@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import React from 'react'
import React , { useState } from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import { ViewPlugin } from '@remixproject/engine-web'
import { PluginViewWrapper } from '@remix-ui/helper'
import { RemixAppManager } from '../../remixAppManager'
import { RemixUIGridView } from '@remix-ui/remix-ui-grid-view'
import { RemixUIGridSection } from '@remix-ui/remix-ui-grid-section'
import { RemixUIGridCell } from '@remix-ui/remix-ui-grid-cell'
import { ThemeKeys , ThemeObject } from '@microlink/react-json-view '
import * as Data from './remixGuideData.json '
const _paq = ( window . _paq = window . _paq || [ ] )
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ const profile = {
displayName : 'Remix Guide' ,
description : 'Learn remix with videos' ,
location : 'mainPanel' ,
methods : [ 'showDetails' ] ,
events : [ ]
@ -24,13 +23,22 @@ export class RemixGuidePlugin extends ViewPlugin {
appManager : RemixAppManager
element : HTMLDivElement
payload : any
themeStyle : any
theme : ThemeKeys | ThemeObject
showVideo : boolean
videoID : string
handleKeyDown : any
handleEscape : any
//sectionToExpandedCell: [string, string][]; // Array of pairs where key is the section name and the second value is the name of the cell
constructor ( appManager : RemixAppManager ) {
super ( profile )
this . appManager = appManager
this . element = document . createElement ( 'div' )
this . element . setAttribute ( 'id' , 'remixGuideEl' )
this . payload = {
sectionToExpandedCell : [ [ '' , '' ] ] ,
data : { }
async onActivation() {
@ -38,24 +46,24 @@ export class RemixGuidePlugin extends ViewPlugin {
await this . call ( 'tabs' , 'focus' , 'remixGuide' )
this . renderComponent ( )
_paq . push ( [ 'trackEvent' , 'plugin' , 'activated' , 'remixGuide' ] )
// Read the data
this . payload . data = Data
this . handleKeyDown = ( event ) = > {
console . log ( "key down" )
if ( event . key === 'Escape' ) {
this . showVideo = false
this . renderComponent ( )
onDeactivation ( ) : void {
document . addEventListener ( 'keydown' , this . handleKeyDown ) ;
async showDetails ( sentPayload : any ) {
const contractName = Object . entries ( sentPayload ) . find ( ( [ key , value ] ) = > key )
await this . call ( 'tabs' , 'focus' , 'remixGuide' )
this . profile . displayName = ` ${ contractName [ 0 ] } `
this . payload = sentPayload
const active = await this . call ( 'theme' , 'currentTheme' )
this . renderComponent ( )
onDeactivation ( ) : void {
document . removeEventListener ( 'keydown' , this . handleKeyDown ) ;
private handleThemeChange() {
this . on ( 'theme' , 'themeChanged' , ( theme : any ) = > {
this . renderComponent ( )
} )
@ -64,6 +72,7 @@ export class RemixGuidePlugin extends ViewPlugin {
this . dispatch = dispatch
this . renderComponent ( )
render() {
return (
< div className = "bg-dark" id = "remixGuide" >
@ -76,13 +85,14 @@ export class RemixGuidePlugin extends ViewPlugin {
this . dispatch ( {
. . . this ,
. . . this . payload ,
themeStyle : this.themeStyle ,
theme : this.theme
showVideo : this.showVideo ,
videoID : this.videoID
} )
updateComponent ( state : any ) {
return (
< div className = 'd-flex' >
< RemixUIGridView
plugin = { this }
styleList = { "" }
@ -99,145 +109,62 @@ export class RemixGuidePlugin extends ViewPlugin {
[ 'vyper' , 'info' ] ,
[ 'L2' , 'danger' ]
] }
title = 'Remix Guide'
description = "Streamlined access to categorized video tutorials for mastering Remix IDE. From fundamentals to advanced techniques, level up your development skills with ease."
title = { Data . title }
description = { Data . description }
< RemixUIGridSection
{ Data . sections . map ( section = > {
return < RemixUIGridSection
plugin = { this }
title = 'Basics'
title = { section . title }
hScrollable = { true }
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "first item"
tagList = { [ 'L2' , 'AI' ] }
logo = '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp'
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "next"
pinned = { true }
tagList = { [ 'L2' , 'plugins' ] }
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell > < RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "something"
pinned = { false }
tagList = { [ 'solidity' , 'plugins' ] }
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
tagList = { [ 'solidity' ] }
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell > < RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
{ section . cells . map ( cell = > {
return < RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "Something very very long"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell > < RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< / RemixUIGridSection >
< RemixUIGridSection
plugin = { this }
title = 'Basics not scrollable'
hScrollable = { false }
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "first item"
logo = '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp'
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "next"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell > < RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "something"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell > < RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell > < RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
< RemixUIGridCell
plugin = { this }
title = "1"
title = { cell . title }
tagList = { cell . tagList }
expandViewEl = {
cell . expandViewElement
handleExpand = { ( ) = > {
this . showVideo = true
this . videoID = cell . expandViewElement . videoID
this . renderComponent ( )
} }
logo = { cell . expandViewElement . logo }
< img src = { '/assets/img/soliditySurvey2023.webp' } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } alt = "" > < / img >
< img src = { "//img.youtube.com/vi/" + this . videoID + "/0.jpg" } style = { { height : '70px' , width : '70px' } } > < / img >
< / RemixUIGridCell >
} ) }
< / RemixUIGridSection >
} ) }
< / RemixUIGridView >
{ state . showVideo && < div
data - id = { ` EnterModalDialogContainer-react ` }
data - backdrop = "static"
data - keyboard = "false"
className = { "modal d-flex" }
role = "dialog"
style = { { justifyContent : "center" } }
< div className = "align-self-center pb-4" role = "document" >
< div
tabIndex = { - 1 }
className = { 'modal-content remixModalContent mb-4' }
< div className = "text-break remixModalBody d-flex flex-column p-3 justify-content-between" data - id = { ` EnterModalDialogModalBody-react ` } >
< iframe style = { { minHeight : "500px" , minWidth : "1000px" } } width = "1000" height = "500" src = { "https://www.youtube.com/embed/" + this . videoID + "?si=ZdckOaSPR7VsLj_2" } allowFullScreen > < / iframe >
< / div >
< div className = "modal-footer d-flex flex-column" >
< button onClick = { ( ) = > {
this . showVideo = false
this . renderComponent ( )
} } > Close < / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div > }
< / div >