@ -1142,53 +1142,53 @@ export function Workspace() {
< / Dropdown >
< / span >
) : null }
< span className = "d-flex" >
< label className = "pl-2 form-check-label" style = { { wordBreak : 'keep-all' } } >
{ ( platform == appPlatformTypes . desktop ) ? (
< ElectronWorkspaceName plugin = { global . plugin } path = { global . fs . browser . currentLocalFilePath } / >
) : < FormattedMessage id = 'filePanel.workspace' / > }
< / label >
{ selectedWorkspace && selectedWorkspace . name === 'code-sample' && < CustomTooltip
placement = "right"
tooltipId = "saveCodeSample"
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "filePanel.saveCodeSample" / > }
< i onClick = { ( ) = > saveSampleCodeWorkspace ( ) } className = "far fa-exclamation-triangle text-warning ml-2 align-self-center" aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >
< / CustomTooltip > }
{ selectedWorkspace && selectedWorkspace . isGist && < CopyToClipboard tip = { 'Copy Gist ID to clipboard' } getContent = { ( ) = > selectedWorkspace . isGist } direction = "bottom" icon = "far fa-copy" >
< i className = "remixui_copyIcon ml-2 fab fa-github text-info" aria - hidden = "true" style = { { fontSize : '1.1rem' , cursor : 'pointer' } } > < / i >
< / CopyToClipboard >
< / span >
< span className = "d-flex" >
! state . loggedInGithub && < CustomTooltip
< div className = 'd-flex w-100 justify-content-between' >
< span className = "d-flex" >
< label className = "pl-2 form-check-label" style = { { wordBreak : 'keep-all' } } >
{ ( platform == appPlatformTypes . desktop ) ? (
< ElectronWorkspaceName plugin = { global . plugin } path = { global . fs . browser . currentLocalFilePath } / >
) : < FormattedMessage id = 'filePanel.workspace' / > }
< / label >
{ selectedWorkspace && selectedWorkspace . name === 'code-sample' && < CustomTooltip
placement = "right"
tooltipId = "githubNotLogged "
tooltipId = "saveCodeSample"
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "filePanel.logInGithub " / > }
tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "filePanel.saveCodeSample" / > }
< i onClick = { ( ) = > logInGithub ( ) } className = "fa-brands fa-github-alt text-success ml-2 align-self-center" style = { { fontSize : '1.1rem' } } aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >
< / CustomTooltip >
! state . loggedInGithub && < span onClick = { ( ) = > logInGithub ( ) } className = "ml-1 text-success" > Sign in < / span >
< i onClick = { ( ) = > saveSampleCodeWorkspace ( ) } className = "far fa-exclamation-triangle text-warning ml-2 align-self-center" aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >
< / CustomTooltip > }
state . loggedInGithub && < CustomTooltip
placement = "right"
tooltipId = "githubLoggedIn"
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipText = { state . githubUser && intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'filePanel.gitHubLoggedAs' } , { githubuser : state.githubUser.login } ) || '' }
< img width = { 20 } height = { 20 } data - id = { ` connected-img- ${ state . githubUser && state . githubUser . login } ` } src = { state . githubUser && state . githubUser . avatar_url } className = "remixui_avatar_user ml-2" / >
< / CustomTooltip >
{ selectedWorkspace && selectedWorkspace . isGist && < CopyToClipboard tip = { 'Copy Gist ID to clipboard' } getContent = { ( ) = > selectedWorkspace . isGist } direction = "bottom" icon = "far fa-copy" >
< i className = "remixui_copyIcon ml-2 fab fa-github text-info" aria - hidden = "true" style = { { fontSize : '1.1rem' , cursor : 'pointer' } } > < / i >
< / CopyToClipboard >
< / span >
< span className = "d-flex" >
! state . loggedInGithub && < CustomTooltip
placement = "right"
tooltipId = "githubNotLogged"
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipText = { < FormattedMessage id = "filePanel.logInGithub" / > }
< div className = 'd-flex' >
< i onClick = { ( ) = > logInGithub ( ) } className = "fa-brands fa-github-alt text-success ml-2 align-self-center" style = { { fontSize : '1.1rem' } } aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >
< span onClick = { ( ) = > logInGithub ( ) } className = "ml-1 text-success" > Sign in < / span >
< / div >
< / CustomTooltip >
state . loggedInGithub && < CustomTooltip
placement = "right"
tooltipId = "githubLoggedIn"
tooltipClasses = "text-nowrap"
tooltipText = { state . githubUser && intl . formatMessage ( { id : 'filePanel.gitHubLoggedAs' } , { githubuser : state.githubUser.login } ) || '' }
< img width = { 20 } height = { 20 } data - id = { ` connected-img- ${ state . githubUser && state . githubUser . login } ` } src = { state . githubUser && state . githubUser . avatar_url } className = "remixui_avatar_user ml-2" / >
< / CustomTooltip >
< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = 'mx-2' >
{ ( platform !== appPlatformTypes . desktop ) ? (