@ -1,13 +1,18 @@ |
import { IframePlugin, ViewPlugin, WebsocketPlugin } from '@remixproject/engine-web' |
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ |
import { |
IframePlugin, |
ViewPlugin, |
WebsocketPlugin |
} from '@remixproject/engine-web' |
import { PluginManagerSettings } from './plugin-manager-settings' |
import { PluginManagerSettings } from './plugin-manager-settings' |
import React from 'react' |
import React from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import { ReactDOM } from 'react-dom' |
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' |
import { RemixUIPluginManager } from '@remix-ui/plugin-manager' |
import {RemixUiPluginManager} from '@remix-ui/plugin-manager' // eslint-disable-line
import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json' |
import * as packageJson from '../../../../../package.json' |
const yo = require('yo-yo') |
const yo = require('yo-yo') |
const csjs = require('csjs-inject') |
const csjs = require('csjs-inject') |
const EventEmitter = require('events') |
const EventEmitter = require('events') |
const LocalPlugin = require('./local-plugin') |
const LocalPlugin = require('./local-plugin') // eslint-disable-line
const addToolTip = require('../ui/tooltip') |
const addToolTip = require('../ui/tooltip') |
const _paq = window._paq = window._paq || [] |
const _paq = window._paq = window._paq || [] |
@ -87,92 +92,96 @@ const profile = { |
class PluginManagerComponent extends ViewPlugin { |
class PluginManagerComponent extends ViewPlugin { |
constructor (appManager, engine) { |
constructor (appManager, engine) { |
super(profile) |
super(profile) |
this.event = new EventEmitter() |
// this.event = new EventEmitter()
this.appManager = appManager |
// this.appManager = appManager
this.views = { |
// this.engine = engine
root: null, |
items: {} |
} |
this.localPlugin = new LocalPlugin() |
this.filter = '' |
this.appManager.event.on('activate', () => { this.reRender() }) |
this.appManager.event.on('deactivate', () => { this.reRender() }) |
this.engine = engine |
this.engine.event.on('onRegistration', () => { this.reRender() }) |
this.htmlElement = document.createElement('div') |
this.htmlElement = document.createElement('div') |
this.htmlElement.setAttribute('id', 'pluginManager') |
this.htmlElement.setAttribute('id', 'pluginManager') |
// this.views = {
// root: null,
// items: {}
// }
// this.localPlugin = new LocalPlugin()
// this.filter = ''
// this.appManager.event.on('activate', () => { this.reRender() })
// this.appManager.event.on('deactivate', () => { this.reRender() })
// this.engine.event.on('onRegistration', () => { this.reRender() })
} |
} |
onActivation () { |
onActivation () { |
this.renderComponent() |
this.renderComponent() |
} |
} |
isActive (name) { |
renderComponent () { |
return this.appManager.actives.includes(name) |
ReactDOM.render(<RemixUiPluginManager />, document.getElementById('pluginManager')) |
} |
} |
activateP (name) { |
// isActive (name) {
this.appManager.activatePlugin(name) |
// return this.appManager.actives.includes(name)
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'manager', 'activate', name]) |
// }
} |
deactivateP (name) { |
// activateP (name) {
this.call('manager', 'deactivatePlugin', name) |
// this.appManager.activatePlugin(name)
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'manager', 'deactivate', name]) |
// _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'manager', 'activate', name])
} |
// }
renderItem (profile) { |
// deactivateP (name) {
const displayName = (profile.displayName) ? profile.displayName : profile.name |
// this.call('manager', 'deactivatePlugin', name)
const doclink = profile.documentation ? yo`<a href="${profile.documentation}" class="px-1" title="link to documentation" target="_blank"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-book"></i></a>` |
// _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'manager', 'deactivate', name])
: yo`` |
// }
// Check version of the plugin
// renderItem (profile) {
let versionWarning |
// const displayName = (profile.displayName) ? profile.displayName : profile.name
// Alpha
// const doclink = profile.documentation ? yo`<a href="${profile.documentation}" class="px-1" title="link to documentation" target="_blank"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-book"></i></a>`
if (profile.version && profile.version.match(/\b(\w*alpha\w*)\b/g)) { |
// : yo``
versionWarning = yo`<small title="Version Alpha" class="${css.versionWarning} plugin-version">alpha</small>` |
} |
// Beta
if (profile.version && profile.version.match(/\b(\w*beta\w*)\b/g)) { |
versionWarning = yo`<small title="Version Beta" class="${css.versionWarning} plugin-version">beta</small>` |
} |
const activationButton = this.isActive(profile.name) |
// // Check version of the plugin
? yo` |
// let versionWarning
<button |
// // Alpha
onclick="${() => this.deactivateP(profile.name)}" |
// if (profile.version && profile.version.match(/\b(\w*alpha\w*)\b/g)) {
class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" data-id="pluginManagerComponentDeactivateButton${profile.name}" |
// versionWarning = yo`<small title="Version Alpha" class="${css.versionWarning} plugin-version">alpha</small>`
> |
// }
Deactivate |
// // Beta
</button> |
// if (profile.version && profile.version.match(/\b(\w*beta\w*)\b/g)) {
` |
// versionWarning = yo`<small title="Version Beta" class="${css.versionWarning} plugin-version">beta</small>`
: yo` |
// }
<button |
onclick="${() => this.activateP(profile.name)}" |
class="btn btn-success btn-sm" data-id="pluginManagerComponentActivateButton${profile.name}" |
> |
Activate |
</button>` |
return yo` |
// const activationButton = this.isActive(profile.name)
<article id="remixPluginManagerListItem_${profile.name}" class="list-group-item py-1 mb-1 plugins-list-group-item" title="${displayName}" > |
// ? yo`
<div class="${css.row} justify-content-between align-items-center mb-2"> |
// <button
<h6 class="${css.displayName} plugin-name"> |
// onclick="${() => this.deactivateP(profile.name)}"
<div> |
// class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" data-id="pluginManagerComponentDeactivateButton${profile.name}"
${displayName} |
// >
${doclink} |
// Deactivate
${versionWarning} |
// </button>
</div> |
// `
${activationButton} |
// : yo`
</h6> |
// <button
</div> |
// onclick="${() => this.activateP(profile.name)}"
<div class="${css.description} d-flex text-body plugin-text mb-2"> |
// class="btn btn-success btn-sm" data-id="pluginManagerComponentActivateButton${profile.name}"
<img src="${profile.icon}" class="mr-1 mt-1 ${css.pluginIcon}" /> |
// >
<span class="${css.descriptiontext}">${profile.description}</span> |
// Activate
</div> |
// </button>`
</article> |
` |
// return yo`
} |
// <article id="remixPluginManagerListItem_${profile.name}" class="list-group-item py-1 mb-1 plugins-list-group-item" title="${displayName}" >
// <div class="${css.row} justify-content-between align-items-center mb-2">
// <h6 class="${css.displayName} plugin-name">
// <div>
// ${displayName}
// ${doclink}
// ${versionWarning}
// </div>
// ${activationButton}
// </h6>
// </div>
// <div class="${css.description} d-flex text-body plugin-text mb-2">
// <img src="${profile.icon}" class="mr-1 mt-1 ${css.pluginIcon}" />
// <span class="${css.descriptiontext}">${profile.description}</span>
// </div>
// </article>
// `
// }
/*************** |
/*************** |
@ -197,95 +206,91 @@ class PluginManagerComponent extends ViewPlugin { |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// return this.htmlElement()
// // return this.htmlElement()
// render () {
// // render () {
// return this.htmlElement()
// // return this.htmlElement()
// }
// // }
render () { |
render () { |
// Filtering helpers
// // Filtering helpers
const isFiltered = (profile) => (profile.displayName ? profile.displayName : profile.name).toLowerCase().includes(this.filter) |
// const isFiltered = (profile) => (profile.displayName ? profile.displayName : profile.name).toLowerCase().includes(this.filter)
const isNotRequired = (profile) => !this.appManager.isRequired(profile.name) |
// const isNotRequired = (profile) => !this.appManager.isRequired(profile.name)
const isNotDependent = (profile) => !this.appManager.isDependent(profile.name) |
// const isNotDependent = (profile) => !this.appManager.isDependent(profile.name)
const isNotHome = (profile) => profile.name !== 'home' |
// const isNotHome = (profile) => profile.name !== 'home'
const sortByName = (profileA, profileB) => { |
// const sortByName = (profileA, profileB) => {
const nameA = ((profileA.displayName) ? profileA.displayName : profileA.name).toUpperCase() |
// const nameA = ((profileA.displayName) ? profileA.displayName : profileA.name).toUpperCase()
const nameB = ((profileB.displayName) ? profileB.displayName : profileB.name).toUpperCase() |
// const nameB = ((profileB.displayName) ? profileB.displayName : profileB.name).toUpperCase()
return (nameA < nameB) ? -1 : (nameA > nameB) ? 1 : 0 |
// return (nameA < nameB) ? -1 : (nameA > nameB) ? 1 : 0
} |
// }
// Filter all active and inactive modules that are not required
const { actives, inactives } = this.appManager.getAll() |
.filter(isFiltered) |
.filter(isNotRequired) |
.filter(isNotDependent) |
.filter(isNotHome) |
.sort(sortByName) |
.reduce(({ actives, inactives }, profile) => { |
return this.isActive(profile.name) |
? { actives: [...actives, profile], inactives } |
: { inactives: [...inactives, profile], actives } |
}, { actives: [], inactives: [] }) |
const activeTile = actives.length !== 0 |
// // Filter all active and inactive modules that are not required
? yo` |
// const { actives, inactives } = this.appManager.getAll()
<nav class="plugins-list-header justify-content-between navbar navbar-expand-lg bg-light navbar-light align-items-center"> |
// .filter(isFiltered)
<span class="navbar-brand plugins-list-title">Active Modules</span> |
