@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ |
'use strict' |
import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch' |
import init from '../helpers/init' |
import examples from '../examples/editor-test-contracts' |
const autoCompleteLineElement = (name: string) => { |
return `//*[@class='editor-widget suggest-widget visible']//*[@class='contents' and contains(.,'${name}')]` |
} |
module.exports = { |
'@disabled': true, |
before: function (browser: NightwatchBrowser, done: VoidFunction) { |
init(browser, done, '', false) |
}, |
'Should add test and base files #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.addFile(, examples.testContract) |
.addFile(, examples.baseContract) |
.addFile(, examples.import1Contract) |
.addFile(, examples.baseOfBaseContract) |
.addFile(, examples.secondimport) |
.addFile(, examples.importbase) |
.openFile( |
}, |
'Should put cursor in the () of the function #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.scrollToLine(36) |
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'myprivatefunction') and contains(.,'private')]//span//span[contains(.,'(')]" |
browser.waitForElementVisible('#editorView') |
.useXpath() |
.click(path).pause(1000) |
}, |
'Should complete variable declaration types in a function definition #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('uint25') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('uint256')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('uint256')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' abc') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) // we need to split lines for FF texts to pass because the screen is too narrow
.sendKeys(', testb') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('"TestBookDefinition"')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('"TestBookDefinition"')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' memo') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('memory')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('memory')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' btextbook') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
.sendKeys(', BaseB') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('"BaseBook"')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('"BaseBook"')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' stor') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('storage')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('storage')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' localbbook') |
}).pause(3000) |
}, |
'Should put cursor at the end of function #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'localbbook') and contains(.,'private')]//span//span[contains(.,'{')]" |
browser |
.useXpath() |
.click(path).pause(1000) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
// right arrow key
sendKeys(this.Keys.ARROW_RIGHT). |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ARROW_RIGHT) |
}) |
}, |
'Should autcomplete address types': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('addre') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('address')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('address')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' someaddress;') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}).pause(2000) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('someaddress.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('balance')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('send')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('transfer')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('code')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('balance')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should autcomplete array types': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('uin') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('uint')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('uint')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('[] mem') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('memory')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('memory')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' somearray;') |
} |
).pause(2000) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
.sendKeys('somearray.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('push')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('pop')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('length')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('length')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should see and autocomplete second import because it was imported by the first import #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('secondi') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('secondimport')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('secondimport')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(' sec;') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}).pause(3000) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('sec.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('secondimportstring')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('secondimportstring')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should see and autocomplete imported local class #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('import') |
}) |
.waitForElementPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('importedcontract')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('importedcontract')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('externalimport')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('importbasestring')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('importedbook')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('importpublicstring')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('publicimport')) |
// no private
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('importprivatestring')) |
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('privateimport')) |
// no internal
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('importinternalstring')) |
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('internalimport')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('importbasestring')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should autocomplete derived and local event when not using this. #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('emit base') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('BaseEvent')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('BaseEvent')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys('msg.sender') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.TAB) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.TAB) // somehow this is needed to get the cursor to the next parameter, only for selenium
.sendKeys('3232') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.TAB) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('emit MyEv') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('MyEvent')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('MyEvent')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys('3232') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.TAB) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should type and get msg options #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER). |
sendKeys('msg.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('sender')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('data')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('value')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('gas')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('sig')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('sender')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('balance')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('code')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('codehash')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('send')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('transfer')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('balance')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should bo and get book #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER). |
sendKeys('bo') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('book')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('book')) |
}, |
'Should autcomplete derived struct #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('author')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('book_id')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should bo and get basebook #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER). |
sendKeys('base') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('basebook')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('basebook')) |
}, |
'Should autcomplete derived struct from base class #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('author')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('book_id')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should block scoped localbbook #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.pause(4000). |
perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER). |
sendKeys('localb') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('localbbook')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('localbbook')) |
}, |
'Should autcomplete derived struct from block localbbook #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('author')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('book_id')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should block scoped btextbook #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER). |
sendKeys('btext') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('btextbook')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('btextbook')) |
}, |
'Should autcomplete derived struct from block btextbook #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('author')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('book_id')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('title')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should find private and internal local functions #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('my') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('myprivatefunction')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('myinternalfunction')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('memory')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('myinternalfunction')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should find internal functions and var from base and owner #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('intern') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('internalbasefunction')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('internalstring')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('internalbasestring')) |
// keyword internal
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('internal keyword')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('internalbasefunction')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should not find external functions without this. #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('extern') |
}) |
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('externalbasefunction')) |
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('myexternalfunction')) |
// keyword internal
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('external keyword')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.BACK_SPACE) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.BACK_SPACE) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.BACK_SPACE) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.BACK_SPACE) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.BACK_SPACE) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.BACK_SPACE) |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.BACK_SPACE) |
}) |
}, |
'Should find external functions using this. #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser. |
perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER). |
sendKeys('this.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('externalbasefunction')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('myexternalfunction')) |
}, |
'Should find public functions and vars using this. but not private & other types of nodes #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('"publicbasefunction"')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('"publicstring"')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('"basebook"')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('"mybook"')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('"testing"')) |
// but no private functions or vars or other types of nodes
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('"private"')) |
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('"BaseEvent"')) |
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('"BaseEnum"')) |
.waitForElementNotPresent(autoCompleteLineElement('"TestBookDefinition"')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('"publicbasefunction"')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
}, |
'Should autocomplete local and derived ENUMS #group2': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) { |
browser.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys('BaseEnum.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('SMALL')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('MEDIUM')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('LARGE')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('SMALL')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
.sendKeys('MyEnum.') |
}) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('SMALL')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('MEDIUM')) |
.waitForElementVisible(autoCompleteLineElement('LARGE')) |
.click(autoCompleteLineElement('SMALL')) |
.perform(function () { |
const actions = this.actions({ async: true }); |
return actions. |
sendKeys(';') |
.sendKeys(this.Keys.ENTER) |
}) |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue