test files updated

aniket-engg 5 years ago committed by Aniket
parent 90c640cc09
commit 4ccb4fac25
  1. 146
  2. 2
  3. 10
  4. 10
  5. 723
  6. 580
  7. 317
  8. 928

@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.buildFunctionSignature', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.name', function (t) {
var node = { attributes: { value: 'now' } }
var node2 = { attributes: { member_name: 'call' } }
const node = { attributes: { value: 'now' } }
const node2 = { attributes: { member_name: 'call' } }
t.ok(common.helpers.memName(node, 'now'), 'should work for values')
t.ok(common.helpers.memName(node2, 'call'), 'should work for member_name')
@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.name', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.operator', function (t) {
var node = { attributes: { operator: '++' } }
var node2 = { attributes: { operator: '+++' } }
const node = { attributes: { operator: '++' } }
const node2 = { attributes: { operator: '+++' } }
var escapedPP = escapeRegExp('++')
var escapedPPExact = `^${escapedPP}$`
const escapedPP = escapeRegExp('++')
const escapedPPExact = `^${escapedPP}$`
t.ok(common.helpers.operator(node, escapedPPExact), 'should work for ++')
t.notOk(common.helpers.operator(node2, escapedPPExact), 'should not work for +++')
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.operator', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.nodeType', function (t) {
var node = { name: 'Identifier', attributes: { name: 'now' } }
var node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call' } }
const node = { name: 'Identifier', attributes: { name: 'now' } }
const node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call' } }
t.ok(common.helpers.nodeType(node, common.nodeTypes.IDENTIFIER), 'should work for ident')
t.ok(common.helpers.nodeType(node2, common.nodeTypes.FUNCTIONCALL), 'should work for funcall')
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.nodeType', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.expressionType', function (t) {
var node = { name: 'Identifier', attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
var node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
const node = { name: 'Identifier', attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
const node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
t.ok(common.helpers.expressionType(node, common.basicTypes.UINT), 'should work for ident')
t.ok(common.helpers.expressionType(node2, escapeRegExp(common.basicFunctionTypes.CALL)), 'should work for funcall')
@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.expressionType', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.nrOfChildren', function (t) {
var node = { name: 'Identifier', children: ['a', 'b'], attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
var node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', children: [], attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
var node3 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
const node = { name: 'Identifier', children: ['a', 'b'], attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
const node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', children: [], attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
const node3 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
t.ok(common.helpers.nrOfChildren(node, 2), 'should work for 2 children')
t.notOk(common.helpers.nrOfChildren(node, '1+2'), 'regex should not work')
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.nrOfChildren', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.minNrOfChildren', function (t) {
var node = { name: 'Identifier', children: ['a', 'b'], attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
var node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', children: [], attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
var node3 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
const node = { name: 'Identifier', children: ['a', 'b'], attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
const node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', children: [], attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
const node3 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
t.ok(common.helpers.minNrOfChildren(node, 2), 'should work for 2 children')
t.ok(common.helpers.minNrOfChildren(node, 1), 'should work for 1 children')
@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ function lowlevelAccessersCommon (t, f, someNode) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.getType', function (t) {
var node = { name: 'Identifier', children: ['a', 'b'], attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
var node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', children: [], attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
var node3 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
const node = { name: 'Identifier', children: ['a', 'b'], attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
const node2 = { name: 'FunctionCall', children: [], attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
const node3 = { name: 'FunctionCall', attributes: { member_name: 'call', type: 'function () payable returns (bool)' } }
t.ok(common.getType(node) === 'uint256', 'gettype should work for different nodes')
t.ok(common.getType(node2) === 'function () payable returns (bool)', 'gettype should work for different nodes')
@ -219,14 +219,14 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.getExternalDirectCallMemberName', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.getContractName', function (t) {
var contract = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { name: 'baz' } }
const contract = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { name: 'baz' } }
t.ok(common.getContractName(contract) === 'baz', 'returns right contract name')
t.throws(() => common.getContractName({ name: 'InheritanceSpecifier' }), Error, 'throws on other nodes')
test('staticAnalysisCommon.getFunctionDefinitionName', function (t) {
var func = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { name: 'foo' } }
const func = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { name: 'foo' } }
t.ok(common.getFunctionDefinitionName(func) === 'foo', 'returns right contract name')
t.throws(() => common.getFunctionDefinitionName({ name: 'InlineAssembly' }), Error, 'throws on other nodes')
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.getDeclaredVariableName', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.getStateVariableDeclarationsFormContractNode', function (t) {
var res = common.getStateVariableDeclarationsFormContractNode(stateVariableContractNode).map(common.getDeclaredVariableName)
const res = common.getStateVariableDeclarationsFormContractNode(stateVariableContractNode).map(common.getDeclaredVariableName)
t.ok(res[0] === 'chairperson', 'var 1 should be ')
t.ok(res[1] === 'voters', 'var 2 should be ')
t.ok(res[2] === 'proposals', 'var 3 should be ')
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.getLibraryCallMemberName', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.getFullQualifiedFunctionCallIdent', function (t) {
var contract = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { name: 'baz' } }
const contract = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { name: 'baz' } }
t.ok(common.getFullQualifiedFunctionCallIdent(contract, thisLocalCall) === 'test.b(bytes32,address)', 'this local call returns correct type')
t.ok(common.getFullQualifiedFunctionCallIdent(contract, externalDirect) === 'InfoFeed.info()', 'external direct call returns correct type')
t.ok(common.getFullQualifiedFunctionCallIdent(contract, localCall) === 'baz.bli(struct Ballot.Voter storage pointer)', 'local call returns correct type')
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.getFullQualifiedFunctionCallIdent', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.getFullQuallyfiedFuncDefinitionIdent', function (t) {
var contract = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { name: 'baz' } }
const contract = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { name: 'baz' } }
t.ok(common.getFullQuallyfiedFuncDefinitionIdent(contract, fullyQualifiedFunctionDefinition, ['uint256', 'bool']) === 'baz.getY(uint256,bool)', 'creates right signature')
t.throws(() => common.getFullQuallyfiedFuncDefinitionIdent(contract, { name: 'MemberAccess' }, ['uint256', 'bool']), Error, 'throws on wrong nodes')
t.throws(() => common.getFullQuallyfiedFuncDefinitionIdent({ name: 'FunctionCall' }, fullyQualifiedFunctionDefinition, ['uint256', 'bool']), Error, 'throws on wrong nodes')
@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.getLoopBlockStartIndex', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isFunctionDefinition', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinitionBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinitionBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isFunctionDefinition(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isFunctionDefinition(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isFunctionDefinition', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isModifierDefinition', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'ModifierDefinition' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'ModifierDefinitionBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'ModifierDefinition' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'ModifierDefinitionBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isModifierDefinition(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isModifierDefinition(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isModifierDefinition', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isModifierInvocation', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'ModifierInvocation' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'ModifierInvocationBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'ModifierInvocation' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'ModifierInvocationBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isModifierInvocation(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isModifierInvocation(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -341,9 +341,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isModifierInvocation', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isVariableDeclaration', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'VariableDeclaration' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'VariableDeclarationBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'VariableDeclaration' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'VariableDeclarationBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isVariableDeclaration(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isVariableDeclaration(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -352,9 +352,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isVariableDeclaration', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isInheritanceSpecifier', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'InheritanceSpecifier' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'InheritanceSpecifierBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'InheritanceSpecifier' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'InheritanceSpecifierBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isInheritanceSpecifier(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isInheritanceSpecifier(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -363,9 +363,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isInheritanceSpecifier', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isAssignment', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'Assignment' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'AssignmentBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'Assignment' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'AssignmentBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isAssignment(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isAssignment(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isAssignment', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isContractDefinition', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'ContractDefinition' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'ContractDefinitionBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'ContractDefinition' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'ContractDefinitionBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isContractDefinition(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isContractDefinition(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -385,9 +385,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isContractDefinition', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isInlineAssembly', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'InlineAssembly' }
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
var node3 = { name: 'InlineAssemblyBLABLA' }
const node1 = { name: 'InlineAssembly' }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess' }
const node3 = { name: 'InlineAssemblyBLABLA' }
t.ok(common.isInlineAssembly(node1), 'is exact match should work')
