@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* global promp t */
/* global aler t */
'use strict'
var $ = require ( 'jquery' )
@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ var EventManager = require('ethereum-remix').lib.EventManager
var crypto = require ( 'crypto' )
var async = require ( 'async' )
var TxRunner = require ( './app/txRunner' )
var helper = require ( './lib/helper' )
var yo = require ( 'yo-yo' )
var txFormat = require ( './app/execution/txFormat' )
var txHelper = require ( './app/execution/txHelper' )
var txExecution = require ( './app/execution/txExecution' )
var helper = require ( './lib/helper' )
// copy to copyToClipboard
const copy = require ( 'clipboard-copy' )
@ -21,88 +24,73 @@ var styleGuide = require('./app/style-guide')
var styles = styleGuide ( )
var css = csjs `
html {
overflow : hidden ;
. options {
float : left ;
padding : 0.7 em 0.3 em ;
font - size : 0.9 em ;
cursor : pointer ;
background - color : transparent ;
margin - right : 0.5 em ;
font - size : 1 em ;
. title extends $ { styles . titleBox } {
cursor : pointer ;
background - color : $ { styles . colors . violet } ;
justify - content : flex - start ;
min - width : 400 px ;
. contract . title : before {
margin - right : 30 % ;
margin - left : 5 % ;
content : "\\25BE" ;
. contract . hidesub . title : before {
margin - right : 30 % ;
margin - left : 5 % ;
content : "\\25B8" ;
. contract . hidesub {
padding - bottom : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
. contract . hidesub > * : not ( . title ) {
display : none ;
. size {
margin - left : 20 % ;
. instanceTitleContainer {
display : flex ;
align - items : center ;
var cssInstance = csjs `
. title {
. title extends $ { styles . dropdown } {
display : flex ;
justify - content : space - around ;
min - width : 400 px ;
align - items : center ;
margin - bottom : 1 em ;
padding : . 3 em ;
font - size : . 95 em ;
cursor : pointer ;
background - color : $ { styles . colors . violet } ;
border : 2 px dotted $ { styles . colors . blue } ;
border - radius : 5 px ;
justify - content : space - between ;
height : 32 px ;
font - size : 11 px ;
width : 100 % ;
overflow : hidden ;
word - break : break - word ;
line - height : initial ;
font - weight : bold ;
background - color : $ { styles . colors . white } ;
. titleText {
margin - right : 1 em ;
word - break : break - all ;
word - break : break - word ;
min - width : 230 px ;
. instance extends $ { styles . displayBox } {
padding : 10 px 15 px 6 px 15 px ;
. instance . title : before {
content : "\\25BE" ;
margin - right : . 5 em ;
margin - left : . 5 em ;
margin - right : 5 % ;
. instance . hidesub . title : before {
content : "\\25B8" ;
margin - right : . 5 em ;
margin - left : . 5 em ;
margin - right : 5 % ;
. instance . hidesub {
padding - bottom : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
. instance . hidesub > * : not ( . title ) {
. instance . hidesub > * {
display : none ;
. copy extends $ { styles . button } {
border : 1 px dotted $ { styles . colors . grey } ;
padding : 0 . 3 em ;
font - weight : bold ;
. instance . hidesub . title {
display : flex ;
. copy {
font - size : 13 px ;
cursor : pointer ;
opacity : 0.8 ;
margin - left : 3 % ;
color : $ { styles . colors . black } ;
opacity : . 5 ;
. copy : hover {
opacity : . 7 ;
opacity : 1 ;
. buttonsContainer {
margin - top : 2 % ;
display : flex ;
. instanceButton { }
. closeIcon {
font - size : 10 px ;
position : relative ;
top : - 5 px ;
right : - 2 px ;
. udappClose {
margin - left : 3 % ;
align - self : center ;
@ -114,12 +102,10 @@ function UniversalDApp (executionContext, options) {
var self = this
self . options = options || { }
self . $ el = $ ( '<div class="udapp" />' )
self . el = yo ` <div class="udapp"></div> `
self . personalMode = self . options . personalMode || false
