, RenderIf } from '@remix-ui/helper' |
import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl' |
import { CircuitAppContext } from '../contexts' |
import { CompileOptions } from './options' |
import { VersionList } from './versions' |
import { ConfigToggler } from './configToggler' |
import { Configurations } from './configurations' |
import { CircuitActions } from './actions' |
import { WitnessToggler } from './witnessToggler' |
import { WitnessSection } from './witness' |
import { CompilerFeedback } from './feedback' |
import { PrimeValue } from '../types' |
export function Container () { |
const circuitApp = useContext(CircuitAppContext) |
const showCompilerLicense = (message = 'License not available') => { |
// @ts-ignore
|'notification', 'modal', { id: 'modal_circuit_compiler_license', title: 'Compiler License', message }) |
} |
const handleVersionSelect = (version: string) => { |
circuitApp.dispatch({ type: 'SET_COMPILER_VERSION', payload: version }) |
} |
const handleOpenErrorLocation = async (location: string, startRange: string) => { |
if (location) { |
const fullPathLocation = await circuitApp.plugin.resolveReportPath(location) |
await'fileManager', 'open', fullPathLocation) |
// @ts-ignore
const startPosition: { lineNumber: number; column: number } = await'editor', 'getPositionAt', startRange) |
// @ts-ignore
await'editor', 'gotoLine', startPosition.lineNumber - 1, startPosition.column) |
} |
} |
const handlePrimeChange = (value: string) => { |
circuitApp.dispatch({ type: 'SET_PRIME_VALUE', payload: value as PrimeValue }) |
} |
const handleCircuitAutoCompile = (value: boolean) => { |
circuitApp.dispatch({ type: 'SET_AUTO_COMPILE', payload: value }) |
} |
const handleCircuitHideWarnings = (value: boolean) => { |
circuitApp.dispatch({ type: 'SET_HIDE_WARNINGS', payload: value }) |
} |
return ( |
<section> |
<article> |
<div className="pt-0 circuit_section"> |
<div className="mb-1"> |
<label className="circuit_label form-check-label" htmlFor="versionSelector"> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.compiler" /> |
</label> |
<CustomTooltip placement="top" tooltipId="showCompilerTooltip" tooltipClasses="text-nowrap" tooltipText={'See compiler license'}> |
<span className="fa fa-file-text-o border-0 p-0 ml-2" onClick={() => showCompilerLicense()}></span> |
</CustomTooltip> |
<VersionList setVersion={handleVersionSelect} versionList={circuitApp.appState.versionList} currentVersion={circuitApp.appState.version} /> |
<CompileOptions setCircuitAutoCompile={handleCircuitAutoCompile} setCircuitHideWarnings={handleCircuitHideWarnings} autoCompile={circuitApp.appState.autoCompile} hideWarnings={circuitApp.appState.hideWarnings} /> |
<ConfigToggler> |
<Configurations setPrimeValue={handlePrimeChange} primeValue={circuitApp.appState.primeValue} /> |
</ConfigToggler> |
<CircuitActions /> |
<RenderIf condition={circuitApp.appState.signalInputs.length > 0}> |
<WitnessToggler> |
<WitnessSection plugin={circuitApp.plugin} signalInputs={circuitApp.appState.signalInputs} status={circuitApp.appState.status} /> |
</WitnessToggler> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIf condition={circuitApp.appState.status !== 'compiling' && circuitApp.appState.status !== 'computing' && circuitApp.appState.status !== 'generating'}> |
<CompilerFeedback feedback={} filePathToId={circuitApp.appState.filePathToId} openErrorLocation={handleOpenErrorLocation} hideWarnings={circuitApp.appState.hideWarnings} /> |
</RenderIf> |
</div> |
</div> |
</article> |
</section> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
import { useState } from 'react' |
import { CompilerFeedbackProps, CompilerReport } from '../types' |
import { RenderIf } from '@remix-ui/helper' |
import {CopyToClipboard} from '@remix-ui/clipboard' |
import { FeedbackAlert } from './feedbackAlert' |
export function CompilerFeedback ({ feedback, filePathToId, hideWarnings, openErrorLocation }: CompilerFeedbackProps) { |
const [ showException, setShowException ] = useState<boolean>(true) |
const handleCloseException = () => { |
setShowException(false) |
} |
const handleOpenError = (report: CompilerReport) => { |
if (report.labels.length > 0) { |
openErrorLocation(filePathToId[report.labels[0].file_id], report.labels[0].range.start) |
} |
} |
return ( |
<div> |
<div className="circuit_errors_box py-4"> |
<RenderIf condition={ (typeof feedback === "string") && showException }> |
<div className="circuit_feedback error alert alert-danger"> |
<span> { feedback } </span> |
<div className="close" data-id="renderer" onClick={handleCloseException}> |
<i className="fas fa-times"></i> |
</div> |
<div className="d-flex pt-1 flex-row-reverse"> |
<span className="ml-3 pt-1 py-1" > |
<CopyToClipboard content={feedback} className="p-0 m-0 far fa-copy error" direction={'top'} /> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIf condition={ Array.isArray(feedback) }> |