// .filter(isNotRequired)
<span class="badge badge-primary" data-id="pluginManagerComponentActiveTilesCount">${actives.length}</span> |
// .filter(isNotDependent)
</nav> |
// .filter(isNotHome)
` |
// .sort(sortByName)
: '' |
// .reduce(({ actives, inactives }, profile) => {
const inactiveTile = inactives.length !== 0 |
// return this.isActive(profile.name)
? yo` |
// ? { actives: [...actives, profile], inactives }
<nav class="plugins-list-header justify-content-between navbar navbar-expand-lg bg-light navbar-light align-items-center"> |
// : { inactives: [...inactives, profile], actives }
<span class="navbar-brand plugins-list-title h6 mb-0 mr-2">Inactive Modules</span> |
// }, { actives: [], inactives: [] })
<span class="badge badge-primary" style = "cursor: default;" data-id="pluginManagerComponentInactiveTilesCount">${inactives.length}</span> |
</nav> |
` |
: '' |
const settings = new PluginManagerSettings().render() |
// const activeTile = actives.length !== 0
// ? yo`
// <nav class="plugins-list-header justify-content-between navbar navbar-expand-lg bg-light navbar-light align-items-center">
// <span class="navbar-brand plugins-list-title">Active Modules</span>
// <span class="badge badge-primary" data-id="pluginManagerComponentActiveTilesCount">${actives.length}</span>
// </nav>
// `
// : ''
// const inactiveTile = inactives.length !== 0
// ? yo`
// <nav class="plugins-list-header justify-content-between navbar navbar-expand-lg bg-light navbar-light align-items-center">
// <span class="navbar-brand plugins-list-title h6 mb-0 mr-2">Inactive Modules</span>
// <span class="badge badge-primary" style = "cursor: default;" data-id="pluginManagerComponentInactiveTilesCount">${inactives.length}</span>
// </nav>
// `
// : ''
const rootView = yo` |
// const settings = new PluginManagerSettings().render()
<div id='pluginManager' data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginManager"> |
<header class="form-group ${css.pluginSearch} plugins-header py-3 px-4 border-bottom" data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginManagerHeader"> |
<input onkeyup="${e => this.filterPlugins(e)}" class="${css.pluginSearchInput} form-control" placeholder="Search" data-id="pluginManagerComponentSearchInput"> |
<button onclick="${_ => this.openLocalPlugin()}" class="${css.pluginSearchButton} btn bg-transparent text-dark border-0 mt-2 text-underline" data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginSearchButton"> |
Connect to a Local Plugin |
</button> |
</header> |
<section data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginManagerSection"> |
${activeTile} |
<div class="list-group list-group-flush plugins-list-group" data-id="pluginManagerComponentActiveTile"> |
${actives.map(profile => this.renderItem(profile))} |
</div> |
${inactiveTile} |
<div class="list-group list-group-flush plugins-list-group" data-id="pluginManagerComponentInactiveTile"> |
${inactives.map(profile => this.renderItem(profile))} |
</div> |
</section> |
${settings} |
</div> |
` |
if (!this.views.root) this.views.root = rootView |
return rootView |
} |
renderComponent () { |
// const rootView = yo`
ReactDOM.render(<RemixUIPluginManager />, this.htmElement) |
// <div id='pluginManager' data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginManager">
// <header class="form-group ${css.pluginSearch} plugins-header py-3 px-4 border-bottom" data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginManagerHeader">
// <input onkeyup="${e => this.filterPlugins(e)}" class="${css.pluginSearchInput} form-control" placeholder="Search" data-id="pluginManagerComponentSearchInput">
// <button onclick="${_ => this.openLocalPlugin()}" class="${css.pluginSearchButton} btn bg-transparent text-dark border-0 mt-2 text-underline" data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginSearchButton">
// Connect to a Local Plugin
// </button>
// </header>
// <section data-id="pluginManagerComponentPluginManagerSection">
// ${activeTile}
// <div class="list-group list-group-flush plugins-list-group" data-id="pluginManagerComponentActiveTile">
// ${actives.map(profile => this.renderItem(profile))}
// </div>
// ${inactiveTile}
// <div class="list-group list-group-flush plugins-list-group" data-id="pluginManagerComponentInactiveTile">
// ${inactives.map(profile => this.renderItem(profile))}
// </div>
// </section>
// ${settings}
// </div>
// `
// if (!this.views.root) this.views.root = rootView
return this.htmlElement |
} |
} |
reRender () { |
// reRender () { --> no needed possibly
if (this.views.root) { |
// if (this.views.root) {
yo.update(this.views.root, this.render()) |
// yo.update(this.views.root, this.render())
} |
// }
} |
// }
filterPlugins ({ target }) { |
// filterPlugins ({ target }) {
this.filter = target.value.toLowerCase() |
// this.filter = target.value.toLowerCase()
this.reRender() |
// this.reRender()
} |
// }
} |
} |
module.exports = PluginManagerComponent |
module.exports = PluginManagerComponent |