self . contracts
self . transactionContextAPI
var defaultRenderOutputModifier = function ( name , content ) { return content }
self . renderOutputModifier = defaultRenderOutputModifier
self . web3 = executionContext . web3 ( )
self . vm = executionContext . vm ( )
self . executionContext = executionContext
@ -132,11 +118,10 @@ function UniversalDApp (executionContext, options) {
} )
UniversalDApp . prototype . reset = function ( contracts , transactionContextAPI , renderer ) {
this . $ el. empty ( )
UniversalDApp . prototype . reset = function ( contracts , transactionContextAPI ) {
this . el . innerHTML = ''
this . contracts = contracts
this . transactionContextAPI = transactionContextAPI
this . renderOutputModifier = renderer
this . accounts = { }
if ( this . executionContext . isVM ( ) ) {
this . _addAccount ( '3cd7232cd6f3fc66a57a6bedc1a8ed6c228fff0a327e169c2bcc5e869ed49511' )
@ -234,139 +219,29 @@ UniversalDApp.prototype.getBalance = function (address, cb) {
UniversalDApp . prototype . render = function ( ) {
var self = this
// NOTE: don't display anything if there are no contracts to display
if ( self . contracts . length === 0 ) {
return self . $el
var $legend = $ ( '<div class="legend" />' )
. append ( $ ( '<div class="publish"/>' ) . text ( 'Publish' ) )
. append ( $ ( '<div class="attach"/>' ) . text ( 'Attach' ) )
. append ( $ ( '<div class="transact"/>' ) . text ( 'Transact' ) )
. append ( $ ( '<div class="payable"/>' ) . text ( 'Transact(Payable)' ) )
. append ( $ ( '<div class="call"/>' ) . text ( 'Call' ) )
self . $el . append ( $legend )
for ( var c in self . contracts ) {
var $contractEl = $ ( ` <div class="contract ${ css . contract } "/> ` )
if ( self . contracts [ c ] . address ) {
self . getInstanceInterface ( self . contracts [ c ] , self . contracts [ c ] . address , $contractEl )
} else {
var $title = $ ( ` <span class=" ${ css . title } "/> ` ) . text ( self . contracts [ c ] . name )
$title . click ( function ( ev ) { $ ( this ) . closest ( ` . ${ css . contract } ` ) . toggleClass ( ` ${ css . hidesub } ` ) } )
if ( self . contracts [ c ] . bytecode ) {
$title . append ( $ ( ` <div class=" ${ css . size } "></div> ` ) . text ( ( self . contracts [ c ] . bytecode . length / 2 ) + ' bytes' ) )
$contractEl . append ( $title ) . append ( self . getCreateInterface ( $contractEl , self . contracts [ c ] ) )
self . $el . append ( self . renderOutputModifier ( self . contracts [ c ] . name , $contractEl ) )
return self . $el
UniversalDApp . prototype . getContractByName = function ( contractName ) {
var self = this
for ( var c in self . contracts ) {
if ( self . contracts [ c ] . name === contractName ) {
return self . contracts [ c ]
return null
UniversalDApp . prototype . getCreateInterface = function ( $container , contract ) {
function remove ( ) {
self . $el . remove ( )
var self = this
var createInterface = yo ` <div class="create"></div> `
if ( self . options . removable ) {
var close = yo ` <div class="udapp-close" onclick= ${ remove } ></div> `
createInterface . appendChild ( close )
var $publishButton = $ ( ` <button class="publishContract"/> ` ) . text ( 'Publish' ) . click ( function ( ) { self . event . trigger ( 'publishContract' , [ contract ] ) } )
createInterface . appendChild ( $publishButton . get ( 0 ) )
var $atButton = $ ( '<button class="atAddress"/>' ) . text ( 'At Address' ) . click ( function ( ) { self . clickContractAt ( self , $container . find ( '.createContract' ) , contract ) } )
createInterface . appendChild ( $atButton . get ( 0 ) )
var $newButton = self . getInstanceInterface ( contract )
if ( ! $newButton ) {
return createInterface
createInterface . appendChild ( $newButton )
// Only display creation interface for non-abstract contracts.
// FIXME: maybe have a flag for this in the JSON?
// FIXME: maybe fix getInstanceInterface() below for this case
if ( contract . bytecode . length === 0 ) {
var $createButton = $newButton . querySelector ( '.constructor .call' )
// NOTE: we must show the button to have CSS properly lined up
$createButton . innerText = 'Create'
$createButton . setAttribute ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' )
$createButton . setAttribute ( 'title' , 'This contract does not implement all functions and thus cannot be created.' )
if ( ( contract . metadata === undefined ) || ( contract . metadata . length === 0 ) ) {
$publishButton . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' )
$publishButton . attr ( 'title' , 'This contract does not implement all functions and thus cannot be published.' )
return createInterface
UniversalDApp . prototype . getInstanceInterface = function ( contract , address , $target ) {
var self = this
var abi = JSON . parse ( contract . interface ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
if ( a . name > b . name ) {
return - 1
} else {
return 1
} ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
if ( a . constant === true ) {
return - 1
} else {
return 1
} )
var funABI = self . getConstructorInterface ( abi )
if ( ! funABI ) {
var createInterface = yo ` <div class="createContract"></div> `
var appendFunctions = function ( address , $el ) {
if ( $el ) $el = $el . get ( 0 )
// TODO this function was named before "appendChild".
// this will render an instance: contract name, contract address, and all the public functions
// basically this has to be called for the "atAddress" (line 393) and when a contract creation succeed
// this returns a DOM element
UniversalDApp . prototype . renderInstance = function ( contract , address , contractName ) {
function remove ( ) { $instance . remove ( ) }
var $instance = $ ( ` <div class="instance ${ cssInstance . instance } "/> ` )
if ( self . options . removable _instances ) {
var close = yo ` <div class="udapp-close" onclick= ${ remove } ></div> `
$instance . get ( 0 ) . appendChild ( close )
var context = self . executionContext . isVM ( ) ? 'memory' : 'blockchain'
var $instance = $ ( ` <div class="instance ${ css . instance } "/> ` )
var context = this . executionContext . isVM ( ) ? 'memory' : 'blockchain'
address = ( address . slice ( 0 , 2 ) === '0x' ? '' : '0x' ) + address . toString ( 'hex' )
var shortAddress = helper . shortenAddress ( address )
var title = yo `
< div class = "${cssInstance.title}" onclick = $ { toggleClass } >
< div class = "${cssInstance.titleText}" > $ { contract . name } at $ { shortAddress } ( $ { context } ) < / d i v >
< div class = "${cssInstance.copy}" onclick = $ { copyToClipboard } > < i class = "fa fa-clipboard" aria - hidden = "true" > < / i > C o p y a d d r e s s < / d i v >
< / d i v >
var title = yo ` <div class=" ${ css . title } " onclick= ${ toggleClass } >
< div class = "${css.titleText}" > $ { contractName } at $ { shortAddress } ( $ { context } ) < / d i v >
< i class = "fa fa-clipboard ${css.copy}" aria - hidden = "true" onclick = $ { copyToClipboard } title = 'Copy to clipboard' > < / i >
< / d i v > `
if ( this . options . removable _instances ) {
var close = yo ` <div class=" ${ css . udappClose } " onclick= ${ remove } ><i class=" ${ css . closeIcon } fa fa-close" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> `
title . appendChild ( close )
function toggleClass ( ) {
$instance . toggleClass ( ` ${ cssInstance . hidesub } ` )
$instance . toggleClass ( ` ${ css . hidesub } ` )
function copyToClipboard ( event ) {
@ -383,7 +258,7 @@ UniversalDApp.prototype.getInstanceInterface = function (contract, address, $tar
var $event = $ ( '<div class="event" />' )
var close = yo ` <div class="udapp-close" onclick= ${ remove } ></div> `
var close = yo ` <div class="udapp-close" onclick= ${ remove } ><i class=" ${ css . closeIcon } fa fa-close" aria-hidden="true"></i ></div>`
function remove ( ) { $event . remove ( ) }
$event . append ( $ ( '<span class="name"/>' ) . text ( response . event ) )
@ -392,10 +267,10 @@ UniversalDApp.prototype.getInstanceInterface = function (contract, address, $tar
$events . append ( $event )
if ( self . executionContext . isVM ( ) ) {
var abi = txHelper . sortAbiFunction ( contract )
if ( this . executionContext . isVM ( ) ) {
// FIXME: support indexed events
var eventABI = { }
$ . each ( abi , function ( i , funABI ) {
if ( funABI . type !== 'event' ) {
@ -405,7 +280,7 @@ UniversalDApp.prototype.getInstanceInterface = function (contract, address, $tar
eventABI [ hash . toString ( 'hex' ) ] = { event : funABI . name , inputs : funABI . inputs }
} )
self . vm . on ( 'afterTx' , function ( response ) {
this . vm . on ( 'afterTx' , function ( response ) {
for ( var i in response . vm . logs ) {
// [address, topics, mem]
var log = response . vm . logs [ i ]
@ -428,415 +303,98 @@ UniversalDApp.prototype.getInstanceInterface = function (contract, address, $tar
} )
} else {
var eventFilter = self . web3 . eth . contract ( abi ) . at ( address ) . allEvents ( )
var eventFilter = this . web3 . eth . contract ( abi ) . at ( address ) . allEvents ( )
eventFilter . watch ( parseLogs )
$instance . get ( 0 ) . appendChild ( title )
// Add the fallback function
var fallback = self . getFallbackInterface ( abi )
var fallback = txHelper . getFallbackInterface ( abi )
if ( fallback ) {
$instance . append ( self . getCallButton ( {
abi : fallback ,
encode : function ( args ) {
return ''
} ,
address : address
$instance . append ( this . getCallButton ( {
funABI : fallback ,
address : address ,
contractAbi : abi
} ) )
$ . each ( abi , function ( i , funABI ) {
$ . each ( abi , ( i , funABI ) => {
if ( funABI . type !== 'function' ) {
// @todo getData cannot be used with overloaded functions
$instance . append ( self . getCallButton ( {
abi : funABI ,
encode : function ( args ) {
var types = [ ]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < funABI . inputs . length ; i ++ ) {
types . push ( funABI . inputs [ i ] . type )
return Buffer . concat ( [ ethJSABI . methodID ( funABI . name , types ) , ethJSABI . rawEncode ( types , args ) ] ) . toString ( 'hex' )
} ,
address : address
$instance . append ( this . getCallButton ( {
funABI : funABI ,
address : address ,
contractAbi : abi
} ) )
} )
$el = $el || createInterface
$el . appendChild ( $instance . append ( $events ) . get ( 0 ) )
if ( ! address || ! $target ) {
createInterface . appendChild ( self . getCallButton ( {
abi : funABI ,
encode : function ( args ) {
var types = [ ]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < funABI . inputs . length ; i ++ ) {
types . push ( funABI . inputs [ i ] . type )
// NOTE: the caller will concatenate the bytecode and this
// it could be done here too for consistency
return ethJSABI . rawEncode ( types , args ) . toString ( 'hex' )
} ,
contractName : contract . name ,
bytecode : contract . bytecode ,
appendFunctions : appendFunctions
} ) . get ( 0 ) )
} else {
appendFunctions ( address , $target )
return createInterface
UniversalDApp . prototype . getConstructorInterface = function ( abi ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < abi . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( abi [ i ] . type === 'constructor' ) {
return abi [ i ]
return { 'type' : 'constructor' , 'payable' : false , 'inputs' : [ ] }
UniversalDApp . prototype . getFallbackInterface = function ( abi ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < abi . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( abi [ i ] . type === 'fallback' ) {
return abi [ i ]
$instance . append ( $events )
return $instance . get ( 0 )
// TODO this is used by renderInstance when a new instance is displayed.
// this returns a DOM element.
UniversalDApp . prototype . getCallButton = function ( args ) {
var self = this
// args.abi, args.encode, args.bytecode [constr only], args.address [fun only]
// args.contractName [constr only], args.appendFunctions [constr only]
var isConstructor = args . bytecode !== undefined
var lookupOnly = ( args . abi . constant && ! isConstructor )
// args.funABI, args.address [fun only]
// args.contractName [constr only]
var lookupOnly = args . funABI . constant
var inputs = ''
if ( args . abi . inputs ) {
$ . each ( args . abi . inputs , function ( i , inp ) {
if ( inputs !== '' ) {
inputs += ', '
inputs += inp . type + ' ' + inp . name
} )
if ( args . funABI . inputs ) {
inputs = txHelper . inputParametersDeclarationToString ( args . funABI . inputs )
var inputField = $ ( '<input/>' ) . attr ( 'placeholder' , inputs ) . attr ( 'title' , inputs )
var $outputOverride = $ ( '<div class="value" />' )
var outputSpan = $ ( '<div class="output"/>' )
var getReturnOutput = function ( result ) {
var returnName = lookupOnly ? 'Value' : 'Result'
var returnCls = lookupOnly ? 'value' : 'returned'
return $ ( '<div class="' + returnCls + '">' ) . html ( '<strong>' + returnName + ':</strong> ' + JSON . stringify ( result , null , 2 ) )
var getDebugTransaction = function ( result ) {
var $debugTx = $ ( '<div class="debugTx">' )
var $button = $ ( '<button title="Launch Debugger" class="debug"><i class="fa fa-bug"></i> Launch debugger </button>' )
$button . click ( function ( ) {
self . event . trigger ( 'debugRequested' , [ result ] )
} )
$debugTx . append ( $button )
return $debugTx
var getDebugCall = function ( result ) {
var $debugTx = $ ( '<div class="debugCall">' )
var $button = $ ( '<button title="Launch Debugger" class="debug"><i class="fa fa-bug"></i> Launch debugger </button>' )
$button . click ( function ( ) {
self . event . trigger ( 'debugRequested' , [ result ] )
} )
$debugTx . append ( $button )
return $debugTx
var getGasUsedOutput = function ( result , vmResult ) {
var $gasUsed = $ ( '<div class="gasUsed"></div>' )
var caveat = lookupOnly ? '<em>(<span class="caveat" title="Cost only applies when called by a contract">caveat</span>)</em>' : ''
var gas
if ( result . gasUsed ) {
gas = result . gasUsed . toString ( 10 )
$gasUsed . html ( '<strong>Transaction cost:</strong> ' + gas + ' gas. ' + caveat )
if ( vmResult && vmResult . gasUsed ) {
var $callGasUsed = $ ( '<div class="gasUsed">' )
gas = vmResult . gasUsed . toString ( 10 )
$callGasUsed . append ( '<strong>Execution cost:</strong> ' + gas + ' gas.' )
$gasUsed . append ( $callGasUsed )
return $gasUsed
var getDecodedOutput = function ( result ) {
var $decoded
if ( Array . isArray ( result ) ) {
$decoded = $ ( '<ol>' )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < result . length ; i ++ ) {
$decoded . append ( $ ( '<li>' ) . text ( result [ i ] ) )
} else {
$decoded = result
return $ ( '<div class="decoded">' ) . html ( '<strong>Decoded:</strong> ' ) . append ( $decoded )
var getOutput = function ( ) {
var $result = $ ( '<div class="result" />' )
var close = yo ` <div class="udapp-close" onclick= ${ remove } ></div> `
function remove ( ) { $result . remove ( ) }
$result . get ( 0 ) . appendChild ( close )
return $result
var clearOutput = function ( $result ) {
$ ( ':not(.udapp-close)' , $result ) . remove ( )
var replaceOutput = function ( $result , message ) {
clearOutput ( $result )
$result . append ( message )
var handleCallButtonClick = function ( ev , $result ) {
if ( ! $result ) {
$result = getOutput ( )
if ( lookupOnly && ! inputs . length ) {
$outputOverride . empty ( ) . append ( $result )
} else {
outputSpan . append ( $result )
var funArgs = ''
try {
funArgs = $ . parseJSON ( '[' + inputField . val ( ) + ']' )
} catch ( e ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( 'Error encoding arguments: ' + e ) )
var data = ''
if ( ! isConstructor || funArgs . length > 0 ) {
try {
data = args . encode ( funArgs )
} catch ( e ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( 'Error encoding arguments: ' + e ) )
if ( data . slice ( 0 , 9 ) === 'undefined' ) {
data = data . slice ( 9 )
if ( data . slice ( 0 , 2 ) === '0x' ) {
data = data . slice ( 2 )
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span>Waiting for transaction to be mined...</span>' ) )
if ( isConstructor ) {
if ( args . bytecode . indexOf ( '_' ) >= 0 ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span>Deploying and linking required libraries...</span>' ) )
self . linkBytecode ( args . contractName , function ( err , bytecode ) {
if ( err ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( 'Error deploying required libraries: ' + err ) )
} else {
args . bytecode = bytecode
handleCallButtonClick ( ev , $result )
} )
} else {
data = args . bytecode + data
var decodeResponse = function ( response ) {
// Only decode if there supposed to be fields
if ( args . abi . outputs && args . abi . outputs . length > 0 ) {
try {
var i
var outputTypes = [ ]
for ( i = 0 ; i < args . abi . outputs . length ; i ++ ) {
outputTypes . push ( args . abi . outputs [ i ] . type )
// decode data
var decodedObj = ethJSABI . rawDecode ( outputTypes , response )
// format decoded data
decodedObj = ethJSABI . stringify ( outputTypes , decodedObj )
for ( i = 0 ; i < outputTypes . length ; i ++ ) {
var name = args . abi . outputs [ i ] . name
if ( name . length > 0 ) {
decodedObj [ i ] = outputTypes [ i ] + ' ' + name + ': ' + decodedObj [ i ]
} else {
decodedObj [ i ] = outputTypes [ i ] + ': ' + decodedObj [ i ]
return getDecodedOutput ( decodedObj )
} catch ( e ) {
return getDecodedOutput ( 'Failed to decode output: ' + e )
var decoded
self . runTx ( { to : args . address , data : data , useCall : lookupOnly } , function ( err , txResult ) {
self . event . trigger ( 'transactionExecuted' , [ args . address , data , lookupOnly , txResult ] )
if ( ! txResult ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( 'callback contain no result ' + err ) . addClass ( 'error' ) )
var result = txResult . result
if ( err ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( err ) . addClass ( 'error' ) )
// VM only
} else if ( self . executionContext . isVM ( ) && result . vm . exception === 0 && result . vm . exceptionError ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( 'Exception during execution. (' + result . vm . exceptionError + '). Please debug the transaction for more information.' ) . addClass ( 'error' ) )
$result . append ( getDebugTransaction ( txResult ) )
// VM only
} else if ( self . executionContext . isVM ( ) && result . vm . return === undefined ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( 'Exception during execution. Please debug the transaction for more information.' ) . addClass ( 'error' ) )
$result . append ( getDebugTransaction ( txResult ) )
} else if ( isConstructor ) {
replaceOutput ( $result , getGasUsedOutput ( result , result . vm ) )
$result . append ( getDebugTransaction ( txResult ) )
args . appendFunctions ( self . executionContext . isVM ( ) ? result . createdAddress : result . contractAddress )
} else if ( self . executionContext . isVM ( ) ) {
var outputObj = '0x' + result . vm . return . toString ( 'hex' )
clearOutput ( $result )
$result . append ( getReturnOutput ( outputObj ) ) . append ( getGasUsedOutput ( result , result . vm ) )
decoded = decodeResponse ( result . vm . return )
if ( decoded ) {
$result . append ( decoded )
if ( lookupOnly ) {
$result . append ( getDebugCall ( txResult ) )
} else {
$result . append ( getDebugTransaction ( txResult ) )
} else if ( lookupOnly ) {
clearOutput ( $result )
$result . append ( getReturnOutput ( result ) ) . append ( getGasUsedOutput ( { } ) )
decoded = decodeResponse ( ethJSUtil . toBuffer ( result ) )
if ( decoded ) {
$result . append ( decoded )
} else {
clearOutput ( $result )
$result . append ( getReturnOutput ( result ) ) . append ( getGasUsedOutput ( result ) )
$result . append ( getDebugTransaction ( txResult ) )
} )
var title
if ( isConstructor ) {
title = 'Create'
} else if ( args . abi . name ) {
title = args . abi . name
if ( args . funABI . name ) {
title = args . funABI . name
} else {
title = '(fallback)'
var button = $ ( '<button />' )
var button = $ ( ` <button class=" ${ css . instanceButton } "/> ` )
. addClass ( 'call' )
. attr ( 'title' , title )
. text ( title )
. click ( handleCallButtonClick )
if ( lookupOnly && ! inputs . length ) {
handleCallButtonClick ( )
. click ( ( ) => {
txFormat . buildData ( args . contractAbi , self . contracts , false , args . funABI , inputField . val ( ) , self , self . executionContext , ( error , data ) => {
if ( ! error ) {
txExecution . callFunction ( args . address , data , args . funABI , self , ( error , txResult ) => {
// TODO here should send the result to the dom-console
console . log ( 'function call' , error , txResult )
alert ( error + ' ' + txResult . transactionHash )
} )
} else {
alert ( error )
} )
} )
// TODO the auto call to constant function has been removed. needs to readd it later.
var $contractProperty = $ ( '<div class="contractProperty"/>' )
var $contractProperty = $ ( ` <div class="contractProperty ${ css . buttonsContainer } "></div> ` )
. append ( button )
. append ( ( lookupOnly && ! inputs . length ) ? $outputOverride : inputField )
if ( isConstructor ) {
$contractProperty . addClass ( 'constructor' )
if ( lookupOnly ) {
$contractProperty . addClass ( 'constant' )
if ( args . abi . inputs && args . abi . inputs . length > 0 ) {
if ( args . funABI . inputs && args . funABI . inputs . length > 0 ) {
$contractProperty . addClass ( 'hasArgs' )
if ( args . abi . payable === true ) {
if ( args . funABI . payable === true ) {
$contractProperty . addClass ( 'payable' )
return $contractProperty . append ( outputSpan )
UniversalDApp . prototype . linkBytecode = function ( contractName , cb ) {
var self = this
var bytecode = self . getContractByName ( contractName ) . bytecode
if ( bytecode . indexOf ( '_' ) < 0 ) {
return cb ( null , bytecode )
var m = bytecode . match ( /__([^_]{1,36})__/ )
if ( ! m ) {
return cb ( 'Invalid bytecode format.' )
var libraryName = m [ 1 ]
if ( ! self . getContractByName ( libraryName ) ) {
return cb ( 'Library ' + libraryName + ' not found.' )
self . deployLibrary ( libraryName , function ( err , address ) {
if ( err ) {
return cb ( err )
var libLabel = '__' + libraryName + Array ( 39 - libraryName . length ) . join ( '_' )
var hexAddress = address . toString ( 'hex' )
if ( hexAddress . slice ( 0 , 2 ) === '0x' ) {
hexAddress = hexAddress . slice ( 2 )
hexAddress = Array ( 40 - hexAddress . length + 1 ) . join ( '0' ) + hexAddress
while ( bytecode . indexOf ( libLabel ) >= 0 ) {
bytecode = bytecode . replace ( libLabel , hexAddress )
self . getContractByName ( contractName ) . bytecode = bytecode
self . linkBytecode ( contractName , cb )
} )
UniversalDApp . prototype . deployLibrary = function ( contractName , cb ) {
var self = this
if ( self . getContractByName ( contractName ) . address ) {
return cb ( null , self . getContractByName ( contractName ) . address )
var bytecode = self . getContractByName ( contractName ) . bytecode
if ( bytecode . indexOf ( '_' ) >= 0 ) {
self . linkBytecode ( contractName , function ( err , bytecode ) {
if ( err ) cb ( err )
else self . deployLibrary ( contractName , cb )
} )
} else {
self . runTx ( { data : bytecode , useCall : false } , function ( err , txResult ) {
if ( err ) {
return cb ( err )
var address = self . executionContext . isVM ( ) ? txResult . result . createdAddress : txResult . result . contractAddress
self . getContractByName ( contractName ) . address = address
cb ( err , address )
} )
UniversalDApp . prototype . clickContractAt = function ( self , $output , contract ) {
var address = prompt ( 'What Address is this contract at in the Blockchain? ie: 0xdeadbeaf...' )
self . getInstanceInterface ( contract , address , $output )
return $contractProperty
UniversalDApp . prototype . runTx = function ( args , cb ) {