<> |
{ |
Array.isArray(feedback) &&, index) => ( |
<div key={index} onClick={() => handleOpenError(response)}> |
<RenderIf condition={response.type === 'Error'}> |
<div className={`circuit_feedback ${response.type.toLowerCase()} alert alert-danger`}> |
<FeedbackAlert message={response.message} location={ response.labels[0] ? response.labels[0].message + ` ${filePathToId[response.labels[0].file_id]}:${response.labels[0].range.start}:${response.labels[0].range.end}` : null} /> |
</div> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIf condition={(response.type === 'Warning') && !hideWarnings}> |
<div className={`circuit_feedback ${response.type.toLowerCase()} alert alert-warning`}> |
<FeedbackAlert message={response.message} location={null} /> |
</div> |
</RenderIf> |
</div> |
) |
) |
} |
</> |
</RenderIf> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
import { useState } from 'react' |
import { FeedbackAlertProps } from '../types' |
import { RenderIf } from '@remix-ui/helper' |
import {CopyToClipboard} from '@remix-ui/clipboard' |
export function FeedbackAlert ({ message, location }: FeedbackAlertProps) { |
const [ showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState<boolean>(true) |
const handleCloseAlert = () => { |
setShowAlert(false) |
} |
return ( |
<RenderIf condition={showAlert}> |
<> |
<span> { message } </span> |
<RenderIf condition={location !== null}> |
<span> { location }</span> |
</RenderIf> |
<div className="close" data-id="renderer" onClick={handleCloseAlert}> |
<i className="fas fa-times"></i> |
</div> |
<div className="d-flex pt-1 flex-row-reverse"> |
<span className="ml-3 pt-1 py-1" > |
<CopyToClipboard content={message} className="p-0 m-0 far fa-copy error" direction={'top'} /> |
</span> |
</div> |
</> |
</RenderIf> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl' |
import { CompileOptionsProps } from '../types' |
export function CompileOptions ({autoCompile, hideWarnings, setCircuitAutoCompile, setCircuitHideWarnings}: CompileOptionsProps) { |
return ( |
<div className='pb-2'> |
<div className="mt-2 custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input |
className="custom-control-input" |
type="checkbox" |
onChange={(e) => setCircuitAutoCompile(} |
title="Auto compile" |
checked={autoCompile} |
id="autoCompileCircuit" |
/> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="autoCompileCircuit"> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.autoCompile" /> |
</label> |
</div> |
<div className="mt-1 mb-2 circuit_warnings_box custom-control custom-checkbox"> |
<input |
className="custom-control-input" |
onChange={(e) => setCircuitHideWarnings(} |
id="hideCircuitWarnings" |
type="checkbox" |
title="Hide warnings" |
checked={hideWarnings} |
/> |
<label className="form-check-label custom-control-label" htmlFor="hideCircuitWarnings"> |
<FormattedMessage id="solidity.hideWarnings" /> |
</label> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
import { CustomTooltip, RenderIf, RenderIfNot } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import { useContext } from "react"; |
import { CircuitAppContext } from "../contexts"; |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; |
import { generateR1cs } from "../actions"; |
export function R1CSBtn () { |
const { plugin, appState } = useContext(CircuitAppContext) |
return ( |
<button |
className="btn btn-secondary btn-block d-block w-100 text-break mb-1 mt-2" |
onClick={() => { generateR1cs(plugin, appState) }} |
disabled={(appState.filePath === "") || (appState.status === "compiling") || (appState.status === "generating") || (appState.status === "computing")} |
> |
<CustomTooltip |
placement="auto" |
tooltipId="overlay-tooltip-compile" |
tooltipText={ |
<div className="text-left"> |
<div> |
Outputs the constraints in r1cs format |
</div> |
</div> |
} |
> |
<div className="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center"> |
<RenderIf condition={appState.status === 'generating'}> |
<i className="fas fa-sync fa-spin mr-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIfNot condition={appState.status === 'generating'}> |
<i className="fas fa-sync mr-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIfNot> |
<div className="text-truncate overflow-hidden text-nowrap"> |
<span> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.generateR1cs" /> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</CustomTooltip> |
</button> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
import { RenderIf } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import { AppState } from "../types"; |
export function VersionList ({ currentVersion, versionList, setVersion }: { versionList: AppState['versionList'], currentVersion: string, setVersion: (version: string) => void }) { |
const versionListKeys = Object.keys(versionList) |
return ( |
<select |
value={currentVersion} |
onChange={(e) => setVersion(} |
className="custom-select" |
> |
<RenderIf condition={versionListKeys.length > 0}> |
<> |
{ |
|, index) => ( |
<option value={version} key={index}> |
{ versionList[version].name } |
</option> |
)) |
} |
</> |
</RenderIf> |
</select> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
import { RenderIf, RenderIfNot } from "@remix-ui/helper"; |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"; |
import { CompilerStatus } from "../types"; |
import { computeWitness } from "../actions"; |
import { useState } from "react"; |
import type { CircomPluginClient } from "../services/circomPluginClient"; |
export function WitnessSection ({ plugin, signalInputs, status }: {plugin: CircomPluginClient, signalInputs: string[], status: CompilerStatus}) { |
const [witnessValues, setWitnessValues] = useState<Record<string, string>>({}) |
const handleSignalInput = (e: any) => { |
setWitnessValues({ |
...witnessValues, |
[]: |
}) |
} |
return ( |
<div className="pb-2 border-bottom flex-column"> |
<div className="flex-column d-flex"> |
<RenderIf condition={signalInputs.length > 0}> |
<> |
{ |
|, index) => ( |
<div className="mb-2 ml-0" key={index}> |
<label className="circuit_inner_label form-check-label" htmlFor="circuitPrimeSelector"> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.signalInput" /> { input } |
</label> |
<input className="form-control m-0 txinput" placeholder={input} name={input} onChange={handleSignalInput} /> |
</div> |
)) |
} |
<button |
className="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" |
onClick={() => { computeWitness(plugin, status, witnessValues) }} |
disabled={(status === "compiling") || (status === "generating") || (status === "computing")}> |
<RenderIf condition={status === 'computing'}> |
<i className="fas fa-sync fa-spin mr-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIfNot condition={status === 'computing'}> |
<i className="fas fa-sync mr-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIfNot> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.compute" /> |
</button> |
</> |
</RenderIf> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
import { useState } from "react" |
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl" |
import { RenderIf, RenderIfNot } from "@remix-ui/helper" |
export function WitnessToggler ({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) { |
const [toggleExpander, setToggleExpander] = useState<boolean>(false) |
const toggleConfigurations = () => { |
setToggleExpander(!toggleExpander) |
} |
return ( |
<div> |
<div className="d-flex circuit_config_section justify-content-between" onClick={toggleConfigurations}> |
<div className="d-flex"> |
<label className="mt-1 circuit_config_section"> |
<FormattedMessage id="circuit.computeWitness" /> |
</label> |
</div> |
<div> |
<span data-id="scConfigExpander" onClick={toggleConfigurations}> |
<RenderIf condition={toggleExpander}> |
<i className="fas fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIf> |
<RenderIfNot condition={toggleExpander}> |
<i className="fas fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</RenderIfNot> |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<RenderIf condition={toggleExpander}> |
{ children } |
</RenderIf> |
</div> |
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
import {createContext} from 'react' |
import {ICircuitAppContext} from '../types' |
export const CircuitAppContext = createContext<ICircuitAppContext>({} as ICircuitAppContext) |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
import {Actions, AppState} from '../types' |
import { compiler_list } from 'circom_wasm' |
export const appInitialState: AppState = { |
version: compiler_list.latest, |
versionList: compiler_list.wasm_builds, |
filePath: "", |
filePathToId: {}, |
status: "idle", |
primeValue: "bn128", |
autoCompile: false, |
hideWarnings: false, |
signalInputs: [], |
feedback: null |
} |
export const appReducer = (state = appInitialState, action: Actions): AppState => { |
switch (action.type) { |
return { |
...state, |
version: action.payload |
} |
case 'SET_FILE_PATH': |
return { |
...state, |
filePath: action.payload |
} |
return { |
...state, |
status: action.payload |
} |
return { |
...state, |
primeValue: action.payload |
} |
return { |
...state, |
autoCompile: action.payload |
} |
return { |
...state, |
hideWarnings: action.payload |
} |
return { |
...state, |
signalInputs: action.payload |
} |
return { |
...state, |
feedback: action.payload |
} |
return { |
...state, |
filePathToId: action.payload |
} |
default: |
throw new Error() |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
import { compiler_list } from 'circom_wasm' |
import {Dispatch} from 'react' |
import { CircomPluginClient } from '../services/circomPluginClient' |
export type CompilerStatus = "compiling" | "generating" | "computing" | "idle" | "errored" | "warning" |
export interface ICircuitAppContext { |
appState: AppState |
dispatch: Dispatch<Actions>, |
plugin: CircomPluginClient |
} |
export interface ActionPayloadTypes { |
SET_FILE_PATH: string, |
SET_COMPILER_STATUS: CompilerStatus, |
SET_PRIME_VALUE: PrimeValue, |
SET_AUTO_COMPILE: boolean, |
SET_SIGNAL_INPUTS: string[], |
SET_COMPILER_FEEDBACK: string | CompilerReport[] |
SET_FILE_PATH_TO_ID: Record<number, string> |
} |
export interface Action<T extends keyof ActionPayloadTypes> { |
type: T |
payload: ActionPayloadTypes[T] |
} |
export type Actions = {[A in keyof ActionPayloadTypes]: Action<A>}[keyof ActionPayloadTypes] |
export interface AppState { |
version: string, |
versionList: typeof compiler_list.wasm_builds, |
filePath: string, |
filePathToId: Record<string, string>, |
status: CompilerStatus, |
primeValue: PrimeValue, |
autoCompile: boolean, |
hideWarnings: boolean, |
signalInputs: string[], |
feedback: string | CompilerReport[] |
} |
export type CompilationConfig = { |
prime: PrimeValue, |
version: string |
} |
export type PrimeValue = "bn128" | "bls12381" | "goldilocks" |
export type CompilerFeedbackProps = { |
feedback: string | CompilerReport[], |
filePathToId: Record<string, string>, |
openErrorLocation: (location: string, startRange: string) => void, |
hideWarnings: boolean |
} |
export type CompilerReport = { |
type: "Error" | "Bug" | "Help" | "Note" | "Warning" | "Unknown", |
message: string, |
labels: { |
style: "Primary" | "Secondary" | "Unknown", |
file_id: string, |
range: { |
start: string, |
end: string |
}, |
message: string |
}[], |
notes: string[] |
} |
export type FeedbackAlertProps = { |
message: string, |
location: string |
} |
export type ConfigurationsProps = { |
setPrimeValue: (prime: PrimeValue) => void, |
primeValue: PrimeValue |
} |
export type CompileOptionsProps = { |
setCircuitAutoCompile: (value: boolean) => void, |
setCircuitHideWarnings: (value: boolean) => void, |
autoCompile: boolean, |
hideWarnings: boolean |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
body { |
font-size : .8rem; |
} |
.circuit_section { |
padding: 12px 24px 16px; |
} |
.circuit_label { |
margin-bottom: 2px; |
font-size: 11px; |
line-height: 12px; |
text-transform: uppercase; |
} |
.circuit_warnings_box { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
} |
.circuit_warnings_box label { |
margin: 0; |
} |
.circuit_config_section:hover { |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
.circuit_config_section { |
font-size: 1rem; |
} |
.circuit_config { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
} |
.circuit_config label { |
margin: 0; |
} |
.circuit_inner_label { |
margin-bottom: 2px; |
font-size: 11px; |
line-height: 12px; |
text-transform: uppercase; |
} |
.circuit_errors_box { |
padding-left: 5px; |
padding-right: 5px; |
word-break: break-word; |
} |
.circuit_feedback.success, |
.circuit_feedback.error, |
.circuit_feedback.warning { |
white-space: pre-line; |
word-wrap: break-word; |
cursor: pointer; |
position: relative; |
margin: 0.5em 0 1em 0; |
border-radius: 5px; |
line-height: 20px; |
padding: 8px 15px; |
} |
.circuit_feedback.success pre, |
.circuit_feedback.error pre, |
.circuit_feedback.warning pre { |
white-space: pre-line; |
overflow-y: hidden; |
background-color: transparent; |
margin: 0; |
font-size: 12px; |
border: 0 none; |
padding: 0; |
border-radius: 0; |
} |
.circuit_feedback.success .close, |
.circuit_feedback.error .close, |
.circuit_feedback.warning .close { |
visibility: hidden; |
white-space: pre-line; |
font-weight: bold; |
position: absolute; |
color: hsl(0, 0%, 0%); /* black in style-guide.js */ |
top: 0; |
right: 0; |
padding: 0.5em; |
} |
.circuit_feedback.success a, |
.circuit_feedback.error a, |
.circuit_feedback.warning a { |
bottom: 0; |
right: 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
pragma circom 2.1.4; |
include "circomlib/poseidon.circom"; |
// include ""; |
template Example () { |
signal input a; |
signal input b; |
signal output c; |
var unused = 4; |
c <== a * b; |
assert(a > 2); |
component hash = Poseidon(2); |
hash.inputs[0] <== a; |
hash.inputs[1] <== b; |
log("hash", hash.out); |
} |
component main { public [ a ] } = Example(); |
/* INPUT = { |
"a": "5", |
"b": "77" |
} */ |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{ |
"circuit.compiler": "Compiler", |
"circuit.autoCompile": "Auto compile", |
"circuit.hideWarnings": "Hide warnings", |
"circuit.advancedConfigurations": "Advanced Configurations", |
"circuit.compilerConfiguration": "Compiler configuration", |
"": "Prime", |
"circuit.useConfigurationFile": "Use configuration file", |
"circuit.compile": "Compile", |
"circuit.noFileSelected": "no file selected", |
"circuit.generateR1cs": "Generate R1CS", |
"circuit.computeWitness": "Compute Witness", |
"circuit.signalInput": "Signal Input", |
"circuit.compute": "Compute" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{ |
"circuit.compiler": "Compiler", |
"circuit.autoCompile": "Auto compile", |
"circuit.hideWarnings": "Hide warnings", |
"circuit.advancedConfigurations": "Advanced Configurations", |
"circuit.compilerConfiguration": "Compiler configuration", |
"": "Prime", |
"circuit.useConfigurationFile": "Use configuration file", |
"circuit.compile": "Compile", |
"circuit.noFileSelected": "no file selected", |
"circuit.generateR1cs": "Generate R1CS", |
"circuit.computeWitness": "Compute Witness", |
"circuit.signalInput": "Signal Input", |
"circuit.compute": "Compute" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
{ |
"circuit.compiler": "Compiler", |
"circuit.autoCompile": "Auto compile", |
"circuit.hideWarnings": "Hide warnings", |
"circuit.advancedConfigurations": "Advanced Configurations", |
"circuit.compilerConfiguration": "Compiler configuration", |
"": "Prime", |
"circuit.useConfigurationFile": "Use configuration file", |
"circuit.compile": "Compile", |
"circuit.noFileSelected": "no file selected", |
"circuit.generateR1cs": "Generate R1CS", |
"circuit.computeWitness": "Compute Witness", |
"circuit.signalInput": "Signal Input", |
"circuit.compute": "Compute" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
{ |
"circuit-compiler.displayName": "Circuit 编译器", |
"circuit.compiler": "Compiler", |
"circuit.autoCompile": "自动编译", |
"circuit.hideWarnings": "隐藏警告", |
"circuit.advancedConfigurations": "高级配置", |
"circuit.compilerConfiguration": "编译器配置", |
"": "质数", |
"circuit.useConfigurationFile": "使用配置文件", |
"circuit.compile": "编译", |
"circuit.noFileSelected": "未选中文件", |
"circuit.generateR1cs": "生成R1CS", |
"circuit.computeWitness": "证人计算器", |
"circuit.signalInput": "输入信号", |
"circuit.compute": "计算" |
} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 500 B |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 |
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0; |
import "remix_tests.sol"; |
import "remix_accounts.sol"; |
import "../contracts/MyToken.sol"; |
contract MyTokenTest { |
MyToken s; |
function beforeAll () public { |
address acc0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(0); |
// acc0 will be set as initial owner |
s = new MyToken(acc0); |
} |
function testSetURI () public { |
string memory uri = ""; |
s.setURI(uri); |
Assert.equal(s.uri(1), uri, "uri did not match"); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 |
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0; |
import "remix_tests.sol"; |
import "remix_accounts.sol"; |
import "../contracts/MyToken.sol"; |
contract MyTokenTest { |
MyToken s; |
function beforeAll () public { |
address acc0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(0); |
// acc0 will be set as initial owner |
s = new MyToken(acc0); |
} |
function testTokenNameAndSymbol () public { |
Assert.equal(, "MyToken", "token name did not match"); |
Assert.equal(s.symbol(), "MTK", "token symbol did not match"); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
Welcome to the Remix Circom Workspace. This workspace becomes available when you create a new workspace using the 'Circom' template. |
Directory Structure |
The workspace comprises two main directories: |
circuits: Contains sample semaphore contracts. These can be compiled to generate a witness. |
scripts: Provides a sample script designed for a trusted setup using snarkjs. This script also aids in generating Solidity code, which is essential for on-chain deployment. |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ |
pragma circom 2.0.0; |
include "circomlib/poseidon.circom"; |
include "./tree.circom"; |
template CalculateSecret() { |
signal input identityNullifier; |
signal input identityTrapdoor; |
signal output out; |
component poseidon = Poseidon(2); |
poseidon.inputs[0] <== identityNullifier; |
poseidon.inputs[1] <== identityTrapdoor; |
out <== poseidon.out; |
} |
template CalculateIdentityCommitment() { |
signal input secret; |
signal output out; |
component poseidon = Poseidon(1); |
poseidon.inputs[0] <== secret; |
out <== poseidon.out; |
} |
template CalculateNullifierHash() { |
signal input externalNullifier; |
signal input identityNullifier; |
signal output out; |
component poseidon = Poseidon(2); |
poseidon.inputs[0] <== externalNullifier; |
poseidon.inputs[1] <== identityNullifier; |
out <== poseidon.out; |
} |
// credits to : |
// The current Semaphore smart contracts require nLevels <= 32 and nLevels >= 16. |
template Semaphore(nLevels) { |
signal input identityNullifier; |
signal input identityTrapdoor; |
signal input treePathIndices[nLevels]; |
signal input treeSiblings[nLevels]; |
signal input signalHash; |
signal input externalNullifier; |
signal output root; |
signal output nullifierHash; |
component calculateSecret = CalculateSecret(); |
calculateSecret.identityNullifier <== identityNullifier; |
calculateSecret.identityTrapdoor <== identityTrapdoor; |
signal secret; |
secret <== calculateSecret.out; |
component calculateIdentityCommitment = CalculateIdentityCommitment(); |
calculateIdentityCommitment.secret <== secret; |
component calculateNullifierHash = CalculateNullifierHash(); |
calculateNullifierHash.externalNullifier <== externalNullifier; |
calculateNullifierHash.identityNullifier <== identityNullifier; |
component inclusionProof = MerkleTreeInclusionProof(nLevels); |
inclusionProof.leaf <== calculateIdentityCommitment.out; |
for (var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++) { |
inclusionProof.siblings[i] <== treeSiblings[i]; |
inclusionProof.pathIndices[i] <== treePathIndices[i]; |
} |
root <== inclusionProof.root; |
// Dummy square to prevent tampering signalHash. |
signal signalHashSquared; |
signalHashSquared <== signalHash * signalHash; |
nullifierHash <== calculateNullifierHash.out; |
} |
component main {public [signalHash, externalNullifier]} = Semaphore(20); |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
pragma circom 2.0.0; |
template Multiplier2() { |
signal input a; |
signal input b; |
signal output c; |
c <== a*b; |
} |
component main = Multiplier2(); |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
pragma circom 2.0.0; |
include "circomlib/poseidon.circom"; |
include "circomlib/mux1.circom"; |
template MerkleTreeInclusionProof(nLevels) { |
signal input leaf; |
signal input pathIndices[nLevels]; |
signal input siblings[nLevels]; |
signal output root; |
component poseidons[nLevels]; |
component mux[nLevels]; |
signal hashes[nLevels + 1]; |
hashes[0] <== leaf; |
for (var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++) { |
pathIndices[i] * (1 - pathIndices[i]) === 0; |
poseidons[i] = Poseidon(2); |
mux[i] = MultiMux1(2); |
mux[i].c[0][0] <== hashes[i]; |
mux[i].c[0][1] <== siblings[i]; |
mux[i].c[1][0] <== siblings[i]; |
mux[i].c[1][1] <== hashes[i]; |
mux[i].s <== pathIndices[i]; |
poseidons[i].inputs[0] <== mux[i].out[0]; |
poseidons[i].inputs[1] <== mux[i].out[1]; |
hashes[i + 1] <== poseidons[i].out; |
} |
root <== hashes[nLevels]; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
export default async () => { |
return { |
// @ts-ignore
'circuits/semaphore.circom': (await import('raw-loader!./circuits/semaphore.circom')).default, |
// @ts-ignore
'circuits/simple.circom': (await import('!!raw-loader!./circuits/simple.circom')).default, |
// @ts-ignore
'circuits/tree.circom': (await import('!!raw-loader!./circuits/tree.circom')).default, |
// @ts-ignore
'scripts/run_setup.ts': (await import('!!raw-loader!./scripts/run_setup.ts')).default, |
// @ts-ignore
'scripts/run_verification.ts': (await import('!!raw-loader!./scripts/run_verification.ts')).default, |
// @ts-ignore
'templates/groth16_verifier.sol.ejs': (await import('!!raw-loader!./templates/groth16_verifier.sol.ejs')).default, |
// @ts-ignore
'README.txt': (await import('raw-loader!./README.txt')).default |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
import { ethers, BigNumber } from 'ethers' |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const snarkjs = require('snarkjs'); |
const logger = { |
info: (...args) => console.log(...args), |
debug: (...args) => console.log(...args) |
}; |
/** |
* Creates a keccak256 hash of a message compatible with the SNARK scalar modulus. |
* @param message The message to be hashed. |
* @returns The message digest. |
*/ |
function hash(message: any): bigint { |
message = BigNumber.from(message).toTwos(256).toHexString() |
message = ethers.utils.zeroPad(message, 32) |
return BigInt(ethers.utils.keccak256(message)) >> BigInt(8) |
} |
(async () => { |
try { |
// @ts-ignore
await'circuit-compiler', 'generateR1cs', 'circuits/semaphore.circom'); |
const ptau_final = ""; |
// @ts-ignore
const r1csBuffer = await'fileManager', 'readFile', 'circuits/.bin/semaphore.r1cs', true); |
// @ts-ignore
const r1cs = new Uint8Array(r1csBuffer); |
const zkey_0 = { type: "mem" }; |
const zkey_1 = { type: "mem" }; |
const zkey_final = { type: "mem" }; |
console.log('newZkey') |
await snarkjs.zKey.newZKey(r1cs, ptau_final, zkey_0); |
console.log('contribute') |
await snarkjs.zKey.contribute(zkey_0, zkey_1, "p2_C1", "pa_Entropy1"); |
console.log('beacon') |
await snarkjs.zKey.beacon(zkey_1, zkey_final, "B3", "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f20", 10); |
console.log('verifyFromR1cs') |