t.notOk(common.isInlineAssembly(node2), 'different node should not work')
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isInteraction', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isEffect', function (t) {
var unaryOp = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
const unaryOp = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
t.ok(common.isEffect(inlineAssembly), 'inline assembly is treated as effect')
t.ok(common.isEffect(assignment), 'assignment is treated as effect')
t.ok(common.isEffect(unaryOp), '++ is treated as effect')
@ -439,9 +439,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isEffect', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isWriteOnStateVariable', function (t) {
let node1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(storageVariableNodes.node1))
let node2 = node1
let node3 = node1
const node1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(storageVariableNodes.node1))
const node2 = node1
const node3 = node1
node2.attributes.name = 'y'
node3.attributes.name = 'xx'
t.ok(common.isWriteOnStateVariable(inlineAssembly, [node1, node2, node3]), 'inline Assembly is write on state')
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isStateVariable', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isConstantFunction', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { constant: true, stateMutability: 'view' } }
var node2 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { constant: false, stateMutability: 'nonpayable' } }
var node3 = { name: 'MemberAccess', attributes: { constant: true, stateMutability: 'view' } }
const node1 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { constant: true, stateMutability: 'view' } }
const node2 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { constant: false, stateMutability: 'nonpayable' } }
const node3 = { name: 'MemberAccess', attributes: { constant: true, stateMutability: 'view' } }
t.ok(common.isConstantFunction(node1), 'should be const func definition')
t.notOk(common.isConstantFunction(node2), 'should not be const func definition')
@ -470,9 +470,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isConstantFunction', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isPlusPlusUnaryOperation', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
var node2 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
var node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
const node1 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
const node2 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
const node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
t.ok(common.isPlusPlusUnaryOperation(node1), 'should be unary ++')
t.notOk(common.isPlusPlusUnaryOperation(node2), 'should not be unary ++')
@ -481,9 +481,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isPlusPlusUnaryOperation', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isMinusMinusUnaryOperation', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
var node2 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
var node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
const node1 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
const node2 = { name: 'UnaryOperation', attributes: { operator: '++' } }
const node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
t.ok(common.isMinusMinusUnaryOperation(node1), 'should be unary --')
t.notOk(common.isMinusMinusUnaryOperation(node2), 'should not be unary --')
@ -492,9 +492,9 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isMinusMinusUnaryOperation', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isFullyImplementedContract', function (t) {
var node1 = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { fullyImplemented: true } }
var node2 = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { fullyImplemented: false } }
var node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
const node1 = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { fullyImplemented: true } }
const node2 = { name: 'ContractDefinition', attributes: { fullyImplemented: false } }
const node3 = { name: 'FunctionDefinition', attributes: { operator: '--' } }
t.ok(common.isFullyImplementedContract(node1), 'should be fully implemented contract')
t.notOk(common.isFullyImplementedContract(node2), 'should not be fully implemented contract')
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isCallToNonConstLocalFunction', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isExternalDirectCall', function (t) {
var node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess', children: [{attributes: { value: 'this', type: 'contract test' }}], attributes: { value: 'b', type: 'function (bytes32,address) returns (bool)' } }
const node2 = { name: 'MemberAccess', children: [{attributes: { value: 'this', type: 'contract test' }}], attributes: { value: 'b', type: 'function (bytes32,address) returns (bool)' } }
t.notOk(common.isThisLocalCall(externalDirect), 'is this.local_method() used should not work')
t.notOk(common.isBlockTimestampAccess(externalDirect), 'is block.timestamp used should not work')
t.notOk(common.isNowAccess(externalDirect), 'is now used should not work')
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isExternalDirectCall', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isNowAccess', function (t) {
var node = { name: 'Identifier', attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
const node = { name: 'Identifier', attributes: { value: 'now', type: 'uint256' } }
t.notOk(common.isThisLocalCall(node), 'is this.local_method() used should not work')
t.notOk(common.isBlockTimestampAccess(node), 'is block.timestamp used should not work')
t.ok(common.isNowAccess(node), 'is now used should work')
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon.isNowAccess', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.isBlockTimestampAccess', function (t) {
var node = { name: 'MemberAccess', children: [{attributes: { value: 'block', type: 'block' }}], attributes: { value: 'timestamp', type: 'uint256' } }
const node = { name: 'MemberAccess', children: [{attributes: { value: 'block', type: 'block' }}], attributes: { value: 'timestamp', type: 'uint256' } }
t.notOk(common.isThisLocalCall(node), 'is this.local_method() used should not work')
t.ok(common.isBlockTimestampAccess(node), 'is block.timestamp used should work')
t.notOk(common.isNowAccess(node), 'is now used should not work')
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon: function call with of function with function paramet
test('staticAnalysisCommon: require call', function (t) {
var node = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'tuple()', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_bool', 'typeString': 'bool'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_stringliteral_80efd193f332877914d93edb0b3ef5c6a7eecd00c6251c3fd7f146b60b40e6cd', 'typeString': 'literal_string \'fuu\''}], 'overloadedDeclarations': [90, 91], 'referencedDeclaration': 91, 'type': 'function (bool,string memory) pure', 'value': 'require'}, 'id': 50, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '462:7:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'commonType': {'typeIdentifier': 't_address', 'typeString': 'address'}, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'operator': '==', 'type': 'bool'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'sender', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'address'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 87, 'type': 'msg', 'value': 'msg'}, 'id': 51, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '470:3:0'}], 'id': 52, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '470:10:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 10, 'type': 'address', 'value': 'owner'}, 'id': 53, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '484:5:0'}], 'id': 54, 'name': 'BinaryOperation', 'src': '470:19:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'hexvalue': '667575', 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': true, 'lValueRequested': false, 'subdenomination': null, 'token': 'string', 'type': 'literal_string \'fuu\'', 'value': 'fuu'}, 'id': 55, 'name': 'Literal', 'src': '491:5:0'}], 'id': 56, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '462:35:0'}
const node = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'tuple()', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_bool', 'typeString': 'bool'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_stringliteral_80efd193f332877914d93edb0b3ef5c6a7eecd00c6251c3fd7f146b60b40e6cd', 'typeString': 'literal_string \'fuu\''}], 'overloadedDeclarations': [90, 91], 'referencedDeclaration': 91, 'type': 'function (bool,string memory) pure', 'value': 'require'}, 'id': 50, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '462:7:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'commonType': {'typeIdentifier': 't_address', 'typeString': 'address'}, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'operator': '==', 'type': 'bool'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'sender', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'address'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 87, 'type': 'msg', 'value': 'msg'}, 'id': 51, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '470:3:0'}], 'id': 52, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '470:10:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 10, 'type': 'address', 'value': 'owner'}, 'id': 53, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '484:5:0'}], 'id': 54, 'name': 'BinaryOperation', 'src': '470:19:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'hexvalue': '667575', 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': true, 'lValueRequested': false, 'subdenomination': null, 'token': 'string', 'type': 'literal_string \'fuu\'', 'value': 'fuu'}, 'id': 55, 'name': 'Literal', 'src': '491:5:0'}], 'id': 56, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '462:35:0'}
t.equals(common.isRequireCall(node), true)
t.equals(common.getFunctionCallType(node), 'function (bool,string memory) pure', 'Extracts right type')
@ -614,17 +614,17 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon: require call', function (t) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon: isDeleteOfDynamicArray', function (t) {
var node = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'operator': 'delete', 'prefix': true, 'type': 'tuple()'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 4, 'type': 'uint256[] storage ref', 'value': 'users'}, 'id': 58, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '514:5:0'}], 'id': 59, 'name': 'UnaryOperation', 'src': '507:12:0'}
const node = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'operator': 'delete', 'prefix': true, 'type': 'tuple()'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 4, 'type': 'uint256[] storage ref', 'value': 'users'}, 'id': 58, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '514:5:0'}], 'id': 59, 'name': 'UnaryOperation', 'src': '507:12:0'}
t.equals(common.isDeleteOfDynamicArray(node), true)
t.equals(common.isDynamicArrayAccess(node.children[0]), true, 'Extracts right type')
test('staticAnalysisCommon: isAbiNamespaceCall', function (t) {
var node1 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encode', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function () pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 26, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '245: 3:0'}], 'id': 28, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '245:10:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 29, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '256:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 30, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '258:1:0'}], 'id': 31, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '245:15:0'}
var node2 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodePacked', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function () pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 33, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '279:3:0'}], 'id': 35, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '279:16:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 36, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '296:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 37, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '298:1:0'}], 'id': 38, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '279:21:0'}
var node3 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_bytes4', 'typeString': 'bytes4'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodeWithSelector', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function (bytes4) pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 40, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '319:3:0'}], 'id': 42, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '319:22:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 19, 'type': 'bytes4', 'value': 'selector'}, 'id': 43, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '342:8:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 44, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '352:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 45, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '355:1:0'}], 'id': 46, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '319:38:0'}
var node4 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_string_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'string memory'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodeWithSignature', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function (string memory) pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 48, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '367:3:0'}], 'id': 50, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '367:23:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 11, 'type': 'string memory', 'value': 'sig'}, 'id': 51, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '391:3:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 52, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '396:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 53, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '399:1:0'}], 'id': 54, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '367:34:0'}
const node1 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encode', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function () pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 26, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '245: 3:0'}], 'id': 28, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '245:10:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 29, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '256:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 30, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '258:1:0'}], 'id': 31, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '245:15:0'}
const node2 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodePacked', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function () pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 33, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '279:3:0'}], 'id': 35, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '279:16:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 36, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '296:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 37, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '298:1:0'}], 'id': 38, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '279:21:0'}
const node3 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_bytes4', 'typeString': 'bytes4'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodeWithSelector', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function (bytes4) pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 40, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '319:3:0'}], 'id': 42, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '319:22:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 19, 'type': 'bytes4', 'value': 'selector'}, 'id': 43, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '342:8:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 44, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '352:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 45, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '355:1:0'}], 'id': 46, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '319:38:0'}
const node4 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_string_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'string memory'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodeWithSignature', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function (string memory) pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 48, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '367:3:0'}], 'id': 50, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '367:23:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 11, 'type': 'string memory', 'value': 'sig'}, 'id': 51, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '391:3:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 52, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '396:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 53, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '399:1:0'}], 'id': 54, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '367:34:0'}
t.equals(common.isAbiNamespaceCall(node1), true, 'encode abi')
t.equals(common.isAbiNamespaceCall(node2), true, 'encodePacked abi')

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const testFiles = [
var testFileAsts = {}
testFiles.forEach((fileName) => {
var content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8')
const content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8')
testFileAsts[fileName] = JSON.parse(compiler.compileStandardWrapper(compilerInput(content)))

@ -10,18 +10,16 @@ const {compilerInput } = helpers.compiler
const folder = 'solidity-v0.4.24'
function compile (fileName) {
var content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8')
const content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8')
return JSON.parse(compiler.compileStandardWrapper(compilerInput(content)))
test('staticAnalysisIssues.functionParameterPassingError', function (t) {
// https://github.com/ethereum/remix-ide/issues/889#issuecomment-351746474
var res = compile('functionParameters.sol')
var Module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/checksEffectsInteraction').default
var statRunner = new StatRunner()
const res = compile('functionParameters.sol')
const Module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/checksEffectsInteraction').default
const statRunner = new StatRunner()
t.doesNotThrow(() => {
statRunner.runWithModuleList(res, [{ name: new Module().name, mod: new Module() }], (reports) => {

@ -10,18 +10,16 @@ const {compilerInput } = helpers.compiler
const folder = 'solidity-v0.5'
function compile (fileName) {
var content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8')
const content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8')
return JSON.parse(compiler.compile(compilerInput(content)))
test('staticAnalysisIssues.functionParameterPassingError', function (t) {
// https://github.com/ethereum/remix-ide/issues/889#issuecomment-351746474
var res = compile('functionParameters.sol')
var Module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/checksEffectsInteraction').default
var statRunner = new StatRunner()
const res = compile('functionParameters.sol')
const Module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/checksEffectsInteraction').default
const statRunner = new StatRunner()
t.doesNotThrow(() => {
statRunner.runWithModuleList(res, [{ name: new Module().name, mod: new Module() }], (reports) => {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff