"debugger.debugWithGeneratedSources":"Debug with generated sources",
"debugger.introduction":"When Debugging with a transaction hash, if the contract is verified, Remix will try to fetch the source code from Sourcify or Etherscan. Put in your Etherscan API key in the Remix settings. For supported networks, please see"
"udapp.infoSyncCompiledContractTooltip":"Click here to import contracts compiled from an external framework.{br}This action is enabled when Remix is connected to an external{br} framework (hardhat, truffle, foundry) through remixd.",
"udapp.remixIpfsUdappTooltip":"Publishing the source code and metadata to IPFS facilitates{br} source code verification using Sourcify and will greatly foster{br} contract adoption (auditing, debugging, calling it, etc...)",
"udapp.signAMessage":"Sign a message",
"udapp.enterAMessageToSign":"Enter a message to sign",
@ -15,10 +18,46 @@
"udapp.publishTo":"Publish to",
"udapp.atAddress":"At Address",
"udapp.atAddressOptionsTitle1":"address of contract",
"udapp.atAddressOptionsTitle2":"Interact with the deployed contract - requires the .abi file or {br} compiled .sol file to be selected in the editor {br}(with the same compiler configuration)",
"udapp.atAddressOptionsTitle3":"Compile a *.sol file or select a *.abi file.",
"udapp.atAddressOptionsTitle4":"To interact with a deployed contract, either{br} enter its address and compile its source *.sol file {br}(with the same compiler settings) or select its .abi file in the editor. ",
"udapp.contractOptionsTitle1":"Please compile *.sol file to deploy or access a contract",
"udapp.contractOptionsTitle2":"Select a compiled contract to deploy or to use with At Address.",
"udapp.contractOptionsTitle3":"Select and compile *.sol file to deploy or access a contract.",
"udapp.contractOptionsTitle4":"When there is a compiled .sol file, choose the {br} contract to deploy or to use with AtAddress.'",
"udapp.checkSumWarning":"It seems you are not using a checksumed address.{br}A checksummed address is an address that contains uppercase letters, as specified in {a}.{br}Checksummed addresses are meant to help prevent users from sending transactions to the wrong address.",
"udapp.isOverSizePrompt":"Contract creation initialization returns data with length of more than 24576 bytes. The deployment will likely fails. {br}More info: {a}",
"udapp.thisContractMayBeAbstract":"This contract may be abstract, it may not implement an abstract parent's methods completely or it may not invoke an inherited contract's constructor correctly.",
"udapp.transactionsCountTooltip":"The number of recorded transactions",
"udapp.transactionSaveTooltip1":"No transactions to save",
"udapp.transactionSaveTooltip2":"Save {count} transaction as scenario file",
"udapp.transactionSaveTooltip3":"Save {count} transactions as scenario file",
"udapp.infoRecorderTooltip":"Save transactions (deployed contracts and function executions) {br}and replay them in another environment e.g Transactions created {br}in Remix VM can be replayed in the Injected Provider.",
"udapp.livemodeRecorderTooltip":"If contracts are updated after recording transactions,{br} checking this box will run recorded transactions {br}with the latest copy of the compiled contracts",
"udapp.livemodeRecorderLabel":"Run transactions using the latest compilation result",
"udapp.runRecorderTooltip":"Run transaction(s) from the current scenario file",
"udapp.copyParameters":"Copy encoded input parameters to clipboard",
"udapp.copyCalldata":"Copy calldata to clipboard",
"udapp.deployWithProxy":"Deploy with Proxy",
"udapp.upgradeWithProxy":"Upgrade with Proxy",
"udapp.useLastDeployedERC1967Contract":"Use last deployed ERC1967 contract",
"udapp.proxyAddressLabel":"Proxy Address",
"udapp.proxyAddressPlaceholder":"proxy address",
"udapp.proxyAddressInputTooltip":"Enter previously deployed proxy address on the selected network",
"udapp.proxyAddressTooltip":"Select this option to use the last deployed ERC1967 contract on the current network."
title: loadedAddress?'Compile a *.sol file or select a *.abi file.':<spanclassName="text-start">Tointeractwithadeployedcontract,either<br/>enteritsaddressandcompileitssource*.solfile<br/>(withthesamecompilersettings)orselectits.abifileintheeditor.</span>
title: loadType==='sol'?'Select and compile *.sol file to deploy or access a contract.':<spanclassName="text-start">Whenthereisacompiled.solfile,choosethe<br/>contracttodeployortousewithAtAddress.'</span>
returnprops.modal('Alert','This contract may be abstract, it may not implement an abstract parent\'s methods completely or it may not invoke an inherited contract\'s constructor correctly.','OK',()=>{})