const verifyFromR1csResult = await snarkjs.zKey.verifyFromR1cs(r1cs, ptau_final, zkey_final); |
console.assert(verifyFromR1csResult); |
console.log('verifyFromInit') |
const verifyFromInit = await snarkjs.zKey.verifyFromInit(zkey_0, ptau_final, zkey_final); |
console.assert(verifyFromInit); |
console.log('exportVerificationKey') |
const vKey = await snarkjs.zKey.exportVerificationKey(zkey_final) |
await'fileManager', 'writeFile', './zk/build/verification_key.json', JSON.stringify(vKey)) |
const templates = { |
groth16: await'fileManager', 'readFile', 'templates/groth16_verifier.sol.ejs') |
} |
const solidityContract = await snarkjs.zKey.exportSolidityVerifier(zkey_final, templates) |
await'fileManager', 'writeFile', './zk/build/zk_verifier.sol', solidityContract) |
console.log('buffer', (zkey_final as any).data.length) |
await'fileManager', 'writeFile', './zk/build/zk_setup.txt', JSON.stringify(Array.from(((zkey_final as any).data)))) |
console.log('setup done.') |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e.message) |
} |
})() |
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ |
import { ethers, BigNumber } from 'ethers' |
import { IncrementalMerkleTree } from "@zk-kit/incremental-merkle-tree" |
import { poseidon } from "circomlibjs" // v0.0.8
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const snarkjs = require('snarkjs'); |
const logger = { |
info: (...args) => console.log(...args), |
debug: (...args) => console.log(...args), |
error: (...args) => console.error(...args), |
} |
/** |
* Creates a keccak256 hash of a message compatible with the SNARK scalar modulus. |
* @param message The message to be hashed. |
* @returns The message digest. |
*/ |
function hash(message: any): bigint { |
message = BigNumber.from(message).toTwos(256).toHexString() |
message = ethers.utils.zeroPad(message, 32) |
return BigInt(ethers.utils.keccak256(message)) >> BigInt(8) |
} |
(async () => { |
try { |
// @ts-ignore
const r1csBuffer = await'fileManager', 'readFile', 'circuits/.bin/semaphore.r1cs', true); |
// @ts-ignore
const r1cs = new Uint8Array(r1csBuffer); |
// @ts-ignore
const wasmBuffer = await'fileManager', 'readFile', 'circuits/.bin/semaphore.wasm', true); |
// @ts-ignore
const wasm = new Uint8Array(wasmBuffer);
const zkey_final = { |
type: "mem", |
data: new Uint8Array(JSON.parse(await'fileManager', 'readFile', './zk/build/zk_setup.txt'))) |
} |
const wtns = { type: "mem" };
const vKey = JSON.parse(await'fileManager', 'readFile', './zk/build/verification_key.json')) |
// build list of identity commitments
const secrets = [] |
const identityCommitments = [] |
for (let k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
const identityTrapdoor = BigInt(ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.randomBytes(32))) |
const identityNullifier = BigInt(ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.randomBytes(32))) |
secrets.push({identityTrapdoor, identityNullifier}) |
const secret = poseidon([identityNullifier, identityTrapdoor]) |
const identityCommitment = poseidon([secret]) |
identityCommitments.push(identityCommitment) |
} |
//console.log('incremental tree', => x.toString()))
let tree |
try { |
tree = new IncrementalMerkleTree(poseidon, 20, BigInt(0), 2, identityCommitments) // Binary tree.
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e.message) |
return |
} |
const index = tree.indexOf(identityCommitments[0]) |
console.log(index.toString()) |
const proof1 = tree.createProof(0) |
console.log('prepare signals for id ', identityCommitments[0].toString(), tree.indexOf(identityCommitments[0]),> x.toString())) |
const signals = { |
identityTrapdoor: secrets[0].identityTrapdoor, |
identityNullifier: secrets[0].identityNullifier, |
treePathIndices: proof1.pathIndices, |
treeSiblings: proof1.siblings, |
externalNullifier: hash(42), |
signalHash: hash(ethers.utils.formatBytes32String("Hello World")) |
} |
console.log('calculate') |
await snarkjs.wtns.calculate(signals, wasm, wtns); |
console.log('check') |
await snarkjs.wtns.check(r1cs, wtns, logger); |
console.log('prove') |
const { proof, publicSignals } = await snarkjs.groth16.prove(zkey_final, wtns); |
const verified = await snarkjs.groth16.verify(vKey, publicSignals, proof, logger); |
console.log('zk proof validity', verified); |
proof1.root.toString() === publicSignals[0] ? console.log('merkle proof valid') : console.log('merkle proof invalid') |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e.message) |
} |
})() |
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 |
/* |
Copyright 2021 0KIMS association. |
This file is generated with [snarkJS]( |
snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT |
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY |
License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with snarkJS. If not, see <>. |
*/ |
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0; |
contract Groth16Verifier { |
// Scalar field size |
uint256 constant r = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617; |
// Base field size |
uint256 constant q = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583; |
// Verification Key data |
uint256 constant alphax = <%= vk_alpha_1[0] %>; |
uint256 constant alphay = <%= vk_alpha_1[1] %>; |
uint256 constant betax1 = <%= vk_beta_2[0][1] %>; |
uint256 constant betax2 = <%= vk_beta_2[0][0] %>; |
uint256 constant betay1 = <%= vk_beta_2[1][1] %>; |
uint256 constant betay2 = <%= vk_beta_2[1][0] %>; |
uint256 constant gammax1 = <%= vk_gamma_2[0][1] %>; |
uint256 constant gammax2 = <%= vk_gamma_2[0][0] %>; |
uint256 constant gammay1 = <%= vk_gamma_2[1][1] %>; |
uint256 constant gammay2 = <%= vk_gamma_2[1][0] %>; |
uint256 constant deltax1 = <%= vk_delta_2[0][1] %>; |
uint256 constant deltax2 = <%= vk_delta_2[0][0] %>; |
uint256 constant deltay1 = <%= vk_delta_2[1][1] %>; |
uint256 constant deltay2 = <%= vk_delta_2[1][0] %>; |
<% for (let i=0; i<IC.length; i++) { %> |
uint256 constant IC<%=i%>x = <%=IC[i][0]%>; |
uint256 constant IC<%=i%>y = <%=IC[i][1]%>; |
<% } %> |
// Memory data |
uint16 constant pVk = 0; |
uint16 constant pPairing = 128; |
uint16 constant pLastMem = 896; |
function verifyProof(uint[2] calldata _pA, uint[2][2] calldata _pB, uint[2] calldata _pC, uint[<%=IC.length-1%>] calldata _pubSignals) public view returns (bool) { |
assembly { |
function checkField(v) { |
if iszero(lt(v, q)) { |
mstore(0, 0) |
return(0, 0x20) |
} |
} |
// G1 function to multiply a G1 value(x,y) to value in an address |
function g1_mulAccC(pR, x, y, s) { |
let success |
let mIn := mload(0x40) |
mstore(mIn, x) |
mstore(add(mIn, 32), y) |
mstore(add(mIn, 64), s) |
success := staticcall(sub(gas(), 2000), 7, mIn, 96, mIn, 64) |
if iszero(success) { |
mstore(0, 0) |
return(0, 0x20) |
} |
mstore(add(mIn, 64), mload(pR)) |
mstore(add(mIn, 96), mload(add(pR, 32))) |
success := staticcall(sub(gas(), 2000), 6, mIn, 128, pR, 64) |
if iszero(success) { |
mstore(0, 0) |
return(0, 0x20) |
} |
} |
function checkPairing(pA, pB, pC, pubSignals, pMem) -> isOk { |
let _pPairing := add(pMem, pPairing) |
let _pVk := add(pMem, pVk) |
mstore(_pVk, IC0x) |
mstore(add(_pVk, 32), IC0y) |
// Compute the linear combination vk_x |
<% for (let i = 1; i <= nPublic; i++) { %> |
g1_mulAccC(_pVk, IC<%=i%>x, IC<%=i%>y, calldataload(add(pubSignals, <%=(i-1)*32%>))) |
<% } %> |
// -A |
mstore(_pPairing, calldataload(pA)) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 32), mod(sub(q, calldataload(add(pA, 32))), q)) |
// B |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 64), calldataload(pB)) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 96), calldataload(add(pB, 32))) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 128), calldataload(add(pB, 64))) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 160), calldataload(add(pB, 96))) |
// alpha1 |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 192), alphax) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 224), alphay) |
// beta2 |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 256), betax1) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 288), betax2) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 320), betay1) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 352), betay2) |
// vk_x |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 384), mload(add(pMem, pVk))) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 416), mload(add(pMem, add(pVk, 32)))) |
// gamma2 |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 448), gammax1) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 480), gammax2) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 512), gammay1) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 544), gammay2) |
// C |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 576), calldataload(pC)) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 608), calldataload(add(pC, 32))) |
// delta2 |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 640), deltax1) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 672), deltax2) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 704), deltay1) |
mstore(add(_pPairing, 736), deltay2) |
let success := staticcall(sub(gas(), 2000), 8, _pPairing, 768, _pPairing, 0x20) |
isOk := and(success, mload(_pPairing)) |
} |
let pMem := mload(0x40) |
mstore(0x40, add(pMem, pLastMem)) |
// Validate that all evaluations ∈ F |
<% for (let i=0; i<IC.length; i++) { %> |
checkField(calldataload(add(_pubSignals, <%=i*32%>))) |
<% } %> |
// Validate all evaluations |
let isValid := checkPairing(_pA, _pB, _pC, _pubSignals, pMem) |
mstore(0, isValid) |
return(0, 0x20) |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue